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Proposal in English language of a product or service.

Market Segmentation

Sandra Ángel Rocha

Ana Dolores Acosta González
Lady Vanessa Perdomo Sanabria
Juliana Fandiño Carvajal
Nury Yanedt Montañez

File: 1565188

​National Learning Service SENA

Technology in Market Management


For our market segmentation of customers, we have to consider the results of

accounts in the collection method with the object of characterize the kind of customer
and to get the ideal segment for to study in our project.

with the segmentation we can to select the target market, identify and characterize
the kind of customer and to have a focus in marketing activities.


❖ Obtain in a target market a good perception of the product for its presentation
and grade for itself


screenshots of right answers of 

multimedia activity 




description of market segments  

We have selected a segment of population of Bogotá city for to analyzer
their needs, likes and preferences with the prophouse to reach our customers.
Professional women that know the importance of help with environment. They are
demanding with the clothes care and have conscience of biodegradable detergent
advantages respect the skin , clothes and their children



Women committed Adult women from Our target Urban zone. Bogotá
to the environment stratum 3 onwards. population uses the
and the health of product regularly
their family, Our and is faithful to the
objectives should be brand for it
point to generate exclusive
environmental characteristics of
strategies. the product.


Design and bottle proposal





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