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1. These following tasks are for A2020 Fkep UNAND students (Class 1, 2 & 3)
2. Tranlsate these followings into communicative English. Please do it carefully


CLASS : A1 2020

1. Saya ingin melihat seberapa jauh anda bisa menundukkan kepala.

I want to see how far you can keep your head down.
2. Putar kepala anda ke kiri, cukup. Lalu, ke kanan.
Turn your head to the left, that's enough. Then, go right.
3. Bungkukkan punggung anda, tempelkan ujung jari anda ke ibu jari kaki.
Bend your back, stick the tip of your finger to the big toe.
4. Apakah anda merasakan sakit ketika melakukan gerakan tadi?
Did you feel pain when doing the movement?
5. Silahkan sekarang berjongkok, lalu berdiri pelan – pelan.
Please squat now, then stand up slowly.

Nursing English – Faculty of Nursing, UNAND

By Mr. Ridhwan

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