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ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER May. 1919 The True Wireless By NIKOLA TESLA Written Exclusively for The Electrical Experimenter proved appliances. Similar phenomena were hoted, greatly magnined. in intensity, bot they were. susceptible of a different. and more plausible explanation, I considered this so important that in 1802 I went to Bono, Germans, te center vith, Dr. Herts Tepard to my observations. He seeme disappointed to such a dezree that I re~ sretied my trip and parted from bim sor- Fowfully. During the succeeding ‘ears made numerous experiments with the same object, but the results were uniformly nega tive. In 1900, however, after I had evolved a Wireless transmitter which enabled "me to obtain electro-magnetic acti ities of many millions of horse-power, I made a last des erate attempt to prove that the disturb- ances emanating from the oscillator were tether vibrations akin to those of light. but met again with utter failure. For more than eighteen years I have been reading treat ises, reports of scientific transactions, and articles on Hertz-wave telegraphs. to keep application of these radiati pose was quite obvious. When Dr. Hertz Wwas asked" whether such a. system. would be of practical value, he did not think, $0, and he sas correct in his forceast. The best that micht have been expected was a method of communication ‘similar to the VER since the announcement of = for the pur. Maxwell's electro-masnetic theory Scientific investigators all the world over had been bent on its experi mental verification. They were con vinced that it would be done and lived in an atmosphere of eager expectancy, un- AErraba gma eecle Pay Sapaey, ge Ul on Here-vave telezraphs. to keep Bie’ Somoniatisns ef “Hide Ereauerty rest me like works of Action, * Phenema Batre the Ameet ‘The history of science shows that theo- se Eee taht SE ries are perishable.” With every nev th eecirle Tapamaaigy Jaw Typ WIT and that is revealed we get a oetter under Hydrautte ‘analog: ig. usually favorable to the reception of any evidence to this end. No wonder then that the publication of Dr. Heinrich Hers re- sults caused a thrill as had. scarcely ever standing of Nature and our. conceptions and views are modified. Dr, Hert td not Giscover a new principle. He merely pave material support toa hypothesis which had hheliographic and subject to the same or even greater limitations, In the spring of 1891 T gave my demon- Srations with a high frequency machine before the American Ine stitute of Electrical Enaineers at Columbia College, which lad the foundation te amew and far more promising Geparvure. “Altho the [vs of electrical resonance were well known at that time and my lamented friend, Dr, John Hop- ‘gn had Gren nated thee specine application to an alterna tor in the Proceedings of the Tn sotute of Eleceical Engineers, Londen, Nov. 13, 1889, nothing hiad been done towards the prace fica! use of this hnowiedge and 1 is probable that those experi- rents of mine were the Rest pub Tie exhibition with resonant or- cuits, more particularly of igh Frequency. While the spontane- SPE na ofa Renee cae Bs Jy, as soon as I had freed myself Spaysouselind feed area elie tae deve te amet foe Pen PAE Se Ses pane Seay At Berne ee el oe \ this remarkable and complete story of his discovery of the “True Wireless” and the principles upon which transmission ‘and reception, even in the present dey systems, are bosed. Dr. Nikola Tesla shows us that he'is indeed the “Father of the Wire: eas.” To him the Herts wave theory is ¢ delusion: it looks sound from certain" angles, but the facts tend to prove that it is hollow ‘and empty, He convinces us that the real Herts waves ere blotted out after they have traveled but a short distonce from the sender. Te follows, therefore, that the measured antenna current is no indie cation of the effect, because only @ small part of it ts effective tt @ distance. The limited activity’ of pure Hert: wave transmission ‘and reception is here clearly explained, besides showing definitely that "in spite of themselves, the radio engineers of today. ere employing the original Testa