Drama Bahasa Inggris Maling Kutang

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Drama Bahasa Inggris Maling Kutang

Once upon a time, there lived an old woman with her son, named Maling. They lived
suffered and hanged with the forest yield.

Mom               : Maling, come here, help me to carry this firewoods.

Maling               : Yes mom, wait a minute. (Maling helped his mother)
Maling               : “Mom how long will this last? I want some change.”
Mom               : “I don’t know Maling, we must be patient and don’t stop praying to God.”
Maling               : “Mom, I have an idea, would you let me go away to change my fortune?
Who knows I will be a rich man.”
Mom: ...

Maling and his mother come back to the home, but his Mother just kept silent about his
idea. After they had arrived at home.

Maling               : “Mom, how about my idea?”

Mom               : “I think it’s not good idea my son, because if you go, who will Watch me
here, don’t you love me, Maling.”
Maling               : “But mom, if I don’t change my fortune when will it last? I Promise mom,
if I Could be a rich man, I will come back. Just relax mom, I will talk to Dayat,Dayat will
watch you until I come back to home.”

Maling’s mother couldn’t forbid what Maling want. So, she Agreed With Maling’s idea.

Mom               : “Alright, it that you go away, Maling! But don’t forget me. And remember
your promise”
Maling went to Dayat house for asked him to watched Maling’s mother until he came
back and asked Dayat his planed to went away for change his fortune. Dayat is best
friend of Maling. They always be together.
Dayat               : “what happen, Maling?”
Maling              : “tomorrow I want to go away for change my fortune.”
Dayat               : “what? if you go, who will Watch your mother here.”
Maling               : “for this I come to you, I want to you watch my mother until I come back,
Dayat               : “yes, certainly. My message for you, don’t forget we in here, Maling.”

In a next day, Maling’s mother accompaneid her son to the harbour...

Mom               : ” Take care your self, and hurry up come back!
Maling               : ” Yes mom, please pray for me, so that I can be a rich man. And You Dayat
Please take care my mother until I come back.”
Dayat               : “Don’t worry Maling. I promise, I will take care your mother. Be careful.”
Mom               : “good bye my son.”
Dayat               : “Good bye, Maling.”

Finally, Maling went for sailing with a rich man. In the ship, the Captain gave him a job
as crew,and Maling received the job. The captain has  the beautiful daughter. Maling
active worked so much. He worked without know tired.Maling always think the
owner’s daughter. Her name is Ningrum. She is very beautiful.
Maling               : “She is very beautiful. I like her and I must marry her. If that something
Happen, I will be a rich man.”
Ningrum          : “hy, do you know my dad, where is he?
Maling               : “ehmmmmm, I don’t know. Maybe he is go to kitchen.”
Ningrum          : “thanks for your information.”
Maling               : “you’re welcome.”

In the village, mom very concerned about Maling’s life. And mom afraid if Maling not
came back.
Mom               : “Dayat, where is Maling? I miss my son. I am afraid if Maling not come
Dayat               : “don’t be afraid, Mom. Maling will come back. He had promised to come
back. Be patient, Mom. I’m in here. Don’t be concerned.”
Mom               : “yes, Dayat.”

Maling really want to be rich, because of that he was looking for a way to get in close
with Ningrum .

Burglar : How Ningrum could be my wife ?

Men : Sir, In my village there is a way commonly used to lure the woman's heart , a bit risky
but it definitely works .
Maling : How? Whatever it is, the most important thing is Ningrum be my wife .
Child Fruit : You have to steal Ningrum’s bra. After that you have to wear it and to fasting
for 3 days in a row. After that, in the middle of the night you should say this mantra 100
times, the mantra : " I love you pull , Ningrum , abracadabra abracadabra abracadabra " .
Maling : After that what else ?
Child Fruit : Once finished you have to restore the bra and make sure Ningrum wear it. If
within 3 days Ningrum not wear it then you have to repeat the ritual.
Maling : Okay , I'll do it !
Child Fruit : Remember , you should not doing these rituals more than 3 times for the same
person or your life will be in danger!

