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For Router IOS recovery:

rommon 1> IP_ADDRESS=x.x.x.x

rommon 2> IP_SUBNET_MASK=x.x.x.x
rommon 3> DEFAULT_GATEWAY=x.x.x.x
rommon 4> TFTP_SERVER=x.x.x.x
rommon 5> TFTP_FILE=1841-i-mz.bin rommon 5> TFTP_FILE=1841-i-mz.bin P_FILE=1841-i-mz.bin
rommon 6> tftpdnld (Make sure tftp server is running)

For switch IOS recovery

Use the serial cable connection with SecrureCRT and xmodem with BAUD=115200

To enable SSH on Router/Switch


ip domain-name

crypto key generate rsa (choose at east 1024 for better security)

username xyz priv 15 secret *****

aaa new-model

line vty 0 15

transport input ssh

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