tuned oscillatory system. He shows by examples with different forms of aériols that the signels picked up by the instruments must actually be induced by eorth curhentsn= not etheric space waves, Tesla also disproves the “Hleaciside layer” theory from his personal observetions and tests. tention on the production of a EDITOR. ous" success of my lectore Was poweral inducion ot bet made ue to specacular features, its fo notable progress until a happy chief impore was in showing that Inspiration Ted-me to the invention of the een long ago formulated. It was a per- all kinds of deteer Say Ree at fectly wellsestablished. fact that a circu traversed bya penodic current, emitted some kind of space waves, but we were in Jmmorance as to their character. He ap- parently gave an experimental proof that they” were. transversal vibrations inthe ether.” Most people look upan this as his Breat accomplishment. To my mind it Seems that his immortal merit was mut so much in this asim the focusing of the in- yestigators’ attention om the processes ing place inthe ambient medium.” The Herz-wave theory, by its fascinatine hold fon the imapination, has stifed creative ef- fort in the wireless art and retarded it for twenty-five years, But, on the other hand, Ht ie Impossibie, to, over-estimate the lene cial effects of the powerfol stimulus i thas given im many directions ‘As regards signaling without wires, the Oscillation transformer, Ia the latter part thre asingle wire without retum, This fof 1801 T was already so far advanced in the development of this new principle that Vhad at my disposal means vastly superior fg Rae wire to those of the German physicist. All my previous efforis with Rhumkort coils had left_ me unconvinced, and in order to sei- tle my doubis T went over the whole ground fonce more, very carefully, with these im= ‘was the initial step in the evolution of my ircless system. The idea presented itselt to me that it might be posse, under ob May, 1919 ‘Arrangements ter Collec Enefgy in 2 Syatem of Trans ‘mision Thru 2 singie ite. "Fig. S. servance of proper condlitione of resonanev, to Wransmit electric energy thru the earth, thas dispensing with all artificial conductors. ‘Anyone who might wish to examine impar- ally the ment of that early "sugsestion must aot view if in the light of present day science. I only: need to say that as latc as 1803, when I had prepared an elaborate chap- ter on my wireless system, dwelling on ts Various instrumentalities and. future pros- pects, Ar. Joseph Wetzler and otlier friends of mine emphatically protested against its publication on the eround that such idle and far-fetched speculations would injure me in the opinion of conservative Business men. So it came that only a small part of what Thad intended to say was embodied in my address of that year before the Franklin Institute and National Electric Light As- sociation under the chapter “On Plectrical ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER umber of radical improvements, Suitable high frequency generators and electrical. os- iliators shad Arst to be produced, The ‘energy of these had to be transformed in effective transmitters and collected at a distance in proper receivers. Such a sys- tem would be manifestiy. circumscribed in its usefulness if all extraneous. interfer: fence were not prevented and exclusivenes: Secured. In time, however, 1 recognized that devices of this kind, to be most effect- Elevated capociy Elevated copocily fof Electrica! Energy Thru the rated in Tesla's Uecturer Se fore tne id Elects Light Aesoclauion'in Febraary and March, 1884, Sed Mechanical "Anaiog of the ‘Same: “Pia Smaitcapacily Lange copeeity ive and effcient, should be designed. with Sue regard to the physical propertics of this planet and the electrical Conditions obtaining on the same. I wil briefy touch Spon the salient advances as they were made in the gradual development of the System. O'The igh frequency alternator employed in my rst demonstrations fe ilustrated in Fig: Lie comprised a Beld cing, with 384 Bole Brojection and 4 dive armattre with Sonnected in Vatious ways according t@ Fe= ‘Quirements.” Te was an excellent machine for experimental