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Discipline and practices of TDD: (test driven development).

Conference Paper · January 2003

DOI: 10.1145/949344.949407 · Source: DBLP

26 772

7 authors, including:

Steven D. Fraser Dave Astels

Innoxec (Innovation Executive Services) SteelSeries


Barry Boehm John Mcgregor

University of Southern California Clemson University


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Discipline and Practices of TDD

(Test Driven Development)
Steven Fraser (Chair) Dave Astels Kent Beck
Independent Consultant Adaption Software Three Rivers Institute
Barry Boehm John McGregor James Newkirk Charlie Poole
USC Clemson University Microsoft Poole Consulting

ABSTRACT Practical Guide, both published by Prentice Hall. Dave edits the
This panel brings together practitioners with experience in Agile Test-Driven Development Edition of The Coad Letter and is a
and XP methodologies to discuss the approaches and benefits of Founding Partner at Adaption Software, Inc.
applying Test Driven Development (TDD). The goal of TDD is Test-driven Development (TDD) is one of the few XP practices
clean code that works. The mantra of TDD is: write a test; make it that have stand-alone benefits. Indeed, it is an enabler for several
run; and make it right. Open questions to be addressed by the other XP practices, e.g. refactoring and continuous integration.
panel include: – How are TDD approaches to be applied to data- TDD is also a great first step towards adopting an Agile process
bases, GUIs, and distributed systems? What are the quantitative (particularly XP): it’s the thin end of the wedge, the sharp end of
benchmarks that can demonstrate the value of TDD, and what are the stick. I personally know several projects that are practicing
the best approaches to solve the ubiquitous issue of scalability? TDD to various degrees of rigor. Without exception they have
experienced dramatic increases in quality and significant overall
Categories & Subject Descriptors: time savings.
D.2.4 Software/Program Verification
My personal stand in the TDD camp is toward the “extreme” end:
D.2.5 Testing and Debugging
tests should be grouped by fixture, not by any structural or lin-
D.2.10 Design Methodologies
guistic criteria; tests should be as simple as possible, ideally a
General Terms: Design, Management single assertion; tests should be refactored as ruthlessly as produc-
tion code; tests are written for design and specification, not for
Keywords: TDD, Test-Driven Design, XP Practices, verification; a developer should spend at least as much, if not
Refactor, Inspections more, time writing tests as production code.
I am currently involved in raising the visibility of TDD in the
1. Steven Fraser, Smalltalk community (ironic isn’t it?) with my work on SUnit,
Steve Fraser consults on software engineering and technology FIT, and various Mock Object related frameworks.
transfer best-practices in Santa Clara, California. Until 2002,
Steve served fifteen years in a variety of diverse software tech-
nology program management roles at Nortel Networks including: 3. Kent Beck,
Process Architect, Senior Manager (Disruptive Technology), Kent Beck is best defined in terms of relationships. Kent invented
Process Engineering Advisor, and Software Reuse Evangelist. and named Extreme Programming following work by Jim Coplien
Steve served as the initiator, Chair, and Event Director of the and Ward Cunningham on software development process, with
Nortel Networks Design Forum, a proprietary global technology Ron Jeffries and the C3 team at Chrysler - resulting in the Jolt
transfer event run by video, audio and web conferencing. In 1994 Productivity Award-winning Extreme Programming Explained:
he served a year as a Visiting Scientist at the Software Engineer- Embrace Change. He is the co-author of Planning Extreme Pro-
ing Institute (SEI) collaborating with the Application of Software gramming with Martin Fowler, with whom he also collaborated
Models project on the development of team-based domain analy- on Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Systems. With
sis techniques. Steve is an avid operatunist and videographer. Ward Cunningham he wrote HotDraw, a widely copied drawing
editor framework, pioneered patterns for software development,
and popularized CRC cards. He channeled the Ancient Smalltalk
2. Dave Astels, Masters to produce The Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, and is
Dave Astels has built hardware and software systems for over 20 currently reviving a decades-old technique in Test-Driven Devel-
years, and used OO technologies for the last 12 years. Dave has opment by Example (Addison Wesley). He lives on a southern
studied, practiced, taught, evangelized, and coached XP and Agile Oregon farm with a dwindling but still-impressive gaggle of chil-
Processes since 1998. He is a co-author of A Practical Guide to dren, his lovely wife Cindee, four dogs, and a bunch of chickens.
eXtreme Programming, and author of Test-driven Development: A
Lean Production identifies two kinds of waste. The first kind of
Copyright is held by the author(s)/owner(s). waste is pure waste--you screwed up and you knew better, or you
OOPSLA’03, October 26-30, 2003, Anaheim, California, USA. are sitting around waiting because of poor resource allocation.
ACM 1-58113-751-6/03/0010.

