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There are two great things God is doing in this last days. He is restoring to the church the fullness of
His power and the fullness of His presence.
There is a difference between God’s presence and God’s power
 God’s presence
 We need for living
 Nourishing
 Transforms
 Keeps
 God’s power
 It is for others through you
 It does not change you nor feed you nor maintain you.
We need this power for the world but that is not what keeps us alive and it is not what transforms the
What transforms the world is God’s presence.
God is bringing His people into new depth of wealth in the spirit. The move of God which is now, is a
move where there is a great combination of all the moves of God but the crown of it is real worship as
God had set it from time and what Jesus came to reveal.
Ex. 34:29
 And it happened as Moses was going down from Mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony
being in Moses’ hand as he went down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin
of his face had becomes shiny through His speaking with him.
God’s presence transformed Moses that he forgot about all of himself
He made His ways made to Moses but His acts to Moses
We don’t only need to see the manifestations of His acts these last days, but the fullness of His ways.
God’s desire is for us to be transformed into the image of His son and this happens as we constantly
enter His presence.
To enter God’s power, you have to surrender and in one second you can surrender.
So many times, we surrender and feel God’s power but think it’s the manifestation of His presence.
There are 7 revelations of Christ we must enter before we can truly worship God.
John 4:24
 God is Spirit, and His worshippers must worship in Spirit and in Truth.
If we must succeed in worshipping in spirit, we need to follow a guide given by the Spirit.
We must get into God’s presence daily and He gave us a roadmap to follow. He knows best how to get
us into His presence.
How to Enter into God’s presence
Heb. 9:1-
 Truly then, the first covenant also had ordinances of service, and the earthly holy place.

 For the first tabernacle was prepared, in which was both the menorah/lampstand and the table,
and the setting out of the loaves, which is called holy.
 But behind the second veil is a tabernacle, being called Holy of Holies having a golden altar of
incense and the ark of the covenant covered around on all sides with gold, in which was the
golden pot having manna and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant.
 And above it the cherubs of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat, about which now is not
enough time to speak piece by piece.
 And these having been prepared thus, the priests go into the first tabernacle through all,
completing the services.
 But into the second the high priest goes alone once in the year not without blood, which he
offers for himself and the ignorance’s of the people.
 The Holy Spirit signifying by this that the way of the Holy of Holies has not yet been made
manifest, the first tabernacle still having been standing.
Heb. 8:4-5
 For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, there being those priests offering gifts
according to the law, who serve the pattern of and shadow of heavenly things, even as Moses
was divinely warned, being about to make the tabernacle; for He says, ‘see that you make all
things according to the pattern being shown to you in the mount’
Heb. 9:23-24
 Then it was needful for the patterns of the things in the heavens to be cleansed with these; but
the heavenly things themselves by better sacrifices than these.
 For Messiah did not enter into the Holy of Holies made by hands, which is a symbol of the
true one, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of Yahweh on our behalf.

The Tabernacle
 It is a material reality revealing a Heavenly reality.
 It is a roadmap to enter God’s presence.
The presence of God needs a habitation. An atmosphere where God can dwell in it. as we worship, we
build that habitation. Now He ask for materials required to build;
Exodus 25, 26, 27
Symbolic and Prophetic Meanings of the Materials used for the tabernacle.
 Gold – Divinity
 Silver – Redemption
 Brass – Suffering
 Blue – Christ the Son of God
 Purple – King
 Scarlet – Suffering Saviour
 Fine Linen – Perfect Man
 Goats Hair – Sin
 Ram’s skin died red – Substitution
 Goats Skin – iniquity, the ugliness of sin. We saw no beauty in Him that we should desire. It
covered the whole outer part of the Tabernacle.
 Acacia wood – Incorruption
 Oil for light – The Holy Spirit

 Spices – Fragrance of Jesus
 Incense – Saints of Christ
 Stones – The Church
 Brass nail – burial and resurrection
 3 –Testimony
 4 – Universal /the world
 5 – Grace/Resurrection
 6 – Man
 7 – God
 8 – New Beginnings
 11 – Destruction. God told Moses the rope be made of 11 pieces of goat’s hair. He became sin
and destroyed it.
 12 – Administration
 14 – Responsibility
 120 – End of Judgement and beginning of blessings
The Four different skin
1. Fine linen – Perfect man
2. Goats hair – Became sin
3. Rams skin – Became our substitute
4. Goats skin – Iniquity – Rejected
The 7 Revelations of the Tabernacle
1. The Gate – Introduction
2. The Altar of Sacrifice – Reconciliation
3. The Lava – Sanctification for service
4. The Table of showbread – Satisfaction by the bread of life
5. The Lampstand – Illumination
6. Altar of Incense – Intercession
7. Ark of the covenant – Communion/Intimacy
The children of Israel saw Jesus every day in the Tabernacle but never knew it.