Having failed once Maling finally managed to perform the ritual. Strange and magical,
the next day something big happens to live Maling .

"Menyela sebentar, bisa kita lihat sendiri, dari sebuah teks cerita kita bisa menghadirkan
sebuah naskah yang lebih sesuai dengan kebutuhan seperti pada contoh Drama Bahasa
Inggris Maling Kutang ini. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dilanjutkan ceritanya di bawah. "

The next day, the captain called Maling, because he will rised Maling’s job become as
captain in that ship. A few years later, Maling has became a rich man
Maling               : “haha, now, I am a rich man. I can buy everything with my money. Now I
must marry with Ningrum.

Maling’s mom very miss her son. Mom tired for waited Maling came back. Dayat
always give support for Maling’s mom that Maling will came back and was a rich man.
Dayat               : “Don’t sad, Mom.”
Mom               : “I am tired, Dayat. I am tired for waiting Maling come back. We never get a
news about Maling.”
Dayat               : “I trust mom, Maling will come back and be a rich man.
Mom               : “are you sure, Dayat?”
Dayat   : “yes, mom. Don’t sad again mom J” 

After Maling has became a rich man, Maling married with the captain daughter,
Ningrum. They are very happy. They are a romantic couple.
Maling               : Hello, my honey, what about you think?
Ningrum          : My husband,shall we go on trip to island for honeymoon?
Maling               : That’s good idea my wife, how about Dua Angsa Island?
Ningrum          : Okay my husband, I agree with you!
Maling               : Okay! if you agree, we will start tomorrow.
Tomorrow, Maling and his wife sailed to Dua Angsa Island. On their way, Maling’s ship
stop in an island to top up Their supplies. Fortunatelly, that Island was Maling’s village.
When arrived, Maling go out from his ship. Dayat saw Maling in the harbour.

Dayat               : “ Maling... Is that Maling? Yeah, that’s Maling. I must tell it to his mother.”

Dayat went to house for ask Mom about Maling came back. Dayat is very happy about
Maling came back. If the Mom know about this news, she was happy.
Dayat               : “Mom...Mom...”
Mom               : “I’m here Dayat.”
Dayat               : “Mom, Maling come back. He has become a rich man now!”
Mom               : “Are you sure that you look is Maling?”
Dayat   : “Yes, I’m sure mom, impossible I can’t forget his face. I still remember his Face.”
Mom               : “If you right, please accompany me to go there.”

And Dayat accompanied Maling’s mother to her son. When Reached There, Maling’s
mother meet his son.
Mom               :  “Maling... Maling my son! Maling....”
Ningrum          : “Who is that old woman, my husband?”
(Maling can’t answered Ningrum’s question)
Ningrum          : “who is she, my husband?”
Mom               : Maling, who is her? Is she your wife? She is very beautiful,come here...!
Ningrum          : “argh, don’t touch me!”
Maling               : “Don’t touch her! You are dirty, her skin can be dirty too!”
Ningrum          : “Who is that old woman? Is she your mother? She is very dirty.”
Maling               : “I don’t know, my wife...!”
Mom               : “Maling, my son. Do you remember about your promise? I’m your mother!”
Maling               : “Who are you poor old woman? I don’t know you. My mother isn,t dirty
like you...!!
Mom               : “Maling... I’m your mother. I have reveal and raise you. Maling... Maling...!”
Ningrum          : “Hei you, go away now.”
Mom               : “Maling... Maling...!”
Maling               : “Go away... Go away now!”
Dayat               : “MALING! Do you forget your mother? Do you forget me, your best friend?
This is your mother, Maling.”
Maling               : “I don’t know who are you and the old woman. I don’t have best friend like
Dayang            : “you’re evil. You disobedience to your mother.”
Mom               : “can you remember me, son? I am your mother.”
Dayat               : “remember your mother, please. She is always wait you to come back.
Remember your promise, Maling.”

