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Example 5 Solve.

(a) x4 − 8x2 − 9 = 0

(b) 5x2/3 + 11x1/3 + 2 = 0

1.6.5 Equations Involving Absolute Value

We know that the absolute value of x describes the distance of x from zero on a number line. Now,
absolute value equation means that we must determine real numbers whose distance from the
origin on a number line is some positive real number.

Rewriting an Absolute Value Equation without Absolute Value Bars

If c is a positive real number and u represents any algebraic expression, then |u| = c is equivalent
to u = c or u = −c.

Example 6 Solve

(a) |2x − 3| = 11

(b) 5|1 − 4x| − 15 = 0

TIP: The absolute value of a number is never negative. Thus, if u is an algebraic expression and
c is a negative number, then |u| = c has no solution!

1.7 Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value Inequalities

Solving an inequality is the process of finding the set of numbers that make the inequality a
true statement. These numbers are called solutions of the inequality and we say that they satisfy
the inequality. The set of all solutions is called the solution set of the inequality. We have two
notations to describe a solution set of an inequality: set-builder and interval notation.

1.7.1 Interval Notation

Some sets of real numbers can be represented using interval notation. Suppose that a and b are
two real numbers such that a < b.

Interval Notation

• The open interval (a, b) represents the set of real numbers between, but not including, a
and b

(a, b) = {x|a < x < b}

• The closed interval [a, b] represents the set of real numbers between, and including, a and b

[a, b] = {x|a ≤ x ≤ b}

• The infinite interval (a, ∞) represents the set of real numbers that are greater than a

(a, ∞) = {x|x > a}

• The infinite interval (−∞, b] represents the set of real numbers that are less than or equal
to b

(−∞, b] = {x|x ≤ b}

Parentheses and Brackets in Interval Notation

Parentheses indicate endpoints that are not included in an interval. Square brackets indicate
endpoints that are included in an interval. Parentheses are always used with ∞ or −∞.

Example 1 Express each interval in set-builder notation and graph.

(a) (−1, 4]

(b) (−4, ∞)

1.7.2 Intersections and Unions of Intervals

Recall that A ∩ B (A intersection B) is the set of elements common to both set A and set B. By
contrast, A ∪ B (A union B) is the set of elements in set A or in set B or in both sets.

Finding Intersections and Unions of Two Intervals

1. Graph each interval on a number line.

2. (a) To find the intersection, take the portion of the number line that the two graphs have
in common.
(b) To find the union, take the portion of the number line representing the total collection
of numbers in the two graphs.

Example 2 Use graphs to find each set.

(a) (1, 4) ∩ [2, 8]

(b) (1, 4) ∪ [2, 8]

1.7.3 Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable

A linear inequality in x can be written in one of the following forms:

ax + b < 0, ax + b ≤ 0, ax + b > 0 ax + b ≥ 0

where a 6= 0.

Inequalities with the same solution set are said to be equivalent. In general, when we multi-
ply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the
inequality symbol is reversed.

Example 3 Solve and graph the solution set on a number line.

(a) 3 − 2x ≤ 11

(b) −2x − 4 > x + 5

x+3 x−2 1
(c) ≥ +
4 3 4

1.7.4 Inequalities with Unusual Solution Sets

Not every inequality is going to have a solution set. Some inequalities will have no solution and
its solution set is ∅, the empty set. If you attempt to solve an inequality that has no solution,
you will eliminate the variable and obtain a false statement, such as 0 > 1. By contrast, some
inequalities are true for all real numbers. If you attempt to solve an inequality that is true for all
real numbers, you will eliminate the variable and obtain a true statement, such as 0 < 1.

Example 4 Solve each inequality

(a) 2(x + 4) > 2x + 3

(b) x + 7 ≤ x − 2

1.7.5 Solving Compound Inequalities

Two inequalities that have been combined into one inequality is called a compound inequality.
We omit the word and and it allows us to solve both inequalities at once. By performing each
operation on all three parts of the inequality, our goal is to isolate x in the middle.

Example 5 Solve and graph the solution set on a number line

−3 < 2x + 1 ≤ 3

1.7.6 Solving Inequalities with Absolute Value

Solving an Absolute Value Inequality

If u is an algebraic expression and c is a positive number,

1. The solutions of |u| < c are the numbers that satisfy −c < u < c.

2. The solutions of |u| > c are the numbers that satisfy u < −c or u > c.

These rules are valid if < is replaced by ≤ and > is replaced by ≥.

Example 6 Solve and graph the solution set on a number line.

(a) −2|3x + 5| + 7 ≥ −13

(b) 7 < |5 − 2x|


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