The Tabernacle according to us had three compartments but according to the Bible, it’s just two
compartments. Heb. 9
1. The Gate – The First Revelation is Jesus and His four offices – Introduction
John 14:6
 I am THE WAY, the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father except through me.

Psalms. 100:4
 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, into His courts with praise; be thankful to Him; bless
His name.

The gate is the introduction and at salvation, we were introduced to Jesus Christ.
Before we experience the presence of God at the Holy of holies, we must first pass through the gate.
To pass through the gate, you must experience the gate.
There are four colors at the gate and they represent the four offices of Jesus and these are the four
offices of Jesus you should have been introduced to when you got born again. Four colors, four
revelations all at the introduction.
At salvation you should have met and experienced Jesus as
1. The Savior of your soul
2. The King of Glory
3. The man Jesus
4. The son of God
The fullness of salvation is impossible until you understand the four offices of the Master.
1. White – Man to identify with - Mark
2. Blue – The Son of God I worship - John
3. Scarlet – Savior of my soul who took my sins and died on the cross - Luke
4. Purple – The King I obey – Matthew
The minute we experience the fullness of Christ Jesus at the gate, we then are born again and that is
when thanksgiving erupts out of our souls.

Isaiah 60;18
 Violence shall not still be heard in your land, or wasting and destruction within your borders;
you shall call your walls salvation/Yeshua by name as your wall of protection, and your gates
- True salvation brings total freedom
John 8;34-36
 Yeshua answered them, Truly, truly I say to you, everyone practicing sin is a servant of sin.
But the servant does not remain in the house forever, the son remains forever. Therefore, if the
Son sets you free, you are free indeed.
If you are in Christ, all things have passed away and all things have become new. That same minute
you come into Christ, all the chains of yesterday must be broken.
True praise happens when a man has been delivered from the chains of the past but we don’t
experience this because we don’t experience Christ in His fullness at salvation.
We must introduce the fullness of Christ at salvation to people. This is the greatest problem of the
church. Ministers giving what they don’t have. Giving what they have, half liberation.
So as a praise and worship leader, you are leading and people are not praising then you think it’s your
praise that is the problem. It’s possible;
- You yourself have not experienced full liberation
- The people have not fully been liberated
- It is the soul that praises, how can it when it is still in bondage.

Thanksgiving erupts from your soul when you experience the four revelations of Jesus at its fullness at
the gate of introduction.
You thank God for His goodness because thanking Him for His goodness relates to Him saving your
soul to its fullness.
We may say this is just at salvation but the Tabernacle was build and kept there not removed so that
the children of Israel will have this experience daily. So meeting Jesus daily at the gate is a must
before getting into God’s presence.
 The Courts
This is a distance between the gates and the Altar of sacrifice. It is a place of praising God for
His greatness. Whenever we praise God, we praise Him for His greatness.
Psalm 145;3, Psalm 95;3
At this point, you cannot worship God until you meet a revelation.
- You don’t need a revelation to Thank God – utterance of the mouth
- You don’t need a revelation to praise Him – utterance of the mouth
- But you need a revelation to worship Him – spirit. This revelation is by the Holy Spirit. This
revelation is the Holiness of God.
- Until you get the revelation of Holiness then you can begin to worship
- You cannot worship someone you have not met.
- It is the total being of God
- In the word Holy is the totality of God
- His holiness reveals His heart and it is only this revelation that can bring real worship.

2. The Altar of Sacrifice – Ex. 27;1-8 – Reconciliation

At the Altar of sacrifice, you get to know this Jesus you met at the gate and are reconciled with Him.
Psalm 95;1-5
 Oh come let us sing to Yahweh, let us shout to the Rock of our salvation.
 Let us come before His face with praise, let us shout for joy to Him with songs.
 For Yahweh is a great El, and a great King above all Elohim.
 The places of the earth are in His hands, the summits of the mountains also are His.
 The sea is His and He made it, and His hands formed the dry ground

Psalm 95;6-11
 come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before Yahweh our maker.
 For HE is Elohim and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today if
you will hear His voice do not harden your heart as in the day of strife as in the day of testing
in the wilderness.
 When your fathers tried me they tested me and they saw my work. For forty years I was
disgusted with that generation and I said, they are a people who err in heart and they do not
know My ways to whom I swore in My anger they shall not enter My rest.

