Assignment 7 Petrus Eko Widiyono 2

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NAMA : Petrus Eko Widiyono

Student No : C1A019169
ID Foto :


Hereby, I’m Petrus Eko Widiyono declare that this assignment is truly my own.I agree my score be
canceled if my lecturer finds out that this assignment was not mine.

Signature :

: March 15, 2020
In this modern life, humans are very dependent on mobile phones that are created to
help human daily life. Good for work or entertainment. In this case, humans have also begun
to stick to and depend on mobile phones, as if living in cyberspace. Almost all people in the
world cannot be separated from mobile phones, in all activities inside the house and outside
the house always holding a cellphone such as getting up to sleep checking mobile, when
eating checking phone, when going to sleep checking phone even not infrequently defecating
carrying phone. Though it is very clear the negative impact caused by addiction to mobile
phones like us being anti-social, we have forgotten the time, decreased eye health and others.
According to a research against 1,000 people in United Kingdom, there is 66 % of people fear
losing or leaving without their phone at time. In other features, they are anxious when they
are not able to find their phone and obsessively checking their phone.

Based on video, people only focus on their lives in cyberspace, without caring about
their own true life itself. It is tragic to see that, playing phone until did not realize what was
happened around. Even phone as if kill human every time. Looking for the latest posting
material to be uploaded on social media. Do not stop looking for posting material even
though it is not necessarily the truth. As if, the tolerance towards others has disappeared just
because one object in the grip. A sense of humanity seemed to be swallowed up by the rush
of typing letters on phone.

Therefore, as a social creature we should look after to the environments, living an

attitude of tolerance each other. Start using the phone if it is necessary. Do not use all the
time, but setting your own schedule for using phones, because if it does not start from us,
there is no else.

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