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1- They already doing it but it is not affective. I think they should develop this system.

serving a community service can help about a lot of things about our lifes like developing our
social skills , feeling happier etc.
2- Yes definitely. Because teenagers ‘s brains are more fresh than the older peoples. People’s
ability to think decreases as they get older.
3- If i would have that opportunity i wouldn’t hesitate. I love to help to other people’s.
4- I donated books, clothes and service. I don’t know when i have donated books and clothes
but i remember when i donated service. I helped to paint one of the schools in my
neighborhood 2 years ago. My teacher invited me to be volunteer.
5- Yes. Because they are looking after us until we grow up. Our duty is to do the same thing
when they got old.
6- I don’t consider myself as a fortunate man. On the contrary, I consider myself unfortunate.
Because i didn’t became this person with luck. Luck is always been far away from me. I did
everything myself.
8- Yes. My most important reccomendation is everyone need to have internet. Learning is very
difficult without having internet. Internet can give the all answers that you are looking for.
9- Yes 100% because this world is not just belong to the humans . It belongs every alive
organism. We shouldn’t act like its just belong to us.
10- That examples can be Kızılay for Turkey and UNICEF for world.
11- They should encourage you when you don’t want to do something tough. And they should
support you about your projects or work.
12- Actually if that gadget is something technological i would prefer it. Otherwise i prefer
handmade gifts.
15- The idea that comes out from brain without copying anything.
16- Firstly, they should be calm. They should prepare for at least 3 days. During presentaiton,
being fluent is important. Not being able to speak is better than read it from somewhere.
17- It is easy for me because tough situations got me hyped and it provides me to do my job
18- S
19- Classes are our best way to improve ourselves. We mustn’t miss that opportunity.

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