- You can thank God for what He has done for you, praise Him for His strength and creation
and all His good works and manifestations but you cannot worship Him if you don’t know
- You can thank Him and praise Him and not hear His voice because at that time, its all your
voice. His voice is not heard at the gate and the court. At worship, its all God’s voice. You
cannot truly worship God without hearing His voice.
- As worship brings the voice of God, it also brings rest.
- Worship is my Sabbath and Sabbath means rest. You don’t have to work, God will do it all.
God asked Moses to build a brazen altar and that alter represents the sufferings and the cross of Jesus.
This is a place where worship is born.
John 10;27
 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.
- We hear God’s voice when we come into His presence but we cannot enter His presence until
we come to the cross.
- The gate is the door to the Christian life and the cross is the door into God’s presence.
- Many have not come to this place and they have not heard God’s voice and that is why they
have not been transformed. If you don’t hear God’s voice, you can never enter rest.
- Just like Israel did not hear God’s voice and that’s why they did not know rest.
- In other words, they rejected worship.

 The Altar – Exodus 27;1-8

- The altar has four horns and those four horns represent four experiences for the believer.
- The altar is where the Blood of Jesus was shed.
a. Forgiveness – Rom. 3;25
b. Deliverance from sin and the power of sin – 2 Cor. 5;21
c. Death of the old life – Rom. 6;6
d. Offering of your body to God – Rom. 12;1-2

- Worship is born when you lay down your life.

- You are not your own, you belong to God

1 Cor. 6;19-20
 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you who you have
from God. You are not your own fro you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your

The altar speaks of His sufferings and His cross but also my death – a place of total dedication and

- As you surrender, you will understand the cross, His sufferings.

- At this point of giving up your body a living sacrifice, there will be a revalation of who Jesus
truly is and that is where holiness is born.
- As sanctification occurs, holiness is born.
- At the gate you meet Jesus and at the altar, you are reconciled with Him.

Psalm 118;27

 The Lord is God and He has made His light to shine upon us. Bind the festal sacrifice with
cords up to the horns of the altar.
- The sacrifice is bound to the horns of the altar and when you lay hold of the horns of the altar,
you lay claim to the work of Christ and claiming it as yours.
Exodus 21;14

- Outside the altar, you are a dead man.

At this point of total yielding and laying onto the horns of the altar and all its benefits, Jesus becomes
real to you. In the absence of Him, yielding is impossible,
When you yield, you are

- Liberated and set free and the word start becoming alive.
- At this point worship is born.

3. The Lava – washing and Sanctification

Exodus 38;8
 He made the basin of bronze and its stand of bronze from the mirrors of the ministering
women who ministered in the entrance of the tent of meeting.
After the altar of sacrifice, you pick God’s word and begin to read.
James 1;23
 If anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his
natural face in a mirror.
Ephesians 5;25-27
 Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her that He
might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word so that He
might present the church to Himself in splendor without spot or any such thing that she might
be holy and without blemish.
Exodus 30;17-21
 The Lord said to Moses, you shall also make a basin of bronze with its stand of bronze, for
washing. You shall put it between the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar and you
shall put water there. And Aaron and his sons shall wash from it, their hands and their feet as
they go into the tabernacle of the congregation they shall wash with water and shall not die or
as they draw near to the altar to minister to burn a fire offering to Yahweh.
 And they shall wash their hands and their feet and shall not die. And it shall be a never ending
statute for them, to him and his seed and their generations.

- At the Lava, Aaron and his sons entered to wash their hands and feet and if they fail to do this,
they will die.
John 13;10

 Jesus said the one having been immersed or washed is clean except His feet but their some
who are still dirty entirely.
- You can know Christ, know His works on the cross, but if you don’t know the Word, you will
- If we neglect the washing by the Word, we will die.
- The priests washed their hands and feet but Christ said we are all clean except our feet.
- The hands were used to work, kill the sacrifice but today,the sacrifice has already been killed
and we don’t need to work and that is why we now live by grace. But we still need to
constantly wash our feet because we are still in the Christian walk and we have to walk in this
- Isaiah 52; 11, Romans 8;13
- We need to be clean entirely if we must be His vessels, before you serve Him and enter His
presence and this cleaning is what takes place at the Lava.
- You cannot wash yourself, the power of the Holy Ghost that does the washing as you read the
- This washing must be daily because your feet get dirty daily. We still touch dirt.

