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This research is in the form of the Effect of Digital Marketing and Service Quality on

Decisions and Its Implications for Consumer Loyalty at Coffee Shop Modal Kopi in Bekasi.
purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Digital Marketing and Service Quality
purchasing decisions and its implications for consumer loyalty jointly or in part at at Coffee
Shop Modal Kopi in Bekasi. Kedai Modal Kopi is a coffee shop that has been selling Coffee
drinks in Bekasi since 2018. This type of research is a descriptive study that uses a
approach. The analysis technique used is to use probability sampling method with
data analysis techniques. Data collection using a survey through a questionnaire with a
of respondents of 100 people. Based on digital marketing research and service quality on
purchasing decisions, the value of t count is greater than t table 7,885> 1,966. So it can be
concluded that there is a direct significant influence between digital marketing and
decisions. Based on the results of this study, Digital Marketing and Service Quality and
Consumer Loyalty together have a significant influence on Consumer Loyalty.
Keywords: Digital marketing, Service Quality, Purchasing Decisions, Consumer Loyalty

Digital marketing is currently an opportunity for business people to market their products, the
emergence of various social media applications is a technological development that has a
impact, plus social media is now a means of marketing a product. The development of
information technology is currently growing rapidly, small to large business actors take
advantage of this opportunity to run their business. Marketing through digital media is
one of the main activities that business actors have started to carry out to market their
Digital marketing is one of the marketing media that is currently in great demand by the
public to
support various business activities carried out, usually consisting of two-way marketing
out by producers to potential consumers. At this time many business actors are developing

conventional marketing and then switch to modern

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