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Angeline M.

Sumaoy TUE & FRI 9:00AM-10:30AM

(U-SO-OR | CBA-05)

Ethno Musika

A Film Review

Dr. Helen S. Tejero lectured and illustrated Ethno Musika. It helped me understand
when I finished watching the lecture that there are a lot of indigenous communities across
Mindanao. Yet we never hesitate to communicate our culture through music, in addition to all
these various styles of ethnic communities and different kinds of culture.

In Mindanao, there are 20 well-known Indigenous people and they all play gong
ensembles for ritual, periodic and merry-making purposes. The video reveals that the people in
Mindanao are performing too many gong ensembles. The lecture was commendable, while it
does not hear perfectly, there are sections that were not well described. You can really see that
people really had fun and loved playing the instruments, learning how to play certain
instruments. The photos she gave were fascinating. It made me want to learn how to even play
those tools. The recording of the lecture was excellent, and the music was very good and noisy
from the instruments. The lecture has a great impact

It has taught me to enjoy different cultures more. And I have discovered that any society
in the world has a special evolutionary direction of its own. And with it, its own traditional
traditions, standards and a distinctive visual style and flavor.

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