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Corona is a contagious disease caused by the COVID-19 virus, this disease first appeared in China, in

China, and then spread almost throughout the country, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, the
coronavirus pandemic began with the discovery of patients with coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) on March
2, 2020. Until April 7, 2020, 2,491 positive cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, with 209 cases of which
died and 192 were cured. This case was stated to be spread in 32 provinces out of a total of 34 provinces
in Indonesia.

In the current situation of Indonesia which has been a corona emergency, so to prevent the spread of
the virus, the government has made various efforts so that the virus does not grow in Indonesia. Policies
issued by the government include stopping all activities that are open, implementing central and
regional government systems, as well as online education or working from home, and in dealing with
positive patients the government corona performs very intensive and isolated care. In addition, the
government also appealed to the public not to leave the house, implementing social distancing, for
those who want to go out, use masks and not to handshake with other people when they meet, and
always maintain the corona by implementing policies and appeals provided by the government.
cleanliness. Even though all of these things can have a negative impact on all fields that exist, we must
continue to help the government in preventing the development of the virus

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