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Having a first aid kit when we are in camping 

is essential. A good emergency kit and an

emergency plan are vital for survival. So the items that I will bring with me are alcohol,
wipes, gauze, bandages, scissors, safety pins, ointments, medicines and flashlights.
First, having a first aid kit if we are camping in the forest is very essential. Why?
Because we can’t predict what will happen there, knowing that there are a lot of animals
and others that are far from ordinary places. I will explain why I need to bring those
things. First is alcohol, it can be useful to help clean tweezers or a needle used to
remove splinters. Next is antibiotic ointment, such as bacitracin, to dab on cuts and
scrapes to prevent infection while healing. For fresh cuts and scrapes, washing first with
cool, running water. Third is wipes which can be used as a skin disinfectant and ideal
for cleansing of wounds. Fourth is gauze and bandages it helps in covering a break in
the skin helps to control bleeding and protect against infection. Fifth is scissors; it is an
essential item to have in any first aid kit. These scissors can be used to cut bandages to
fit wounds and help remove dressings so bandages can be changed, reducing the risk
of infection. Sixth is safety pins that can be used to hold and secure wraps and
bandages during the performance of first aid. Seventh is ointments help prevent
infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns. Eight is medicine like pain medication for
headache, back pain and ankle sprain for the betterment of the injured person. The last
is a flashlight, knowing that we are camping in the forest and it is covered chiefly with
trees and undergrowth. Flashlights are an important part of any kit as they can give light
when no other source is available in a manner that's much safer than exposed candles.

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