(Maling dragged his mother be rude until his mother drop down)
Maling               : Don’t call me as your son, dirty old woman...! come on, my wife. We must
go from this place.”
Ningrum          : “yes, my husband.”
(After pushing his mother away, Maling came back to his ship)
Mom               : Maling... Maling... Don’t leave your mother Maling...! My God, how could
you say that? I can’t take his anymore. I curse you... Turn into a stone...!!
After that, suddenly coming storm destroying Maling’s ship, flash of Lightning coming
to his body. And... at glance Maling remembered what he did to his mother and also
how to get his wife and his wealth
Maling: What’s happening? My body... I can’t move! Mom... I’m sorry mom... I’m sorry...!!!
Ningrum: What’s happening...?? What’s happen to you, my husband? Why...??!!

And Maling became a stone when he was begging to his mother. Ship’s crew and his
wife sunk down to boottom of the sea. That’s result if we did a bad things and rebellious
to our parents especially to our mother
Narrator : Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman
and her son, MalinKundang. MalinKundang's father had passed away when he was a baby,
and he had to live hard with his mother.
Narrator : One day, when MalinKundang was sailing as usual, he saw a merchant's ship
which was being raided by a small band of pirates. With his brave and power, MalinKundang
defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and asked MalinKundang to sail with him.
Narator: Dulu, di sebuah desa kecil dekat pantai di Sumatera Barat,
tinggal seorang wanita dan anaknya, MalinKundang. Ayah MalinKundang telah
meninggal saat ia masih bayi, dan ia harus hidup keras dengan ibunya.
Narator: Suatu hari, saat MalinKundang sedang berlayar seperti biasa, dia
melihat sebuah kapal pedagang yang sedang digerebek oleh sekelompok kecil
bajak laut. Dengan keberanian dan kekuatannya, MalinKundang mengalahkan
bajak laut tersebut. Pedagang itu sangat senang dan meminta MalinKundang
untuk berlayar bersamanya.

Merchant      : Hei Son, What’s your name? What a very gorgeous of you.. I’m so gratefull to you
(Hei, nak, siapa namamu? Kamu sngat berani, aku berterimakasih pdamu)
Malin                : Oh.. you are too much merchant, my name is Malin Kundang.
                        (anda terlalu berlebihan tuan, nama saya malin)
Merchant          : well Malin, Would u like to sail with us. I’ll give u some job.
(baiklah Malin, maukah kamu bergabung berlayar dengan kami, aku akan memberimu
Malin              : Oh thanks so much merchant, but I should have permition from my mother. If I leave her
and join you, She will alone here.
(oh, terima kasih banyak tuan, tp aku harus berpamitan terlebih dahulu dengan ibuku, jika
aku meninggalkanya, maka dia akan sendirian)
Merchat         : Well Malin, go home.. and get your mother’s permition.. I’ll sail back tomorrow
                  (baik malin, pulanglah. Dan dapatkan restu ibumu. Aku akan kembali berlayar esok    

Malin Kundang sailed to home. He run home want to tell her mother soon.
Malin Kundang berlayar ke rumah. Dia pulang ke rumah ingin segera memberi
tahu ibunya.

Malin               : “Mother, I want to go sailing  overseas…..”

                        (Ibu, Aku ingin pergi berlayar mengarungi samudera)”
Mother             : “No, Malin, mom won’t let you”
                          (tidak Malin, Ibu tidak akan membiarkanmu pergi)
Rani               : “What have you said already Malin? Are you really want to go..? 
                        you’ll leave us alone. 
                    (apa yang barusaja kamu bicarakan malin, kamu benar benar ingin pergi?
Kamu aka meninggalkan kita..)
Malin               :  “Sist, Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a successful
(Dik, Ibu, jika aku tetap disini, aku akan tetap menjadi orang yang miskin. Aku ingin menjadi
orang yang sukses)
Mother            : “If you really want to go, I can’t stop you. I could only pray to God for you to be success in 
your life,” said his mother wisely. “But, promise me, you’ll come home.”
(jika kamu benar benar ingin pergi, aku tak bias menghalangimu. Aku hanya bias berdoa
pada Tuhan agar kamu sukses dihidupmu,. Tapi berjanjilah padaku kamu pasti akan pulang)
Malin               : I promise mom. Sist, I’ll us Jaka to take care you and mother, while I go.
                      (Aku berjanji Ibu. Dik, Aku akan meminta Jaka untuk menjaga kalian,
                        selama aku pergi)

