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 I define innovative with original idea from an individual and thats idea is new, creative, and,

out of the box. And also can solve the problem, make something work more easy or efficiently,
help our routine, or even something simple that can make us just relax or more comfortable.
 Yeah... that’s how I define innovative. It just a simple idea but uniq and also have impact to the
user or enviroment arround the user.


 In this 21st century innovative means something creative and out of the box that can makes
human activities more easy, effective, and efficient. Why? Because in this century human
acivities will be more denser. The movements of humans is getting faster. So, innovative plays
big roles in this century.
 Technology make our life better and easier. Yes, that statement is right. With technology I can
connected with many people out there. All of my job and assignment getting easier. I can
always update information every where and any time. I can learn many new thing easier. I can
buy everything easier. This technology development is really amazing and really help my life.
 In my opinion robot is the greatest innovation of modern technology. Robot looks like humnan
and robbot can do human jobs. I think this is the greatest technology in this modern era
because there’s an iron but have skill like human

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