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Each day, the importance of Internet is increasing among society.

Living in 21st century or the era of

science and technologies seems a delight to all the people around the world. Modern technology
becomes significant on every field of life, and through the help of these technologies, things that
seemed impossible in the past are now easily done. This makes life more convenient and easier.

Relatively, information technology brings revolution in our daily life. It has a great impact on
business, medical, science and even at school. Through the help of Internet, needed information is
provided and become more accessible to everyone. However, have you ever ask yourself what Internet
is and how it works? Or maybe you’ve been thinking how do your mobile phones connect to the Internet
to shower you all the contents you desire? Thus, watching a short video entitled Dawn of the Net, will
enlightened our minds about the components the Internet and the process on how it works.

The dawn of the net is a more or less 20 minutes show that illustrates the process or the sequence
involving the internet. The movie composed of characters that is named by it's components like the TCP
packet, ICMP Ping, UDP packet, Ping of Death, The Router and the Router Switch, they are also called as
the Warriors of Net. As you go on to the movie you will noticed that the internet has a long process and
it has trial and error. For the first time in history people and machinery are working together, realizing a
dream. A uniting force that knows no geographical boundaries. Without regard to race, creed or color. A
new era where communication truly brings people together. The process composed of the fire walls,
routers, and on through the Internet. Back through your corporate fire wall and onto your interface.

When we enter a web address on the internet explorer it is considered as a package in which all
the information is contained within it, as soon as we press the return button the packed data
goes to the local area network commonly known as LAN where the packed data is guided to the
router, router can be considered as a device which transfers the data to the different network
which in turn goes to the corporate internet or some times can be called as the router switch
from there it goes to the network interface. From the network interface the packed data goes
to the proxy which serves the purpose of sending the data to the internet  it looks for the URL
and is used by the companies  for security purposes. Then it goes to the firewall which performs
the main security purpose of blocking the unexpected data and let the desired data to go pass
through it, than another router picks up the packaged data and moves it to the band width
which performs the purpose of transferring the data from one place to another place, there can
be many types of band width. Finally the packed data goes to the world of internet and reaches
to its destination, where the packed data is reopened and sends back the desired information in
the same kind of packages which goes through all the way back through all the devices and
reaches where it was started and hence we view the desired website or some other kind of
information. The more summarized process is shows on the next page in the form of a diagram.
A Bad Pun dynamic circuit network. It combines packet switched communications that is based on the internet
protocol with circuit switched technology that landlines use. This combination allows user-initiated ad hoc
dedicated allocation of network bandwidth for high-demand, real-time applications and network services,
delivered over an optical fiber infrastructure.

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