Malin went to Jaka’s home and meet him. He told everything to Jaka and asked Jaka to help
him take care His sister and mother while he went sailing.
Malin pergi ke rumah Jaka dan menemuinya. Dia menceritakan
semuanya kepada Jaka dan meminta Jaka untuk membantunya
merawat adik perempuan dan ibunya saat dia pergi berlayar.

Malin     : Jaka I wanna ask your help

              (Jaka aku ingin kamu membantuku)
Jaka       : What’s up Malin? What can I do for you? You are like in hurry
              (ada apa Malin? Apa yg bisa kulakukan untukmu? Kamu terlihat buru buru)
Malin   : I wanna go sailing overseas tomorrow.. I come here, look for you.. I want you to take care of
my mother and sister while I go, until I come home..
              (Aku akan pergi berlayar besok. Aku dating kesini mencarimu, aku ingin kamu menjaga ibu
dan adiku selama aku pergi, sampai aku pulang nanti)
Jaka       : Are you serious Malin? Have you thought again..?
              (Kamu serius malin, sudahkah kamu mempertimbangkanya?)
Malin   : Yes, I have.. And this is my decision. It’s my chance
              (Ya, dan inilah keputusanku. Ini kesempatanku)
Jaka       : Well Malin, if that’s your decision, I can’t stop you.. I will do what you ask to me..
              (Baiklah Malin, Jika itu keputusanmu. Aku tak bisa menghalangimu. Akan aku lakukan apa
yang kamu minta)

Narrator: In the next morning, MalinKundang was ready to go. He came to the beach and met
the merchant. The merchant was ready started his journey.
Narator: Keesokan paginya, MalinKundang sudah siap berangkat.
Dia datang ke pantai dan menemui pedagang itu. Si pedagang pun
siap memulai perjalanannya.

Mother          :  “Take a good care of yourself, son,”                       

(jaga dirimu baik baik nak)
Malin               :  “Yes, Mother,”
                        (Ya Ibu)
Malin             : “You are also have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you
(kamu juga harus menjaga diri ibu.. Aku akan memegang janjiku
Sister               : Malin, we will miss you.. Come back home soon!
                         (Kami akan merindukanmu.. Pulanglah kerumah segera!)
Narrator :It had been three months since MalinKundang left his mother. As his mother had
predicted before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She
wished to see the ship that brought Malinkundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to ,
God for her son’s safety.
Narator: Sudah tiga bulan sejak MalinKundang meninggalkan
ibunya. Seperti yang diprediksi ibunya sebelumnya, dia belum
mengontaknya. Setiap pagi, dia berdiri di dermaga. Dia ingin
melihat kapal yang membawa pulang Malinkundang. Setiap siang
dan malam, dia berdoa, Tuhan demi keselamatan anaknya.

Mother              : God,please save my son Malin

                        (tuhan tolong selamatkan anakku)
Sister               : be patient Mom.. Malin will be okay 
                        (bersabarlah bu, malin akan baik baik saja)
Jaka           : We must believe that Malin will come home Mom.. Trust him.. Certainly, he is being a
succesfull person now and planning his return here.
(kita harus yakin bahwa malin akan pulang bu, percayalah padanya. Pasti sekarang ia
sudah menjadi orang yang sukses dan merencanakan kepulanganya kemari)

Beside that, Malin kundang Hard work in overseas. He work with the merchant because his
honestly. Malin got confidence from the merchant. One day the merchant’s daughter came to
the work place to look for her father.
Disamping itu, Malin kundang Kerja keras di luar negeri. Dia
bekerja sama dengan pedagang karena sejujurnya. Malin mendapat
kepercayaan diri dari sang pedagang. Suatu hari putri pedagang
datang ke tempat kerja untuk mencari ayahnya.

