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1. Class : XII OIN

2. Names of group members : 1) Rindu Marito
: 2) Sheilamitha Annida Machfud
: 3) Siti Nur Haida
: 4) Stefanny Aprilia
3. Basic competency : Obligation and If clause
4. Another subject involved
a. Subject name : Produk Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan
b. KD / Theory : Product Assembly
5. Project Results
a. Product / Item name : Automatic Fire Detection
b. Tips, motivation, information education about :
Automatic Fire Detection is a product that works automatically. This product
functions as a first aid kit when a fire occurs, not to stop a fire.

6. Activity steps
a) Product manufacture
a. tools :
- Flat-head screwdriver
- Tespen
- Wire Stripper
- Cable Scissors
- Electric Drill
- Glue Shoot
- Miser
- Soldering iron

b. Material / ingredients :
- 1 Channel Relay Module
- Mq2 sensor
- Water Pump Motor
- Aquarium Hose
- Switch
- Jumper
- Buzzer
- 12 volt adapter
- Arduino Uno R3
- 1000 ohm resistors
- Female Adapter
- Project Box
- Lead
- Fill Gun Glue
- Fiber Cable
- Hose Nozzle

c. Steps
Our product assembly process starts from:
- Prepare the materials and tools needed.
- Design Control on Fritzing
- Creating a Mechanical Design in Sketch-Up
- Ventilate the Project Box.
- Designing programs for the Arduino Uno.
- Hollow out Project Box on the upper right side as a place to install the switch
- Hollow out Project Box on the upper right side next to the switch as a place
for the LED which functions as an indicator indicating whether the product is
active or not.
- Hollow out the Project Box on the top and bottom as a place for the Female
- Insert the Switch, LED, and Female Adapter according to the holes that have
been made.
- Solder the cable from the female supply adapter to the switch then to the
microcontroller, and the Fan Blower.
- Connect the jumper from the 5 volt Arduino pin to the LED and the Mq2
- Connect the jumper from the arduino GND pin to the LED, mq2 sensor, and
module relay.
- Connect the jumper from analog pin A0 to analog pin Mq2 sensor
- Connect the jumper from digital pin 12 to the VCC Module Relay pin
- Connect the 12 Volt VCC and GND cables from the female adapter output to
the NO relay pin
- Connect the 12 volt VCC cable from the common relay to the switch
- For the use of the buzzer and pump can be jumped to the male adapter and
then connected to the female output adapter

b) Tips, motivation, important educational information

Content : How to make an Automatic Fire Detection

1) Before you start assembling a product, you must make a systematic design of
work activities so that the work results are as desired.

2) Before you start assembling a product, you should know what to prepare to
assemble the product, for example preparing tools and materials.

3) Before you start assembling a product, you should know the specifications of the
components you are using.

4) Automatic Fire Detection product is a product that works automatically. This

product functions as a first aid kit when a fire occurs, not to stop a fire.

- You should make sure avoid the product from splashing water because the
control circuit in the product will experience trouble.
- You have to make product according to the initial design and according to the
desired specifications.
- The product should be connected to a power source that is far away from
- Before using the product, you have to read the guidelines or instructions from
the Manual Book first.
- You have to clean the product regularly so that product performance does not
5) If product is damaged, you can request its return within 2 months after you
received the product.

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