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Statement of Purpose

Since early childhood, I developed a strong inclination and flair for English language. I
grew captivated by the world of languages as I learned various Indian languages. I have
mastered understanding almost 22 languages. My urge and quest for learning more has
made me apply for English combined B.A / M.A at Montclair State University.

Due to my keen interest in various languages, I had mastered them through self-learning.
Lately my passion towards mastering English has outgrown and made me apply at this
age. I hope you will review my attached transcripts and certificates and weigh my
application accordingly.

I am hoping to integrate my passion and experiences through this master’s degree in

English. I believe this course is tailor-made to my interests and will help me become a
distinguished English expert. Also, during my leisure visit to New Jersey 2014, 2015
and 2019, I found Montclair campus life to be a very stimulating and enriching
environment and it would be a great experience to be a part of such a lively community.

I am looking forward to the opportunity of being able to study Master of English at

Montclair State University.

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