The second kind of waste is waste that is necessary at the moment, ing test cases that will adequately fill this role is difficult though
but doesn’t really add value. Inspections are a perfect example-- not impossible. It is true that a test case is an unambiguous re-
your process creates too many defects to just ship units to custom- quirement, but is it the correct requirement? More robust design
ers, but you’d really rather eliminate the defects at the source, at techniques have validation methods that ensure the correctness,
which point you can eliminate the inspections without removing completeness, and consistency of the design. How does this hap-
value. pen in TDD?
The tests we write in TDD, then, are Type II waste--necessary at 6. James Newkirk,
the moment but not a direct addition of value. We need the tests to James Newkirk has been a software practitioner for over 19 years.
write clean code that works, but the customer isn’t paying for the He has designed and implemented software in many different
tests, but the code. If we could figure out how to eliminate the environments, from real-time micro-controllers to large-scale
tests and still have clean code that works, we could improve pro- multi-tiered business systems. In addition he has managed groups
ductivity substantially. How might it be possible to move from varying in size up to 40 software developers. He has been inti-
Test-Driven Development to just Driven Development? mately involved with the Agile Processes Community almost
since its inception. In 2001 he co-wrote Extreme Programming in
4. Barry Boehm, Practice with Robert C. Martin, published by Addison-Wesley.
Barry Boehm manages an annual ensemble of increasingly test- The book is a pragmatic look at what it’s like to do an XP project.
driven software developments, and analyzes data on these and a He has also written many articles related to Extreme Programming
number of other commercial and government software develop- (XP) and Object-Oriented Design and spoken at conferences such
ments. He is a professor at USC, and is the co-author with Rich- as XP/Agile Universe and OOPSLA. He is a major contributor to
ard Turner of a recent book comparing agile and plan-driven the book Agile Software Development by Robert C. Martin,
methods, Balancing Agility and Discipline. which was published by Prentice-Hall in the fall of 2002. He is
Test-driven development is a significant step forward from test- currently writing Test-Driven Development with .NET with Alexei
last approaches. However, test-driven developers often find it Vorontsov, which will be published by Microsoft Press in the fall
even easier to fall into several software testing pitfalls, such as: of 2003. For the past 2 1/2 years he has been a frequent contribu-
tor to the development of NUnit, a unit testing tool for the .NET
• Testing to the stated (nominal-case) requirements. Data on environment. In early 2002 he became the administrator of this
software rework distributions usually shows that the 20% of open source project and led a small team that completely redes-
the problems causing 80% of the rework are off-nominal re- igned and implemented V2.0 of NUnit. The initial version of
quirements. NUnit was simply a transliteration of the Java unit testing tool
JUnit. V2.0 leverages more of the .NET platforms capabilities.
• Value-neutral or risk-insensitive testing. Again, software
applications tend to have a Pareto 80-20 distribution in I believe that Test Driven Development works in practice because
which 20% of the requirements account for 80% of the busi- it helps guide the design process from requirements into actual
ness value. Spending an equal amount of test effort on each running code. The act of writing a test starts the transformation.
requirement is usually an inefficient allocation of resources. The test represents an unambiguous requirement that the program
must satisfy. Since the rules state that you must satisfy this test in
• Overemphasizing testing or people-reviewing at the expense order to proceed you have to focus on this single requirement.
of the other. Data indicates that each is much better than the This enables you as the programmer to shut off all the other re-
other at detecting some classes of defects, while some defects quirements and focus solely on satisfying this one. Once the test
are about equally addressable by both. runs successfully you can then take a step back, survey the land-
scape that was created, and touch up a few things (refactor) and
5. John McGregor, then move on to the next requirement. Often in other design ap-
I have had more than a quarter of a century experience with re- proaches I have used the programmers gets paralyzed because the
search and trends of software design and development. I have problem that is being solved is so huge that it is difficult to know
over a decade of substantial experience working on a wide variety where to begin. TDD recognizes the reality that you don’t solve
of systems developed using object-oriented techniques. This ex- big problems with huge sweeping changes with little or no feed-
perience includes distributed, real time, embedded systems as well back. You solve a problem by making small incremental steps
as business information systems in a multi-tiered environment. I which provide crucial real feedback. These small incremental
have worked in various domains. These include telephony, finan- steps eventually lead to solving the large problem with a better
cial, personnel, medical, scientific, aerospace, and the murky re- and more verifiable solution.
gions of the legal domain and expert witness testimony. My roles
vary from an independent consultant mentoring corporate and 7. Charlie Poole,
project management through an actual project team member as- Charlie Poole has worked in the software development field for
sisting with day-to-day tasks. I have assisted software develop- over 25 years, first in the IT department of a government agency
ment organizations transition their projects as they adopted new and subsequently as an independent developer, coach and con-
techniques such as product line development, object-oriented sultant. Charlie is a veteran C++ developer with a background in
development, and iterative, incremental development. the Windows SDK and COM. He has been working with the .Net
For TDD to be successful equal attention must be given to the framework and C# language since the early beta releases and is
testing and design goals we hope to satisfy. Design is more than one of the developers of the NUnit open-source testing framework
just specification. Design coordinates interacting entities. Choos-