purposes, arnshing simu ram Elucldating Effect wages S308 Resonance.” This little salvage from the wreck has earned me the title of “Father Of the Wireless” from many well-disposed fellow workers, rather than the invention of scores of appliances which have brought wireless trans- Soidal currents of from’ 10,000 to. 20,000 gycles per second, The output was com paratively large, due to the fact that 25 much as 30 amperes per square millimeter ‘could be past thru the coils without injury. ‘The diagram in Fig, 2 shows the circuit arrangements as used in my lecture. Reso- fant conditions were maintained by means “Tesit's System of Wireless Transmisaion Tita! the’ Barty at Actually Expoeed in Rie" ecturey ‘Betore the “Frankl im Mitute‘and Eieetric Light aesoclation February and Marche 1803. Fp. ‘of a condenser subdivided into. small see- Sons, the finer adjustments being effected bby'a' movable iron core within an anducte Bhce Corl Loosely inked ‘with the Tatler iets high testo secondary which was Toned 0 the primar ‘The operstion of devices thru a. single wire without return was, puzzling at fst because of its novelty, but can be readily pied by sonable! analogs, Hor the oe reference i made to Figs. 3 and 4. PTE the former the low resistance electric conductors are represented by pipes of 1arBe NUT ‘The Forerunner of the Augion=the Most” Sensitive Known, a2 be: eribee by “Tesla In His Lecture Before the instistion ot Electrical Engi Pebrusey, 1992" Fig. auesanTuAuANAaN section, the alternator by an_ oscillating piston ‘and the filament of an incandescent Timp by a minute channel connecting. the aria ew feo a glance at the diagram that ‘very slight excursions of the piston would cause the Aid to Tush ‘with high ve- Inission within Tocity thew the the each of Sei rmarara monn somue sein sib 1s pro seal chanael Smatcur'and ‘essa ally all ‘the which, ia energy of Bme not dis movement tat, will ead would be fo. undertak- fransformed ings overshad- {nto “heat by coming in mag frietion, simi nitude and larly to ‘that Importance ail OF the elect st achieve forrent in the rents of the ‘lament, engineer. second "Fhe popular ‘stam will iapression is ow be selt- that my wire: explanatory, less work was Corresponding begun in 1593, tothe termis but as 4 mat: nal eapacity of ter of fact the electric spect the #0 system an Preceding citstic resere iigations, em Pioved “eich slesine forms Tne CORRESPONDING FOR TIED CREUTS CF rE MRELESS SYSTEM Betts nih Of apparatus, some of which Se Ere, the necelsi ofa return esi were sheet Eee OE, Geet e te apy Pie Ae the nee Rcone Tol ae lene Ete the Sag HoP io ae expands and from the very AGiesiadle mauctance™ snguctonce contracts, and Sart that the the fluid is stecees fal ra imide to sure stricted pas: i's System of Concatenaied Tunec Circults Shown and Described in U, Patent No, $68,178 of Sagewithgreat “September ae 4086, 'S"Soererponsing Arrangements in Wireless ‘a Sinemission speed, this 30 resulting in the generation of heat as in the Incandescent lamp. Theoretically consid- ‘ered, the efficiency of conversion of euiergy ‘Should be the same in both cases. Granted, then, that an economic system ‘of power transmission thre a single wire 1 ‘Tesla’g Epur Cleeule Tuned Systern Con TENSE Witt, Sig" Contemporantoue Here practicable, the quettion arises how to col= Jeet the energy in the receivers. - With this ‘object attention is called to Fig. 5, in which 2 conductor is shown excited by’ an oscil- Tntor joined to it at one end. Evidently. a3 the periodic impulses pass thru the wire, differences of potential will be created along the same as well as at right angles to it in the surrounding medium and either of these may be usefully applied. Thus at a, ‘a circuit comprising an inductance and ca- Pacity is resonantly excited im the trans- Yerse, and at 6, in the longitudinal sense At, energy is collected in a circuit parallel to the conductor, but not in contact, with and again at d, in a cireuit which is partly sunk into the ‘conductor and may’ be, oF ‘ot, electrically connected to the same. It ig important 0 keep these typical disposi- tions in mind, for however the distant ac- eat Foes of Recening Create ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER tions of the oscillator might be modified thru the Immence extent of the globe the Dprincioles involved are the same ‘Consider now the effect of such a con- dyetor of vast dimensions on a circuit ex citing it. ‘The upper diagram of Fig. 0: lustrates a familiar oscillating sesiem com: prising a straight rod of selisinductance 20. Wwith sinall terminal capacities ce and anode In the center. In the lower diagram of the figure a large capacity C is attached to the rod at one end with the result of shilting the node to the right, thew 2 distance cor~ responding to seli-induetance 2X. "As both parts of the system on either side of the ode vibrate ai the sane Tate, we have ov demise EP) 6 EX) Crom which X= L When the ca +e pacity C becomes commensurate to that of the ‘earth, X approximates, in oiher ‘Words, the ode it close o the ground con coh The crash determunaion of Position is very important the caleula- tion. of ‘ceri ‘eeresinal leerical ond geodetic dato and T have devised special ican. with ‘this purpose in view ‘Sy original plan ef transmitting energy without wires {6 shown inthe upper dis Fram of Fig 7, whie the Tomer oe lst Efates ‘ts mechanical analog, frst publisht in my arccle an the Century Magocine of une, i900. An ‘alternator, preferably of igh tension, bas one of its termmals con~ nected. to the ground and the other 10 an Glevated capschy. andl imprestes its esti iations upon the earth, "At a distant point a receiting citeuit, likewise connected. 10 found and to an elevated caps. cols Some of the energy and actuates a suitable device, I suggested a multiplication of Such units ia onder to iotensily the effects, 4am idea which may yet prove valuable. In ihe analog’ two tuning. [orks are provided, fone at the sending and the other at the re” elving station, eath having attached to Sts ower prong a piston Acting. ina cylinder. Phe two elinders communicate with. lange elastic reservoir fled with an incom Diagram Exposing me Fallacy of the Gilsin Wade hnesty OE ‘Propaunats in wireless pressible fluid, ‘The vibrations transmitted {o either of the tining forks excite them by resonance and, thra electrical comtac’s or otherwise, bring abott the desired re- soit. "This, T may say, was not a mere mechanical illustration, ‘but a simple rep Fesentaton of my aprarates for sahmarine Signaling, perfected by me in 1892, but not appreciated at that time, altho more eff: ‘lent than the instruments mow in use “he etic agra "Pg, hich was reproduced. from my lectire, wat treant gy for the exposition of the prite ciple. The arrangement. as T described it {fp derail is shown in Fig. & Jn this case fan alternator energizes the primary of a transformer, the high tension secondary’ of Sich is connected to the round and an ‘levated capacity and ined to the imprest ‘oscllations’ ‘The receiving. circuit consists ‘ofan inductance connected to, the gratnd and to an clevated terminal without break nd js resonantly responsive to the trans= ited Oscillations, “A specie form of re- Eciving ‘device was not’ mentioned, but T fad inmind to transform the received cure Tents and thus make their volume and ten sion. suitable for any purpose. This, 29 May, 1919 stance, the aye of today and Tam fot aware of a ine authencated. tne ance i siecessfl transmission at con Silershle_ distance by “ailerentinstrumen- {ales Tt might, perhaps, mot be clear to Fig. 34, Diagram Explaining the Re- Tallon Between the EMective,and the Mesturee "Current ia'"the’ Antonis: those who have perused my first des tion of ‘these improvements that, ‘be: making Known new and efficient types of apparatus, I gave to the world a wireless System of potentialities far beyond. am thing before conceived. I’ made expli Q 6 Herts oxcilotor of rented cer greatenemgy ieTreclig ese ey 98 Wee and repeated. statements that I. contem- lated transmission, absolutely unlimited 25 {o terrestrial distance and amount of trey. But, altho T have overcome all ot Stacles which seemed in the beginning n- Surmoumable and_found elegant. colutions ‘of all the problems which confronted Te, Set even at this very day, the majority of Experts are still blind t0 the possiilcies ‘which are within exsy attainment My confidence that a signal could be easly “fashed around” the globe was Srengthened thru the diseavery of the "ro- tating bawth" a ‘wonderful phenomeaon ‘which Ihave folly described in my address delore the institution. of Electrical Ena neers; Landon, in 1892, and whichis ils. trated in Fig. 9.) This is undoubtedly the fhowt delcat wireless detector knuen, ba Tors long time i was hard to produce an to'maintain in the sensitive slate. Lhese Slut de ot exist now ant am ook ing to valuable applications of this device parseaaie to. conection with the, Hi Speed. photographie method, which I sug ested, in wireless, as well asin wire, eans- Possibly the most important advances dur- ing the following three or four years were ny system of concatenated tuned circuits Tae hems etgreunded ercuite equoly eect 1ewing Unimportance of Relative leh ot eanerutung ang. Receiving Ane tei Rr Neory. and methods of regulation, now universally Adopted. - The intimate bearing of these in Sention® on the development of the wireless art will appear trom Fig. 10, which illus- (Continued on page 61) | The True Wireless By Nikola Tesla (Continued from page 30) ‘gates am arrangement described in my U.S. Patent No. 08/0 of Seprember 22, 1596, And corresponding Gepostions of wielest Spparatos. ‘The captions of the indivieat ‘Mierame are thought suifcientis explicit Gispense, with further. comment. 1 wi smerelv remark that on ths early record, in Eiidtion to indleating how any’ number of fesonant eirents may be linked and. rex: inted, T-bave shown the advantage of the Proper timing of primary impises and. use Df harmonics: In'a farccal wireless suit it London, some engineers, reckless of thet eputation, have eiaimed test me eireuts tere not ‘at all attuned; im fact thes 35° scrted that fad looked apon resonance at Sten of niand amamable beau! wile of interest fo compare my s9s- stem se first described ig Belgian patent OF 189% with the Hers-wave system of that Period. "The sleniteant diferences betwecr them will be observed at a glance. The rst-enabies: vs to tran ‘economically ergs to any distance and is of snestmale Salve! the later i capable of a radius of ‘only'a few miles and is worthless. ln the first there are no sparlegaps and the actions ire cnormoxsiy magnined by resonance. in dott transmitter and recerver the ‘currents re wansiormed and rendered more efec: ive and setae for the operation of any desired device. Properfy eonstrvcted, 1s Sysiem is saie againat stare and other im terlereace and the ammount si energy which maybe ransmtted if billions 9) ines Greater than wth the Hertzian, which has fone of these virtues as never been sed Successfully and. of which no trace can be Yound st present ‘A well-agcertised expert gave out a state- sment"in 189 that my apparster. die not York and that i would take 200 years be: ore amennaze would be fashed scrors the Aisanie and he even accepted. soiily ms Zongratulations on a supposed great fea SKetssabeequent exariaation of the records showed that my devices were secre used Bll the time and ever since I earned of tis ‘have treated there Borgia: Medio methods swith the contempt. in whieh they are held iy all fsieminded. men. The wholesale Bppropriation of my ‘ventions was, How: ster uot always without a diverting de KS trample tothe point 1 mase mention any orcilation transformer operating wah Bh air cap. This was Io torn replaced br carbon arc, quenched gap. an atmosphere S( hveromes, Groner heitnm, bra mes Shantal Break wih oppostely rotate frembers, a mercurs interrupter of some Tind ot a vacuum Unly and be such fours ae force as many new “system!” have been produced. Ureter to ths of course, wit eling, let us advance by all means. ‘But 1 cannot help thinking how much better it would have been if the ingenious, mea. who have originated. these “systems.” had dnvented something of their own instead of depending on me altorether, Before 1900 two most valuable improve. ments were made, One of these wat my individualized system with transmitters emit- ting a wave-complex and receivers compris. ing. separate tuned clements couperativels associated. The underivine principle ean be