When you get up every morning, give Him thanks at the gate by meeting Him in His four offices.
Then you praise Him for His greatness and all things He has done.
You get to the altar of sacrifice to lay hold on the benefits of His sufferings and The Cross, then you
lay down your life and consecrate yourself. It’s the place where you die.
You go to the Lava and get washed with the word. To clean up your mind and heart.


John 14:6
I am the way, THE TRUTH and the life, no man comes unto the Father except through me.
The Holy Place was much smaller than the outer court and only a few people could come in there.
Here only a few people could enter and the light there was produced by the candlestick because from
this point the whole tabernacle was covered with four skin. The light of the outer court was natural
In the outer court, you can praise with many people but in the Holy place, you serve with a few.
4. The Table of Show Bread – Jesus the Bread of Life – Satisfaction
This happens as you continually read the scripture when you were at the lava, but here, the effects of
the scripture are different.
Since as you enter the Holy place there is illumination when you read the scriptures, they come alive,
you begin to understand easily.

- Many have entered and experienced the table of showbread without really knowing that is all
in the process.
- You leave from washing and revelation knowledge begins.

John 6;32-25

 Truly Truly I saw to you, Moses has not given you the bread out of Heaven but My Father
gives you the true bread out of Heaven. For His bread is He who has come down from Heaven
and gives life to the world.
 Then they said to Him Master always give us this bread.
 Yeshua said to them, I AM the bread of life, the one coming to Me will not hunger and the one
believing into Me will not thirst never.

- That presence of God here begins to manifest through the word of God because Jesus the
living bread begins to feed your soul.
- As light comes, you are being fed.

On the Table was sweet smelling frankincense but when you eat it, it is bitter in your mouth.

- When you get to this point, when you come out and speak what God reveals to you in the
scriptures, people don’t understand. Many at times, they persecute you.
- For this to happen, there is something about you God has to take away – submission of your
- It is when your will is no longer your own that God opens up scriptures for you.

Heb. 10;5-7

5. The Lampstand – Jesus the Light of the World – Illumination

2Cor. 10;5
 Casting down imaginations and every false thing lifting up itself against the knowledge of
Elohim and bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of the Messiah.
There is an illumination of your mind and this is done by the power of the Holy Ghost that is why the
petrol used for the lambs was olive oil, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
It is the Holy Spirit that leads you to the lampstand. When the word comes alive, your mind becomes
crystal clear and here you can close the Bible and everything you read is still there.
This is where the letter becomes life as in the Table it became spirit
Jesus said; John 6;63 The spirit gives life and the words that I speak are spirit and they are life.
Phil. 2;5- The mind of Christ becomes your mind.
So as at the table your will was taken away, here your mind is taken away and you have the mind of
6. The Altar of Incense – Intercession
Intercession is born the minute the Word becomes life, groaning comes alive. At this point, what you
read, you see yourself in it.
The word becomes prayer and at the point you need now to close the Bible and begin to pray.
At the outer court, you are not being fed, feeding starts at the Table of Showbread then illumination at
the lampstand then leads you to intercession. Many stop half way. Don’t stop until you experience the
Holy of Holies.

You cannot force intercession but immediately your mind is illuminated, intercession pops up without
The Word takes hold of you and it becomes your prayer. What you are reading becomes you and a
It is this intercession that leads you into the Holy of Holies.
Intercession does not come because you decide to pray but because you are in the worshiping process.

The Altar of incense had four different kinds of incense on it

- Life
- Death
- Burial
- Resurrection

Showing Jesus, and scripturally, incense represented prayer but now God had rejected the prayers of
the saints. Why were not qualify to intercede but Christ alone. To pray here, you need to pray and let
God hear Jesus.
So God considers the prayers of the saints now as a sweet smelling incense because it is Christ He sees
and hears as we pray.

- At the altar of incense, your emotions are taken away. Most of our intercessions today are
emotional. We need to get to this point to pray the will of God.
When full intercession hits you, there is a glorious experience.
1Cor. 6;16-17
 Do you not know that being joined to a harlot is one body with her?
 But one joined with the Master is one Spirit.
Here there is fullness of fellowship, you disappear totally and your spirit takes over but now your body
cannot join to the spirit of Christ neither can your soul but when then spirit comes up, it gets joint to
the spirit of Christ. So anything you do at that point is not you but Christ.
And that is when you can approach THE THRONE

- The body and the soul are unable to worship. It is only the sprit that can worship and before
that worship before the throne, it is Christ that appears before the Throne.