for .Net. He is the president of the Seattle XP Users Group and is overall design/metaphor of the project and the decisions one feels
active in promoting XP in the Northwest. the need to make right now. It’s a fact that this tension gets re-
solved, but the process by which it happens isn’t too well under-
TDD is one of the harder things for certain folks to grasp when it
stood and needs some clarification. The practice of routinely ex-
comes to understanding XP practices. On the one hand, we would
posing the cumulative result of all previously decisions to the
like to get people to use TDD from the beginning. On the other
team is what I call the “Big Story” practice: a translation of meta-
hand, insisting on it too firmly may prevent any movement toward
phor into something we can actually do, rather than something we
XP in certain environments. My current solution is to try to un-
simply have. By regularly telling the story of the application - the
derstand clearly what the client is asking for: if it tells me how to
result of many prior decisions - team members are helped to main-
do XP then TDD is central, but if it’s how can I improve my proc-
tain a common view - a theory, in Naur’s usage - of what the ap-
ess then TDD may come a bit later. Others approach this differ-
plication is about. The relation of this to TDD is that each small
ently and, of course, we all get to choose what kind of work we
decision is made against a common background which is shared
want to do. Aside from the tactics around adoption, the most in-
by the entire team. And when those emerging decisions turn out to
teresting part of TDD for me is its interaction with the overall
be not quite so small, the impact they will have on the overall
vision of the application held by the team at any given time. That
“Big Story” is known at the point of making the choice and can be
overall view is the cumulative result of many decisions,
quickly shared with the team in a form that’s easy to digest. The
some made up front but most emerging through TDD as the pro-
updated design/metaphor/story of the application forms the back-
ject progresses. At any given point, there is a tension between the
ground for the next decisions that must be made.


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