explained in a few words.” Suppose. that there aren simple vibrations suale for use in wireless transmission, the probabil ity that any one tune will be struck by: an i extraneous disturbance is —. There will then remain w—1 vibrations and the chance i that one of these will be excited is —. not thence the probability that two tunes woul 1 be struck at the same time is Sim- non) itary, fora combination of thre the chance will be and 40 on, It willbe OD Oma) readily'seen that inthis manner any desited Seeree of safety azainst the sauce or ber Kind of disturbance ean be attained pro- ed the receiving apparatas i o designed that ste operation it possible only thre the Join ain af all the tone element The 2 a dificult problem which T have suce scittly solved 0 that rove any. geared Stumber: of. sinltoncons anessages ie proce Tieabte in the traneméscion thr tue earth as well gs thru ortifial conductors. The other invention, of sil srester im- portance, ig 2 peculiar osellatar enable the transmission of energy without wires Jn ane quantity that may. ever be required {or nidgstrial use, to ane distance. and with very high economs” di was the outcome Of ears of systematic study and investiga: tion ‘and ‘wonders Will be achieved by its The prevailing misconception ofthe mech- anism Snvolved inthe wireless tranemic: Sion” has" been Fesponsible “for” various warranted announcements which have imisied the public and worked harm. By eepane’ steadily in mind that the transmis sion thru the” earth is in even" respec ‘cericl to thas thea @ straight wife one Will gaia @ clear understanding of the phe- nomena and, will be able to judge corrects the meriis of a new scheme, Without wish ing to detract from the value of any’ plan tie has een put orward Limay say that they are devoid of rovelts=, So for instance in Fig. 2 arrangements of transmittine and receiving circus are illustrated, which I have described in me U.S. Patent No 613800 of November &, 1898 on a Method fof and Apparatus for Controlling’ Nechan- ism of Moving Vessels or Vehicles, and which have been recendlr Sshed up as orig- inal discoveries Ip other patents and tech- nical publications Tuave suggested conduc. tors in the groupd 25 one of the obvious modifications indicated in Fig. 5 For the same reason the statics are stil the bane of the wireless. There is aboat A much Viele jn the remedies recently Proposed as in hairrestorers. od amell ond Fompact opperatus has been produced which tiocs ‘ewuy entirely with this trouble, at least ia plants suntably remodelled Nothing js more important in the present phase of development ofthe wireless art than to dispose ef the dominating erroneous ideas. Wrh this object I shall advance few arsuments based on my own obterea: ions which prove thot Herts weses have Title fo do. with the results obtained even at small distances. In Fig. 13 a transmiter is shown radi ing space waves of considerable trequencs Teis generally Uelioved that these waves ass along the earths surfare and thus fect the receivers: 1 can hardly think of any ting, more improbable. than this “elaine fave" theory and the conception of the “guided wireless” which are contrary to al Jas of setion and reaction. Why shosld these disturbances ine to a conductor whore they are counteracted be indveed ext= Fents, when they ear propagate tall other Ssrections unimpeded) he fact fs hat the fadistions of the transmitter passing alone the earth's gurface are soon estinsuished the Heiginsof. the inactive tone indicated the diagram. being some yunetion of the seve lenat he bal of sheaves teaser Ing Frees the atmoephere,. Terrests hoinens ‘whlch T bave noted. concose! thn that there it no Hcgriide lover. oF itu itis of no effect It certaals ‘could be unfortunate if the human, race vceve thos dmprizoned and forever wither mower to reach out into the denhs oF sac The actions at a distance cannot be pro: portionate ro the height of the antenna and the current in the same, I shall endeavor to make this clear by reference to diagram in Fig. 14." ‘The eletated terminal chared 10 2 high potential induces an equal and ‘Opposite charge in the earth and there are thus Q. lines “giving an. average current T° SQq