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MATERIALS. 8 ozs, Emu 2 Pair No. M ply Botany F Emu Jonvenia Knitting Needles. jum size crochet hook. 10 buttons. TENSION. 8] sts. to 1 inch. MEASUREMENTS. To fit bust 34 (36) (38) ins. Actual length 21 (21}) (212) ins. Actual sleeve seam 18 (183) (183) ins. ABBREVIATIONS. K., stitches ; knit; p. purl; sts, stst, stocking stitch; d.e., double crochet. BACK. Cast on 120 sts, Working in stat. (i L row k., 1 row p.) which is used throughout garment, continue until back measures 4 ins., endi p. row with a Next row. * K. 2, k. twice into next st., repeat * to end of row, 160 (168) (176) s1 without . on needle, further shaping until back To Shape Armbole, Cast off 8 sts, at beg next 2 rows, then decrease at each end of & ing of for 8 rows, Comple armhole shaping by decreasing at beginning of every row until 116 (120) (124) sts remain. Continue on these sts, until back macasures 21 (214) (214 To Shape Shoulders, Cast off 12 sts, at beginning of next 4 rows and 12 (13) (14) sts, at commence ing 2 rows, 44 (46) (48) sts. left on n RIGHT FRONT. ¢: on 60 (63) (66) sts. Work for 4 ins. ending with a p. row, then shape for waist as follows. Next ow. *K. 2,k. twice into next st., repeat from * to end of row, when 80 (84) (88) sts. should be on, To Shape Armbole. Cast off & sts. at beginning of next row, then di .¢ at armhole edge on each of next B rows, and on alternate rows until 58 (60) (62) sts, remain on needle Continue working on these sts. until front measures 18} ins., ending at sntre front edge, ‘To Shape Neck. Cast off 14 sts. at beginning of next row, then decrease at neck edge every row until TO YOUR CLASSIC SUIT 36 (87) (38) sts, remai Work without further shaping until front measures 21 (212) (214) ins. in length, ending at armhole edge. Shape Shoulder by casting off 12 sts, at beginning of Work 1 row, then cast off remaining 12 (13) (14) sts. next 2 rows con x at armhole ed; LEFT RONT, Work to match right front, shaping armhole, neck and shoulder at opposite end of front. BS. Cast on 60 (64) (68) sts. Work 2 rows. Next row. Work twice i each st., 120 (128) (136) ste Continue working on these sts. until sleeve measures 16 (163) (164) ins. To Shape Sleeve Top. Cast off 8 sts. at beginning of next 2 rows, then decrease at each end of next 8 rows at beginning of every row until 34 sts. remain, and at each end of following 8 rows. Cast off ren 18 sts. COLLAR, Cast on 110 (118) (126) sts. Working in increase at beginning of ev. 'y row until 3} ins, from beginning ling with a p. row. Work 3 rows k., then, working in stist. as before, decrease at beginning of every row until 110 (118) (126) sts. are Jeft on needle, Cast off. S. (Iwo alike), Cast on 68 (72) (76) sts. Work in, for 2) ins, ending with a k, row, Work 2 more k, rows, thus forming ridge, thon in stst, for 24 i Cast off, more for reverse side of oul, Buy FoR Bveiw orv TER BUTTON BAND. Cast on 106 sts. Commencing with ak, row, work 10 rows in stst. Work 3 k. rows, then continue in for 9 rows, Next row. K. 4, * cast off 4, k. 15, repeat from * to last 7 sts., cast off 4, k. 3. Next row. P. 3, * cast on 4, p. 15, repeat from * to last 4 sts., cast on 4, p. 4. C ntinue in for 8 rows, work 3 rows k., then again for 10 rows. Cast off. TO MAKE UP. Press all work with hot iron over damp cloth. Join side, shoulder and sleeve seams, Jeaving latter open 2 ins. at cuff, Set sleeves into armholes. Fold collar double (right side inwards) and sew across short ends. Turn collar inside out and sew to eck so that collar reaches from centre front edge to centre front edge. Finish cuffs in a similar manner. Sew buttons to cuffs, attaching a buttonholed “shank ” from back of one button to other to simulate links. Join cast-on edge of Button, Band to cast-off edge, but leave gaps in this seam to correspond with buttonholes, neatening the latter with button holing. Join ends together neatly then. sew band to right front from neck level down to Finish left front edge and lower part of right front with 2 rows dc. evel of increased row at waist, Add buttons, Give garment a final pressing. Do write, if in need of advice, to Publications Editor, Emu Wools Lud., Emu House, 9/10 Chandos Street, London, Wal, Conyelght. Prato ty Raglan kKwiTringe eas aS ae nie. fed ieee 2 See ah ae

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