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Design + Build Challenge:

Self Supporting Structure

Design Concept:
SAFELY design and build a self
supporting scale structure (model
sized) with three irregular legs;
use only freely available materials
and simple tools available at

Design Specifications:
1. Safety is most important.
a. Safe use of tools and materials WITH GUARDIAN APPROVAL AND SUPERVISION.
b. Safe use of eye protection and other safety equipment.
c. Working in a safe work space where you won’t be bumped, won’t accidentally hurt anyone else,
won’t ruin any home furnishings, etc.
d. Give yourself time for safe clean up of work area - don’t leave any dangerous objects out where
you or others could hurt yourself accidentally, don’t leave anything dangerous where little
people could get to it (such as a sharp edged materials or superglue), unplug any tools (hotglue
guns, etc).
3. General Treehouse suggestions.:
a. Have THREE irregular legs/support columns. Irregular means each leg needs to be different
from the others in some way - either different shape or different material. If you use random
branches, they are all wood, but they are different shapes. If your legs are one cardboard, one
wooden dowl, and one broken umbrella, they are all different materials. 3 legs, each irregular.
b. Your treehouse should be stable to stand on its own using the 3 legs.
c. Your treehouse FLOOR should be at least 12 inches off the ground, and some part of the
ROOF should be reach at least 22 inches off the ground.
d. You can use any SAFE recycled materials you have around the house that your guardians
approve. There is no need to purchase any materials, be creative in using what you can find!
4. If ever in doubt, see rules 1 and 2. I recognize that in Distance Learning all projects will be different. Ok!

Building Material ​Ideas Fastener and Tool ​Ideas

Drift wood, twigs, branches (for the legs especially!) Hot Glue
Anything recycled! String
Cardboard Tape
Plastic bottles Wire
Wooden Chopsticks (clean, obvs..) Wood Glue
Popsicle Sticks Small drill bit
Paint Stir sticks Heavy Duty Scissors
Staws (again, clean, obviously…) Pliers with a wire cutter jaw
Scrap Wood Cardboard Work Surface
PVC pipe scraps Rubber bands
Plastic packaging Twist ties
Fabric Hand saw (NOT POWER)
Disassembled toy parts Craft cutters -- or plant pruner snips

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