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The need to use information in daily life:

A) The importance of information and why do people want to know
and use the data.
+ Information plays an important role in every aspects of life.
(managing, marketing, leisuring,.etc)
+ Information contribute to helping people because of its
 These are the reason why almost people can’t stand living without
information. It leads to two issues which are
o Sources to find information; and
o The verification of information
B) Tools and ways to get the information:
+ websites or special sources
+ Newspaper or videos
+ Interviewing or doing research
Question: Can we trust all the things we read or see + fact: most of the
sts do not check the credibility of the sources .
Question :do researched information fully reflect all aspects that they
go along with?(no, lead to II).
II. Why do we need to verify the information:
The significantly development in every single day as well as the boom of
both technology and the Internet lead us to troubles in finding and using
data through Online sources and Offline sources. The fact is no one have
ability to verify every information posted online or established offline.
This issues questions about the importance of sources’ credibility.
1. Critical thinking, the debate on the subject

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