John 14:6
I am the way, the truth, and THE LIFE, no man comes unto the Father except through me.
Because the incense continually rises, intercession becomes worship and the altar of incense is a place
of transition from soul to spirit and here you can worship in spirit and in truth.

- Brokenness
- Truth means a place where there is no lie.

Psalm 46
 Be still and know that I am you God

 The Ark
There are two Arks in the Bible
1. The Ark of Noah
- I am in Christ

2. The Ark of the covenant

 Christ in me, the Hope of Glory
 Ex. 25;10-16, Ex. 27;1-9 – instructions on how to build the Ark
 Ex. 16;33-34 – Place Manna, Living Bread on the Ark
 Numbers 16, 17;8 – Place the rod of Aaron that budded – The resurrection power and glory
 Ex. 25;16, Deut. 31;25 – Place the Tablets of the Law.

- In the outer court, sunlight shone on the flesh

- In the Holy Place, the lampstand provided light
- In the Holy of Holies, there was no light. How did the priest go in and comes out without
being destroyed?
He had no right to touch the Ark if not He will die.
The Glory of God kept Him there. Christ in me, the hope of Glory.
When you come into the Holy of Holies, there is an entering of Christ in you and you disappear totally
and just Jesus functions. Just Him.
John 17;20-26
 And I do not pray concerning those only, but also concerning those who will believe in Me
through their word. That they may be echad, as You are in Me Father and I in You, that they
also may be echad in Us. That the world may believe that You sent Me.
 And I have given them the glory which You have given Me that they may be echad as we are
echad. I in them and You in Me that they may be perfected in one and that the world may
know that You sent Me and loved them even as You loved Me.
 Father those who You have given to me, I desire that where I am, they might also be with Me
that they might see My glory that you have given to Me because you have loved me from
before the foundations of the world.
 Righteous Father indeed the world did not know You but I knew You and these have known
that You sent Me and I made known You Name to them and I will make it known that the love
with which You loved Me may be in them and I in them.
The Cherubs are angels who protected the Glory of God and they are also angels of judgement. But
when they looked at the ark, they saw blood constantly for each year, the ark remained with blood and
was never washed.
On the ark were

- Manna
- Rod
- Tables of the law

But when the ark was being moved out of the tabernacle to the temple, the manner and the rod were
not on it.
2Chron 5;7-10
 Then the priests brought the Ark of the covenant of the Lord to its place in the inner sanctuary
of the house in the Most Holy Place, underneath the wings of the cherubim.
 The cherubim spread out their wings over the place of the ark so that the cherubim made a
covering above the ark and its poles. And the poles were seen from the Holy place before the
inner sanctuary but they could not be seen from outside and they are there to this day.
 There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed there at Horeb,
where the Lord made a covenant with the people of Israel when they came out of Egypt.
- What happened to the manna and the rod?

The tabernacle speaks of the church of Christ today. And as the ark of the covenant stood in the
tabernacle, it moved every year from place to place so the church today is moving in progression and
growth. As long as there is growth and progression in glory and in faith, the bread of life and the
resurrection power are hid from the eyes of the world.

1Cor. 9;20-21
I am in the law in Christ because Christ is the keeper of the law for me

Moses was on the mountain receiving the ten commandments. As He was receiving the first one, the
children of Israel were breaking it already. When Moses came down, He broke the tablets with anger.
This is to show that they could not follow the commandments. We cannot follow the commandments.
When he took the second one, God asked Him to hide it from them. Place it in the ark. Meaning, place
it in Christ because Christ is the ark.

As the ark was carried to the temple which was the permanent temple meaning the stable church

- He revealed His bread

- He revealed His power
- But he kept the laws
- He said I will still fulfill the law of God. It stayed in Him because He will fulfill it eternally.
- So God has placed the law in Christ and Christ in you. As long as Christ is in you fulfilling the
law, you too are fulfilling it.
This oneness or echad happens, then worship is perfected.
1. The gate – introduction
2. The altar of sacrifice – reconciliation
3. The lava – sanctification
4. The table of show bread – satisfaction
5. The lampstand – illumination
6. The altar of incense – intercession
7. The ark – oneness – worship


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