Malin : Ups.. sorry, are you okey? (ups, maaf, apa kamu baik baik saja)
Miska : yeah it’s okey. What’s your name? (yah, aku baik baik saja. Siapa namamu)
Malin : Malin and you? (malin, kamu?)
Miska : Miska
Malin : what are you doing here? (sedang apa kamu disini)
Miska : I want to meet my father, do you know where is he? (aku ingin bertemu ayahku,
tahukah kamu dimana dia?)
Malin : who is your father? (siapa ayahmu?)
Miska : my father is the owner of this place. (ayahku pemilik tempat ini)
Malin : are you kidding? (kamu bercanda?)
Miska : No, I’m seriusly.. (tidak, aku serius)
Malin : are you merchant’s daughter? (kamu anak saudagar?)
Miska : yes, do you know where is he? (ya, kamu tahu dimana dia?)
Malin : oh.. merchant daughter is a beautifull girl. (oh.. anak saudagar adalah seorang gadis
yang cantik). 
             Oke.. I will take you to your father (oke aku akan membawamu padanya)
Miska :  oh .. thank you,, (oh.. terima kasih)
Malin              : Excuseme merchant, Here is your daughter is looking for you.
                        (permisi tuan, ini ada putri anda mencari tuan)
Merchant          : Oh.. my daughter.. What’s up dear? (oh.. anakku.. ada apa nak?)
Miska              : my dad, do you remember next week? (ayah, apakah kamu ingat minggu
Merchant         : What will happen dear? (ada apa nak?)
Miska              : hmm… don’t tell me you forget.. (hmm, jangan bilang padaku kamu lupa?)
Merchant         : oh I remember.. It’s your birthday.. isn’t it? (oh.. aku ingat.. minggu depan
adalah ulang tahunmu bukan?)
Miska              : Yes dad.. (ya ayah)
Merchant         : oke we will make a birthday party for you.. (oke, kita akan membuat pesta
ulang tahun untukmu)
Miska              : oh really .. thank you so much my dad.
                        (benarkah.. terimakasih banyak ayah)

After Miska met Malin and that time. She became so close with Malin. Miska often came to
her father’s work place. And in her birthday party, Miska invited Malin to come to her party.
Setelah Miska bertemu Malin dan waktu itu. Dia menjadi sangat
dekat dengan Malin. Miska sering datang ke tempat kerja
ayahnya. Dan di pesta ulang tahunnya, Miska mengajak Malin
untuk datang ke pestanya.

Malin : Happy Birthday Miska! This night I want to state what I’m feeling to you. Since the
first time I meet you, I’m falling in love with you. So Miska, It’s time to me to propose you.
Will you marry me?
(Selamat Ultah Miska! Malam ini aku ingin menyatakan rasaku terhadapmu. Sejak pertama
aku berjumpa denganmu, aku jatuh cinta padamu. Jadi, Miska inilah saatnya aku
melamarmu. Akankah kamu menikah denganku?)
Miska : Oh Malin.. Why not? I love you too
            (Oh malin.. mengapa tidak? Aku juga mencintaimu)

Narrator : Many years later, MalinKundang became a wealthty merchant, with a huge ship,
loads of trading goods, many ship crews, and a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship landed
on a beach. The villagersreconigzed him, and the news ran fast in the town: MalinKundang
became a rich man and now he is here.   His mother, in deepfulsadnees after years of
loneliness, ran to the beach to meet her beloved son again.
Narator: Bertahun-tahun kemudian, MalinKundang menjadi
pedagang kaya raya, dengan kapal besar, banyak barang dagang,
banyak awak kapal, dan istri yang cantik. Dalam perjalanannya,
kapalnya mendarat di pantai. Penduduk desa membuat mereka
merasa lebih aman, dan berita itu cepat-cepat berkecamuk di
kota: MalinKundang menjadi orang kaya dan sekarang dia ada di
sini. Ibunya, dalam masa-masa sulit setelah bertahun-tahun
kesepian, berlari ke pantai untuk bertemu dengan anak
kesayangannya lagi.

