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First Saturday Budapest, Hungary - programme for 2021 year

monthly chess tournament series GM-IM-section

for IGM, IM titles and ELO rating
Organizer: IO Nagy Laszlo
Mobile: +36-30- 230-1914

Tournament type GM group - 2381-2450 ELO IM group 2231-2300 ELO

Number of rounds minimally 9, maximally 11 games in each groups

Starting dates 2021 year 6th Febr, 6th March, 3rd April, 1st May, 5th June,
3rd July, 7th Aug, 4th Sept, 2nd Oct, 6th Nov, 4th Dec.
Time control 90-90 min for 40 moves, after that 30 min till the end, after all move 30 sec increments
60 minutes late allowed maximally.
Prizes Certificates about the participation of the tournaments,

Venue Hotel BERLIN 3*** Budapest, district 11, Hunyadi Janos Str 2. Bus 133E EPITESZ u.station

below 2301 / 500 below 2150 /450

2301-2350 / 400 2151-2200 / 350
Entry fee: ELO/EURO 2351-2400 / 300 2201-2250 / 250
2401 -2450 / 250 2251-2300 / 200
2451 - 2500/225 2301-2350/ 150
above 2501 / 200 above 2351 / 100

Licence to play in Hungary The Hungarian Chess Fed. takes 6 EURO per year from each player, who plays in Hungary
1 EURO about 360 Ft /Nov 2020 rate/
15 EURO fee for the tournament FIDE registration contribution

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