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Textinho em Inglês

A year ago, I was sleeping at my friend’s house and we started telling each other horror stories
just for fun.

She started talking about a story about Rosaline, a 13- year- old girl that suffered a very serious
cyberbullying. Her bullies called her “ugly” many times a day at school, but it didn’t end here…

After a long time being bullied, she hung herself. She left a letter to her parents saying she
couldn’t stand being bullied anymore but ever after news spread that Rosaline committed
suicide, her family said students are still made fun of her posting offensive memes of her… Her
father said that boys that bullied her are still there… They got suspended from school for a
couple of days, but they are still bullying innocent students…

After that story I wonder why she didn’t tell me a typical story of ghosts, witches or
something… She told me “Real life sometimes is more scared than the fictions stories.

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