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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U.E. “ Colegio Araguaney”
Punto Fijo - Estado Falcón

Expressing emotions
(libreto de la dramatización)

Andrea Arancibe
3er. Año Sección “A”

Punto Fijo; enero 2021

Alba: What a good day today! I'm flying high after the sun rise and that we
have all been able to come together and play in the park on such a beautiful
day as today.

Nicolás: You're right, besides, we have a lot of things to play with. I'm
pumped up to play with you (take the ball in his hands). Do you want to play
a soccer game?

Alba: Well, I don't feel like doing anything, to be honest I'm in a black mood,
however, I prefer that we do a race to see who reaches the finish line sooner,
it would make me feel better, what do you think?

All to one: Ok! Let's have a race to see who gets to the finish line first.

(All the children run at the same time and, when Raquel is about to arrive,
Alba overtakes her)

Alba: Good! I have won the race, I am the fastest out of all of us.

Raquel: (speaks with an angry face) Anything but that, you cheated, I was
going to get there first but you have put yourself right in front of me and you
did not let me advance. Your way of showing off is driving me up the wall

Alba: (with a slightly sad face) I think that's not the case, I have reached the
finish line first and I have not cheated. I am at the end of my rope because
you have to always doubt me

Alberto: (stands next to her friends) Okay girls, no need to get mad, we can
do the race again. Anyways, I'm already hungry (he puts his hand on his
Raquel: You're right, it's not worth getting angry. Well, you have to eat tuna
sandwiches and drink fruit juice.

Nicolás: I feel out of it, I'm allergic, besides, I don't like tuna at all and even
less fruit juice. Today, I decided that I'm not going to have a snack.

Alberto: But then later you will be very hungry and with very little energy to
keep playing.

Raquel: I'm petrified of Nicolas's allergies, they're horrible

Nicolás: I don't care, I prefer that instead of eating something I don't like, or
having allergies.

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