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Basic Speaking & Pronunciation

Day 8 – Pro#1

Fitri Yuliani
Liones English Course
collaboration with BigBen Course
How important pronunciation ?
 Pronunciation applies to all four
Pronunciation is not just part of speaking aloud.
Pronunciation is active whenever the inner voice is
active, when rehearsing a phrase internally, when writing,
and even when thinking.
 Pronunciation improves listening.

The mouth teaches the ear. Learning pronunciation ‘in the

mouth’ improves discrimination ‘in the ear’.
Pronunciation is in the ear as well as the mouth. According to
the behavourist view of language learning the ear teaches the
mouth, so that listening comes before speaking. But the mouth
also teaches the ear.
Find you can suddenly hear it clearly. What the mouth can say
becomes accessible to the ear to hear.

You know this from when you have learned to make a new
pronunciation and suddenly you find you can hear it clearly. Or
when you have learnt to say a rapid colloquial expression
❖ wassatime (what’s the time)
❖ owjado (how d’you do)
❖ angonamini (hang on a minute)
 Pronunciation is the physical aspect of
It is the result of muscular coordination, and is not so
different from learning dance, or other physical learning.
Grammar, vocabulary and meaning are often taught
cognitively, but pronunciation is physical. Use the natural
muscular memory of the body to provide memory hooks
for words and phrases. And to provide the experience of
living the language and bringing it to life
 Pronunciation affects self esteem
The impact of feeling a more competent speaker
and a more competent listener gives a sense of
capability, a taste of potential mastery. All learners
are capable of modifying their pronunciation in
order to be better understood, to better
understand, and perhaps to better enjoy the new
 Vowels → Sebuah vowel adalah suara/bunyi yang
tidak menghalangi udara melalui mulut atau dalam
bahasa Indonesia lebih dekat dengan bunyi vokal
vowel sounds:
/ ɪ / i: / ʊ / u: / e / ɜ: / ə / ɔ: /

 Consonant → Sebuah konsonan adalah bunyi suara

yang kita buat dengan menghalangi udara melalui
mulut ata hidung. Kita menahannya dengan bibir,
lidah, gigi, mulut bagin atas dan tenggorokan
consonant sounds:
/ p / f / θ/t / s / ʃ / ʧ / k /
 A I U E O sometimes Y
 Please see the phonetics on Oxford,
Longman, U dictionary or your pocket
What’s a short vowel?
 A short vowel sound does not sound like
the letter’s name, like in the word ‘mad’. In
the phonetic alphabet, this sound is
written /a/.
 This can be tricky when saying words like
‘beach’ or ‘sheet’, which can sound a lot
like some rude words!
Short vowels

What’s a long vowel?
 A long vowel sound is one that is
pronounced the same way as its name,
like the A in the word ‘make’ (meɪk). In
the phonetic alphabet, it’s written as /eɪ/
Long / Tense Vowels
Lax Vowels Practice
Tense Vowels Practice
Thank You
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living
someone else's life. Don't be trapped by
dogma – which is living with the results of
other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

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