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#2INOVASI or awe .N =~ a] — [on PN AlS | intecuiGence SUMMIT 2&be0 r-Te}-[s) tas Virtual Expo & Conference 10th-13th November 2020 Mal e-le-Tat made (ais Virtual Exhibition for Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia” OLIDSMARTSPEED iy a fe aa Bon ANG ARTIFICIAL aon fe ata Sra SCR eC) en et) BACKGROUND Currently the global economy has experienced(an extraordinary digital transformation, Ren ame enc aCe aa eset rea Renton yay TC cnc Se eer emeCt ket mace iccl intelligence. Covid 19 pandemic has triggered digital transformation growth, as people are left with no other choice but to adapt to the digital ecosystem. This digitalization of the Cong ese oa ceca Ad Sn ne ee oe CCRC a aCe CR Resta achievement of goals and targetsin organization. Seo Cel Cut eae aCe ume TCU Cee Saeco i Ro Cmte Ua launched the National Strategy for Indonesia's Artificial Intelligence 2020-2045 on August TUPI area Se ue eure Curae Acct nea The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence is a national policy direction that contains eee Se nae eae ec mC eek aCe ee nc ee ministries, agencies, local governments and other stakeholders in carrying out activities MUSE minse une eae Cm ey em Cucina er ec cue a Mar nS Meee Cnn eee C Cte ru raw Une en Cet er. Nov - 13 Nov) will present key features including exhibitions, seminars, poster sessions followed by pentahelix, namely industry, academia, government, community and media. WHAT IS ? Pee MCUs ue Bele ey U7) Artificial Intelligence Summit 2020 (Virtual Expo and Conference) is an innovation exhibition in response to the challenges of the information and technology exhibition industry which is currently experiencing limitations to carry out the activities due to the CIDE CEC Artificial Intelligence Summit is packaged on a website platform which contains a 3- dimensional booth display and product display in which visitors can navigate, walk down EO ace ieee aac es Tae In addition, exhibitors and sponsors can direcily interact with visitors to provide education Puan Gm een eas URS ee LCi Cras TELE Tl) SO MUU RDM nrc Me. INOVASI PN eee shane re INDONESIA pea LY aera) Se SCR ey Pn et) OPENING CEREMONY gue ee aha Ir. Joko Widodo * PTO Ce CIC) Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brojonegoro, PH.D Minister of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia/ PCO CU OUC eC Us eC CURL Paced CEU ACR UC Cee eee uC aun g *) To be confirmed URS LCE RCE uly SO Ua Our RDM rE Fi “O25. ARTIFICIAL NCEE Toa Fe ati Sree Rey 10th-13th November 2020 ESR Ce SNe) ts) ee eee ce crpeiocooinn Lal cna’ paiae aw Prim tka = aan ae pn Teo Oa male ene Petter RS ey cane ol pa Sree re reer econ tnmzas, ent bem 7. chee ah ne) Taal — : eT Su) ECCT R Co ewig Ls Tr eae ern Omi cyte een CRETE yam pr CLE Saleem Bip bisa nya iH isnt ret pir ret esos hes Ta) © a [=I S Pe Tes rr ray CEU Ns ery ered A es ee EDC CS) Dsus Ne) 8 -@ Ase ny PS Isa CST \S7 (Om ke Ce oo ae eee ee eects Freres URS LCi ras TELE Tl) A CU Cure ee On INOVASI PN Sie sae re INDONESIA copa LY aera) Se SCR SC) ne Soe) VISITORS LEVEL PROFILE -CTO Se Ch CLT Cr rr AT Enthusiasts ClO BDUN Purr Bote eet ard -cDO Om Ten eee em Cn OT re) Service Providers Peres Prarie PE eee COLE pe Soe sae oe eeu Pee ey ase peed ere eer cry Soe) SE Cu EU ee ig ae aera cies EVENT CONTENTS CR Teall} Te Lot) tet UCR oe LCE ACC eu) SO MOU RLM nrc Bae ARTIFICIAL AIS INTELLIGENCE p= abe et STs ee Ome ee) ae INDONESIA a ele) Heeeeeeo0e8 BEGSEEeRnR BEREERERER HESS HESeeee0u8 HE SSeee008 HESS EED HEE HALL 2 Ve | BESeeeeeee BERSEaSea8 BESSERSREa HBERSHRSEES BESS eeeae BERS HESS BES DIAMOND SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR eBale li oe Lm HALL 3A LN a) Soom. ARTIFICIAL ra ee Sra SCR eC) 10th-13th November 2020 MARKETING CAMPAIGN a Content Marketing ECU UCC) ACORN C ONO Cache Tome ate il aet ee cries) aa een) Be el ors -Social Media SCL cafes) PU ea cll} mer Cmte) -Giveaway (shopping voucher) Aer) -30.000 database Dare sCeiy Online Media Channel TN) Me | eco kumparan (ULL edo 40) DT eZ od b/s a ae) S| TV Media Mainstream a co SATU UCR LCE ROC eal SOO Cure ie ANG ARTIFICIAL aon foe bgt a Sree Rey 10th-13th November 2020 INDONESIA Al TASK FORCE STEERING COMMITEE « Ig Troe Reet eu Cu eu eC PUT Ee us eC UROL Chairman Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology. (BPPT) BC a Pe ee Pace aa Pa cy Ta en Ce) Novi Turniawati, S.Kom., MM. Cu Ca Pe ey Juprianto, S.Sos PY eee ore ea Sri Widimahendrati, S.H. PV ea Pas PRET a} Dr. Indra Utoyo, M.Sc, Chaieman eer ene eke ee Seay DUO eee eee ners eer yee ac et mtn) Ut Te Timotius Indra Kesuma, indonesia Al Society (A'S) ee EEUU Che eee ee nee OL Sti Safitrl, M.Eng,, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk ‘Adnan Batara, B.Eng, Indonesia Al Society (/AIS) Prof. Wisnu Jatmiko, S., M.Kom., Dr. Eng., University of Indonesia (U}) Dr.rernat. | Made Wiryana, SSi., SKom., MSc, University of Gunadarma Beno Kunto Pradekso, M.Sc., PT. Dua Empat Tujuh (Sotusizé7) Ir. Fadzri Sentosa, M.B.A., Asosiasi Prakersa Indonesia Cercas (APIC) Cae artes Da ee Sa aC eer ented Tere) UCI UCR aCe Pa ra) ee ure Oe te O22 | ARTIFICIAL AlS | intecuiGence year easier Virtual Expo & Conference 10th-13th November 2020 RS eu ie eee cnc YOM) eu ared etic = i ae fe di cok me aomsfi) Pest eae SA ay

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