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NIM : 710017033

Part I

1. Gravity is A force of attraction exists between every body in the universe

2. Weight is an object is a force caused by relating to the mass of the object
3. When a body escapes from the influence of the earth’s gravitational pull, it can become
4. If the space crew land on the surface of the moon, they experience much weaker force of gravity
exerted by the moon. On the moon they weigh less than on the earth.
5. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object whereas Weight is a measure of the
amount of force acting on the mass due to acceleration due to gravity

Part II

To prove that air has weight, we can compare flat inner tire weight with pumped inner tube weight.
Pumps are heavier than flat tires. It proves that air is heavy.

Part III

1. Weathering is the process of alteration and fragmentation of rock and soil materials on and or
near the earth's surface caused by physical, chemical and biological processes. The results of this
weathering are the source of the sedimentary rock and soil.
2. in earthquakes focuses more on the types of earthquake causes and the tools used in measuring
3. We can show that air has weight by means of the following experiment.
4. Take a deflated inner tube from a bicycle tire. Weigh it on a pair of balances, inflate the inner
tube and weigh it again. The inner tube is slightly heavier than it was when there was no air in
it. A cubic meter of air weighs little more than 1/2 kg, but there is so much air that the total
weight of the atmosphere which surround the earth amounts to many million tones.

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