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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA


Objective: To carry out a market study, in order to evaluate the quality and interest
in showing a new and innovative product.

1. Gender
A. Female
B. Male
C. Other: _______
2. Age
A.Between 18 and 25 years
B. Between 26 to 35 years
C. Between 36 and 45 years
D. Between 46 and 55 years
E. Others: ____
3. Socioeconomic level
A. Stratum 1
B. Stratum 2
C. Stratum 3
D. Stratum 4
E. Stratum 5
F. Stratum 6
G. Others: ____
4. Know or have seen the jellies in 3D.
B. Maybe
C. Yes
5. Reasons for purchasing the product
A. New product
B. Quality
C. Appearance and design
D. Price
E. Other: _____
6. For which of the following reasons would you buy 3D gelatins?
A. For own consumption
B. As a gift
C. For special events
D. Definitely would not buy it
E. Other: ______
7. Where would you like to find this product?
A. Own point of sale
B. Confectioneries or bakeries
C. Banquet or event houses
D. Chain stores
E. Other: _______
8. You like this venture
B. No
C. Maybe

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