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& 51 ' ) What are Jap… Close

Posted by u/WilliamForrester 9 years ago (

What are Japanese students taught about WWII?
I've previously heard that the subject isn't taught in many schools. Now I'm
in a WWII class in college, and my professor said that some schools actually
teach their students that the U.S. attacked Japan first to start the war. I was
hoping reddit could give some insight on the matter.

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oneway0310 9 years ago

I'm a Japanese and from what i've learned in Japanese school in Japan
and Saturday Japanese School in the states, we don't really learn much
about pearl harbor, hitler, etc.

Pretty much WW2 = atomic bomb, hiroshima, nagasaki.

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Shorvok 9 years ago

It's oddly the same in the US. It seems our education system really
doesn't like to talk about the pacific front of WWII. You hear about the
bombs, and maybe Iwo Jima, but the absolutely fucked up crazy ass
shit that went on on islands like Pelilu and Okinawa aren't even talked

All through my school life, the battle of Okinawa was never


People just don't want to think about it I guess, but there was some
really scary stuff that went on in the Pacific, and it wasn't just the
Japanese. They were far worse about torture and mutilation among
other things, but the US Marines were far from saints, looting and
disfiguring bodies and torturing captured Japanese soldiers.
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