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SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

You will hear two people, Jim and Sasha, who live in the same house having a "chat" about some problems.
For questions 1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1. What did Jim admit to have known about Sasha?

A. She was a terrible roommate.

B. She had problems with her ex- roommate.
C. She invited Jim to share the apartment with her.
D. She was unemployed.

2. What problems has she caused for the TV and the lights?

A. She hasn’t turned them off on several occasions.

B. She has turned off the lights instead of turning off the TV.
C. She hasn’t used the remote control to turn off the TV and she has turned off the lights.
D. She has turned them on and off more than once.

3. Why is Jim dissatisfied with the way Sasha cleans the bathroom?

A. She is very superficial when doing it.

B. She uses the wrong shower cleaner.
C. She does not clean it as often as she should.
D. When cleaning it, she leaves marks everywhere.

4. What advice does Jim give to Sasha about listening to music?

A. To listen to music only before eleven.

B. To close the windows so as not to disturb their neighbour.
C. To close the windows whenever she listens to music in the evening and turn down the
D. To select the music she listens to.
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

You will hear an interview with the actress Margot Robbie, who plays the role of Elizabeth I, in the film
called "Mary Queen Of Scots". For questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

5. Why did Robbie accept the role in this movie?

A. She wanted to be famous just like the other actresses who played Elizabeth’s part.
B. She didn’t want to continue passing it on.
C. It was a unique role in her successful career.
D. She was convinced by a director.

6. What did Robbie do in order to understand the role she had to play in this film and the significance of
some memorable statements?

A. She read the script several times.

B. She analyzed Elizabeth’s early life time.
C. She watched the other films about Elizabeth’s life.
D. She discussed with some historians.

7. What evidence helped Robbie understand Elizabeth’s statement, ‘I'm the virgin queen. I will not get

A. Her negative attitude towards men.

B. Her strong personality.
C. The traumatic experiences from her childhood.
D. Her determination to keep men under her control instead of being controlled.

8. What significance did marriage have at the time?

A. A married woman had to give birth to a male heir so as not to be killed.

B. A married woman passed the power to her husband and then gave birth to an heir.
C. Married women had to obey their husbands.
D. all of the above.

9. When the interviewer refers to Elizabeth and Mary’s position illustrated in the film, she says:

A. they were presented only as queens.

B. they had a strong position.
C. they were role models for their subjects.
D. they were not only like puppets for men, but also their queens.

10. But for the interference of the queens’ male advisers,

A. they would have helped each other more.

B. they would have got on well with each other.
C. they would have had time to drink a cup of coffee.
D. they would have been more involved in state affairs.

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