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Threat Name

Description of Threat

Recommended Actions


File Hash MD5
File Hash MD5
File Hash MD5

# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

Cuba Ransomware

Cuba ransomware encrypts files on a system using cryptographic algorithms. This ransomware not only encrypts
the files, but also steals the information from the system and threatens the user to pay the ransom.
Most ransomware campaigns typically spread via Exploit Kits and Malspam campaigns instrumented via various
botnets. However, Ransomware is suspected to be distributed using highly targeted attacks such as brute forcing
of RDP connections on unprotected systems in an organization’s network. Once the attackers have access to the
organization’s network, Ransomware may be deployed to business-critical systems to cause maximum disruption
of services and in-turn warrant a considerable ransom. Cuba ransomware spread by Spam email campaigns.
Ransom-Cuba uses RSA-2048 encryption to encrypt the files. The file extension added to encrypted files is .cuba
This Ransomware starts to enumerate the directories and files to encrypt. Once all the files in a folder are
encrypted, a ransomware note is dropped on the system with all the instructions to pay the ransom in order to
get the decryption key/tool. This ransomware drops a Ransom Note “!!FAQ for Decryption!!.txt” in every
encrypted folder. The image below shows the contents of the Ransom Note.

T1190 - Exploit Public-Facing Applications
T1059.001 - PowerShell Script
T1566.001 - Spear Phishing Attachments
T1222: File and Directory Permissions Modification
1. Update the anti-virus software and ensure the antivirus vendor has coverage to ensure detection and
remediation for this kind of malware campaign
2. Ensure a watch list is created to search for existing signs of the indicated IOCs in your environment and email
3. Block all the URL(s) and IP(s) based IOCs at the firewall, IDS/IPS, web gateways, routers or other perimeter
4. Keep all the systems (irrespective if criticality) updated with latest patches


# Sensitivity: Internal Restricted

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