Jaka      : “Malin come home… malin come home…Malin Kundang became a rich man and now he
is    here”. Mom, Malin come home, Malin come home.
              (Malin pulang! Malin pulang! Malin kundang menjadi orang kaya dan sekarang dia   ada
disini. Malin pulang! Sambil berlari menujuk rumah emak “Bu, Malin pulang! Malin
Mother   : Jaka Are you serious? Rani come here dear.. Let’s go to the beach to see Malin soon..
        (Jaka, kamu serius? Rani, cepat kemari nak. Ayo kita pergi kepantai menemui Malin
Sister       : Yes Mom yes.. I’m not patient to meet him.. Let’s go Mom!
                 (ya Mak ya”. Mengandeng Emak. “Aku tak sabar bertemu denganya. Ayo mak!)

Narator : Sebelum ibu malin sampai ditempat malin, malin bertemu dengan dua orang
penduduk. Penduduk itu adalah tetangga ibu malin.
Penduduk 1 : Malin, apakah itu kamu? Sedang apa kamu disini?
Malin : iya ini saya, malin, ada apa pak?
Penduduk 2 : tidak , kami hanya ingin menyapa saja. Apakah kedatangan mu kesini ingin
menjumpai ibumu?
Istri : ibu? Apa maksud kedua orang ini malin? Bukannya kamu sudah tidak punya ibu
Malin : tidak saya tidak punya ibu lagi. Mungkin kedua orang ini salah orang.
Penduduk 1 : apa maksud mu malin?apa kamu tidak menganggap ibumu lagi?
Penduduk 2 :ya, apa kamu tidak kasihan malin kepada ibumu yang telah lama menunggumu?
Malin : sudah cukup!sebaiknya kalian pergi dari sini! Kalian hanya mengganggu pikiran ku
saja. Cepat pergi dari sini!

Narator : para penduduk pun pergi dengan wajah yang kecewa karna sikap malin. Ketika para
penduduk pergi, datanglah ibu malin besetra rani dan jaka

Narrator: Before the malinese mother gets to the place of

malin, malin meets two people. The inhabitants were
neighboring mother of malin.

Population 1: Malin, is that you? What are you doing here?

Malin: yes it is me, malin, what is it sir?

Population 2: No, we just want to say hello. Did your arrival

here want to see your mother?

Wife: mother? What do these two people mean malin? Do not you
have no mother anymore?

Malin: no I do not have a mother anymore. Maybe these two

people are wrong people.
Population 1: what do you mean maline? Do not you consider
your mother anymore?

Population 2: yes, do not you pity malin to your mother who

has been waiting for you for a long time?

Malin: that's enough! You better get out of here! You just
bother my mind. Get out of here!

Narrator: the residents went away with a disappointed face

because of malin attitude. When the inhabitants left, came the
maternal lady besetra rani and jaka

