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I conducted a mediation with a couple of coworkers. During step one I had them share
their views on the particular problem we were addressing. It was more of a time
deciding when something needed to be done by. I just sat and listened, I did not put in
my input and honestly even managed to not think of anything I wanted to input.


During this step I asked everyone involved if they would be willing to work on a solution
that would make everyone happy and they agreed.


During the setting of ground rules a made some pretty basic ones. No interrupting, No
saying “stuip, dumb, silly, etc..”, and you must listen when the other person is talking.


During this time I asked each person to share what they wanted out of this time
together. The first person went and said they wanted a unified decision on how and
when we would execute this task, they wanted it done right. Then the second person
said they wanted clarification on the task and how it was supposed to be done because
they thought everything was fine.


During this step I was able to restate what everyone wanted and note that it all really
went together after all. They wanted clarity on the task, a defined way of doing it, and a
set time it needed to be done by. They wanted to follow the standards laid out by
corporate and have it done the same way every time.


This realization turned out to make it a fairly easy action plan. We looked up the
standard and agreed that this would be how it was done from here on out. They also
were able to agree on a time that made the most sense to get this task done by.

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