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NIM. 1902030056

I am Izza Vithry Hayah, in this paper I want to tell about one of my dreams.
One of my biggest dreams is that I want to live in the hometown of the our
Prophet, Medina An Nabawiyyah. I want to stay and settle there because I know
that the city of Medina is a city that is so peaceful, beautiful, calming, a city full
of the history of Rasulullah and the previous Muslims, a city that gave birth to
many scholars who hold fast to the Quran and Sunnah, so, which Muslim is not in
love with the city of Medina?

I really love the city of Medina, especially considering there is a hadith and
in the hadith, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam once said that "Faith
retreats to Madeenah like a snake returns to its hole". There were so many
privileges that Allah gave to this city. Allah has made Medina a city full of
blessings and has been glorified by Him. And this made me make Medina as one
of my big dreams to be able to feel the joy of living there, worshiping and
studying there.

I also want to feel the pleasure of worship at Haromain. Maximizing

worship there, carrying out Hajj and Umrah, studying in the assemblies of
knowledge together with pious people, walking in the city of Medina, visiting
historical places while learning the stories and struggles of Rasulullaah and his
companions in da'wah, and many more. My dream may sound impossible, but I
believe that nothing is impossible if Allah wills, I believe in Allah and my love for
Medina will take me there.

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