which circulates locally and 4s useless except that ft ad¢s to the momen. tim. A relatively small suber of lines However. co ff to great distance and to these corresponds a mean current of ie wnt to which ig due the action of @ distan “The total averace current in the ancenna is thie fm == AQ = dgn-and its intensity fs no-etiterion for the performance. The ¢ clectieeficenes of the antenna is —2— O+a and this is often a very small fraction Dr. Le Wo Austin and Mire J. 1 Hogs ave made giamtnatie measure witch PSSURAUE bat tar from supporting. the Hevte wave’ thee ihey Ufpeesab of he sumer ested by tung te above fatteinto com Sittin. "Bes Anson veseuches art pecially useful and instructive and 1 reat Iori dannot agree wishin on tissue Pablnot tutta it he reece ear af fected by Hertz waves he could ever estab: 1GkSueh selenons as be bas found” bet he deouid be lively to seae ese ful ff the ers waves were ina lige part chminted IAC pret distance the space waves and the surtout waves are ‘of equal energy the Tovmer being merely an actompany ig ma 1feditin of Oe iear in accordance 6 Be Rindamental tenchings of Alanwell ft occurs to me here toask the question why have’ the Hess waves een reduced Te “ie original frequentier to tose fave advocated for py"spatem, when 20 Uninet sets of he ranamtng a frie iatcbnt clued en" an’ invite any ‘seperti perform an experiment Such as i Mustrated im Fig 1, Teh thows, the eatsieal Herts orcilater ind ins wrownded cransmittog iret. Jt Ba es"shich'l nave demonstrated. tat foe mar fave in we Hers osilor Pfennig tonsands of times. greater, the thon ne roster is aot to BE compared {S that ofthe grounded drew ‘Thns shows thatthe iran fron ov irae Beore merely working ihr 0 condenser, the Capac Of which ie 4 function of Ison rato Bete the Tenst of the G@nduetor and the Sitance from the evound fee feces nected sy exactly the same snuuses as. from an aedinary tanamten Tons diterence being that there ta cer in medifenfon of the acon whic can De vedetermined (rom the setrial constant. ser a all defeat fo mainien com: Hupienton between an ‘aifpane. ands fat enh pround on Belcan he To mention another experiment in sup- port of ny tent may feter to Figs 160 Wek as feounded crete are shown cxced by esilatsons ofthe Hertsan order. Hi be round tha he amennas eam be but of parlleism aithowt nouceaie change me Nett ‘on the vccivers the promis that tbs ie to carrots propacated tes ite! stound and wt fe spade waves ‘ivicalaiy sanifcant are the results ob- tained in hues Hlstraced tn Fagures 17 and IB in ine former sn chorale shoe the ule the waves fut unless the Te” de nt appeeeali wealenel be the wo a excite eect te wr TELL as BeBe Be seam range Jers tae beyond fhe notetver ie could only Menten the Herts wate elves ty refce ee'tor os a matter of fact eta (Comtnned 0 pane 37) The True Wireless By Nikola Tesla (Continued from page 63) greatly from the intensity of the received Impulses because the electric mveau between, the mountains is raised. as 1 have explained in connection with my lightains protector it the Exrenigenten of Pebruarys ronnie scene f | Ind path of Transmibsion a Evidence ‘ne’ Hertzwave Thea'y. Again in Fig. 19 two transmitting i cuits, one grounded directly and the other thraan aif gap, are slowh, “It is a com mon observation thatthe former is far i | t Eig. 18 Showing Emect of Two Mills ag Fusner Prost againes. he" Werteswans iheory. more effective, which could not be the case In a transmission with Hertz radiations Tn like manner if two grounded cireuits are Eig,_38,, Comparing the Actions of Two Paulaty of tne Merts-wave Treory. observed from day to day the effect is found 19 inerease ereatly with the damp: ness of the ground, and for the tame reason Transmitter with smal! fermnol copecly renee ip Vrermarceptine — (] a Fig. 20. Ditproving the Hertz_wave Theory. BiorGle Tramemitieres One cot Grant and the ‘Bihar oF Sma Eneray Tce mine en other with a smali terminal capacity. Sup- are LR kre Elects and therefore the currents ia,both ae ieee dene ga Boe Se eee fo not hesitate to say that in ashore tine ie will be recognized as one of the most arteries

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