Mother  : “Malin, you’re back, son!” said MalinKundang’s mother and without hesitation,
she came running to hug MalinKundang, “I miss you so much.”
               (Malin, Kamu kembali nak!” kata Emak tanpa ragu ragu, dia dating berlari pada MAlin dan
memeluknya erat
Malin     : “who are you?  . I don’t know you .You’re not my mother. My mother  would never    
wear  ugly clothes like you,”
             (siapa kamu? Aku tak mengenalmu. Kamu bukan ibuku! Ibuku tidak akan pernah   memakai
baju jelek sepertimu”
Sister      : Malin, What do you meant?. She is Our mother and I’m your sister, Rani.. Do you not
remember us? Why are you change like this..?
           (Malin, Apa maksudmu? Dia adalah ibu kita dan aku adikmu Rani. Apa kamu tak            
mengingat kami? Mengapa kamu berubah seperti ini?)
Mother   : “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother
                (Malin, kamu tak mengenaliku, Aku ibumu nak
Mwife      :  what is it? Who is this old woman?
                 (apa apaan ini? Siapa wanita tua ini?)
Malin       : I don’t know…
                 (aku tak tau)
Mother    : Is she your wife Malin. You are my daughter in law dear! You are beatifull,
what’s your name dear?
                (Dia istrimu Malin? Kamu menantuku nak! Kamu cantik siapa namamu nak?)
Wife      : “No! Guard, take this old women out of here,” Miska ordered bodyguard. “Give her some
money so she won’t disturb me again!”
         (Tidak! Pengawal, bawa wanita tua ini pergi dari sini, beri dia uang jadi dia tak akan
menggangguku lagi)
Mother  : Malin… I’m you mother ..(. malin’s mom cry and holding  Malin’s feet)
              malin aku ibumu nak.”( Emak menangis berlutut dikaki malin)
Sister     : Are you not remember us? What the arogant you are now..!!?
               (kamu tak mengingat kami. Betapa angkuhnya kamu sekarang)
Guard   : I’m sorry Mom! You have to go out of here! Go! Go!
              (maaf bu, anda harus pergi dari sini. Pergi pergi!”
Mother   :”Malin… my son. Why do you treat your own mother like this?”
   (Malin anaku, mengapa kamu memperlakukan ibumu seperti ini?)
Mwife   : Honey, Are you okay ? why  are you look so sad? (sayang, kamu tak apa? Kenapa
kamu  terlihat sedih?)
Malin   : no dear.. They were beggar
              (tidak sayang! Mereka hanya pengemis)
Mother : Malin… I’m your mother ………
                (Malin aku ibumu nak)
Malin    : go way !you are not my mother…
               (pergi jauh kamu bukan ibuku)

Mother : Malin, my son .. if you don’t recognize your mother, your life will be miserable.. if
you were my son, malin.I cursed you, you better be a stone!
Ibu: Malin, anakku .. jika kamu tidak mengenal ibumu, hidupmu
akan sengsara .. jika kamu adalah anakku, malin aku
mengutukmu, kamu lebih baik menjadi batu!

Jelegerr !!lightning suddenly heard (Jelegerr !! tiba-tiba terdengar petir)

Narrator: Malin’s mother cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t
apologize. MalinKundang just laughed and set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm
came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for MalinKundang to apologized. He
was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell on a small island, and suddenly turned into stone.
Narator: Ibu Malin mengutuk Malin Kundang bahwa dia akan
berubah menjadi batu jika dia tidak meminta maaf. MalinKundang
hanya tertawa dan berlayar. Di laut yang sepi, tiba-tiba
terjadi badai petir. Kapal besarnya hancur dan sudah terlambat
bagi MalinKundang untuk meminta maaf. Dia dilemparkan oleh
gelombang keluar dari kapalnya, jatuh di sebuah pulau kecil,
dan tiba-tiba berubah menjadi batu.

Malin : mom…. I’m sorry !!

            (bu maafkan aku bu!)
Mother : you’re late son
            (kamu terlambat nak)
Malin: mmootheeeerrrrrrr…...

 Narrator; Malin  had not apologized and regretted his actions .. eventually he  turned  into a
stone. He was punished because he is not admitting his own mother. 
Narator; Malin belum meminta maaf dan menyesali
perbuatannya .. akhirnya dia berubah menjadi batu. Dia dihukum
karena dia tidak mengakui ibunya sendiri.

kesimpulan bahwa kita sebagai seorang anak haruslah patuh kepada orangtua baik ibu
ataupun ayah,dan jangan lah durhaka seperti malin kundang

The conclusion that we as a child must obey the parents of

mother or father, and do not be ungodly like malin kundang

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