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Human growth and advancement have long been related to urbanization, but new research have

found that urban environments can also contribute to major inequality and health issues. The
mass migration of people from rural to urban settings and the consequent physical improvements
to urban settings was referred to as urbanization.

Problems and developments in metropolitan environments, such as road congestion, economic

decay and a shortage of affordable accommodation, exist in existing and emerging communities.

In the developed world, there are many explanations for accelerated population development.
Several of those are:

 Rising birth rates and lower mortality rates

 In many developed nations, better health care leads to longer life expectancies,
 Jobs prospects in metropolitan areas are higher,
 The reasons why people are drawn to the city are better paying jobs in the towns, a
predicted higher quality of life, and more reliable food.
 People moving to cities and towns prefer to be young adults and have higher birth rates.
 Compared to the countryside, improved medical conditions mean more healthy births and
better life expectancy.

Cities have the ability to become hotbeds of dissatisfaction and conflict rather than hubs of
progress and creativity without improved spatial planning to handle rapid growth. There are also
concerns associated with fast growth, though. This include unplanned accommodation (squatter
settlements/shanty towns), municipal waste management, noise and infrastructure burden and the
facilities of the community. Because of push and pull forces, people travel. Push factors are stuff
that make people want to abandon rural areas and the aspects that draw people to the region are
pull factors.

Possible Causes of Drive

 Unemployment Profession
 Lower Salaries
 Failure of crops
 Impoverished working standards
 Bad pro gram for heath and education
 Little services.
Potential pull factors
 Increasing workers
 Higher pay

 Enhanced working standards

 Improving education and healthcare facilities

 Improved equipment

 Less opportunity for natural disasters

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