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Name : Banasfah Dini Ditiafani

NPM : 04417518004

The Simple Sentence

1. Three sentences, each with a single subject and verb
1) The children eat ice cream
2) Bandung has many culinary tours
3) My wallet is gone

2. Three sentences, each with a single subject and a double verb

1) The children played and laughed at garden
2) Kiky loves and cherishes her mother
3) Roby cried and daydreamed alone

3. Three sentences, each with a double subject and a single verb

1) Agung and Nunu are brothers
2) My father goes to office
3) Ane and Ani are beautiful

The Compound Sentence

1. Daniel wanted to go play football, but it’s rining outside

The Complex Sentence

1. Whenever you need me, i’ll be there for you

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