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Assignment 11

Deadline: 26th Feb

1. Person Structure
Name Char 100
Id integer
Address Char 100

Assign some values – at least 15 inside

the program only.

2. Develop a main function to do the series

of the jobs –


// Declaration of the array [15 size]

Call the array people
// Inserting values for each of the array

struct person *id_sorted;

struct person *name_sorted;

id_sorted = bubblesort_id(people, 15);
name_sorted =
bubblesort_name(people, 15);

3. Implement binary search on id and

sample_id = 1;
binsearch_id(id_sorted, sample_id,

char *sample_name=”ABCD”;
sample_name, 0,14);

binsearch_id() will take the sorted array

of the people and one sample id – will
search the sample_id in the array using
binary search strategy – and print the
details of the person if its present in the
binsearch_name() will take the sorted
array of the people (based on name)
and one sample name – will search the
sample_name in the array using binary
search strategy – and print the details of
the person if its present in the database.

Both binsearch_id and binsearch_name

should be also provided with the range
of the elements in the array to be used
for searching.

The deliverables –
1. main() function along with the structure
declaration and sample values for the fields + the
function calls in series for testing.
Marks 10
2. Printing function definitions in a compatible way
Marks 20
3. Sorting function definitions Marks 30
4. Binary function definitions Marks 40

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