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Christian Faith Center!!!!!!!

Under the influence - Private Battles

Today we continue or series… Under the influence! So far, we have tackled: Change! Prayer! Empty Chairs!

Today I would like to tackle something a little more personal…. but much more prevalent and extremely powerful!!??

I want to talk to you today about ….. Private battles! We all have them…. But very few like to acknowledge that we do!

I want to dive in today by looking at what I believe is God’s strategy for dealing with THIS COMMON ELEPHANT!

2 Kings 5:1-5; 9-15 – Read

Naaman was called a mighty man of valor! Naaman was used by God! The scripture said that it was God that gave him victory!

But Naaman had a secret. A struggle. A sickness. Naaman was mighty in public and struggled in private.

I understand that many of you here today resonate with Naaman. Although you might be mighty in public you struggle in secret.

GOD is using you but SIN is also plaguing you! PREACH!

The real you is the one that looks you in the mirror when you’re all alone!

The real you is the one your family describes when you are not there!

This is why it’s vital that we win the private battles! - PREACH!

Naaman knew his private struggle would eventually overtake him completely.

Private devotion will lead to outward promotion! Private defeat will lead to public devastation! Time + Promotion! Exposure!

That’s why it’s so important to: Keep our private life right! Keep our Spirit good! It impacts our life!

Naaman did three things that eventually brought complete renewal to his life that I want to look at today!

ONE: Look up and out. 2 Kings 5:4-5 - Read

Some of you need to hear this today…. Listen: You’re not alone! God is near AND has set you in a spiritual family!

As long as your battle with: Lust! Porn! Addiction! Depression! Remains caged up inside you are on a crash course to lose.

Friends… Please hear me today! You are only as sick as your secrets!

Every person has to turn outward and upward with their battles! Accountability and exposure is the key to freedom in our lives!

This is why we do SMALL GROUPS at CFC! The scriptures tell us to confess our sin/struggles to each other in order to be healed!

According to scripture… Healing comes FROM God but it flows exclusively THRU people! You can’t get healed in isolation!

You turn to and confess to God……. for forgiveness! But you turn to and confess to others for….. healing and freedom!

Who are you turning to in times of trouble! Our choices define us! They define our lives!

“I never knew you!” Doesn’t God know everything? God will honor our choice not be known over His ability to know us!

God wants to: Save! Help! Heal! Deliver! His desire is to be involved in your life…. To be with you and to help you! Turn to Him!

TWO: Allow God’s word shape your thinking. 2 Kings 5:11; 13-Read

Naaman turns to seek God with a Worldly mindset. You can’t walk into God’s kingdom thinking earthly thoughts.
The level of freedom you walk in is determined by the way you respond to the word of God!

He processed what God said through a natural mind! “It doesn't make sense!” God's ways are always contrary to natural thought!

Walking in the Spirit is a MINDSET! Romans 12:1-2-Read

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you
may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV)

God is trying to TRANSform you through bringing your thoughts into agreement with His. God’s thoughts bring: Healing! Help!

The enemy is trying to CONform you by bringing your thinking in line with the ways of this world!

People’s lives are messed up only because their thinking is messed up!

Many people sacrifice breakthrough on the altar of old thinking and human logic! It doesn’t make sense!

Many people keep the chains and dysfunction only because the KEY to freedom doesn’t look like what they think it should!

Breakthrough and transformation are determined by how you respond to what God has said! If God gave you the key, USE IT!

Who cares: What it looks like! Who the delivered the key! If it’s “Beneath you”!

Your life doesn't change by altering God's instruction to fit your thinking!

Change happens when you altar you’re thinking to fit God’s instruction.

You may be a product of your past but you don’t have to be a prisoner of it!

It’s your time to break through! To unlock your life! To walk in a level of freedom you have never known before! – PREACH!

The renewing of your mind comes from updating your information on file. Buying a gun- Story.

Incorrect info leads to incorrect responses! Wrong believing leads to wrong living! Right believing leads to right living!

Breakthrough happens when you have God’s thoughts ON FILE and bring yourself into obedience to the word of God!

Even if it doesn’t make sense! Even if it doesn’t line up with what you’ve always done! What you’ve always done is used the wrong
key and that why you’re not free!

THREE: Be consistent. 2 Kings 5:14-15 – Read!

Being born again is an event! Being transformed into the image of God is a process!

He dips 7 times....7 times speaks to the process of perfection.... Speaks to the process of your mind being renewed!

Responding in obedience once doesn't bring breakthrough for N..... He has to dip again, his mind being renewed with every dip!

Renewal comes through repetition! On the 7th dip transformation happens! They say it takes around 7-8 times to form a habit!

Many people never make it to the point of transformation! They forfeit transformation half way through the process!

You think you’re not getting anywhere because your outward issue hasn’t shifted!

But every time you act in obedience AGIN, you’re paving the way to renewal in your mind!

And BTW God didn't ask Naaman to do anything He couldn't do! You do have the strength to do what God has said to do!

If you think you can't do what God has said.... You've bought the most elementary of lies!
Naaman shifted somewhere in there from…. this doesn't make sense and I'm not doing it..... To I'm just going to do it!

You don’t have to FEEL it to walk in God’s ways and into freedom! You just have to do it!

Look at your neighbor and say… just do it! Just do it: By Grace! By God’s strength!

Many of you are still suck in different areas only because you haven't stuck it out! You took a dip and it didn't magically change so
you forfeited!

You: Prayed! Tithed! Resisted! ONCE! Most people today are microwave minded.

Don't conform to the pattern of the world but…… be transformed! Transformation is a choice that comes from obedience!

It's a process of steering your new way of thinking! You have to steer your way out!

FOUR: Take it home.

He took something out of the moment and the miracle that would change the way he lived his life forever.

Close: Altar Call! Salvation!

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