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Technology into the sport´s world

It goes without a doubt that technology is affecting all industries of the world, and sport
is no exception. People can now communicate faster, exchange ideas, and even support
their favourite athletes from miles away. But how exactly did technology change the
sports industry for the better?

Firstly, athletes need more than physical training to stay on top of their game.
Besides improved training facilities and better gym equipment, athletes and trainers now
have cutting-edge technology to monitor body activity and personalize training to suit
their own needs.

In addition to this, nutrition is another factor that athletes need to consider. Based on
their body type, weight, or physical condition, they need to adapt their diet before or after
a big event, to be in perfect shape. Nutrition doctors are now using high-end software to
determine a person’s dietary journey, based on individual goals.

Moreover, referees and umpires seem to have the most to gain wince technology started
to infiltrate sports. For many years, upset fans have been accusing them of taking one side
or the other in a game, and not making the right call when it comes to giving warnings.
Since instant replay came to help, such situations are less and less noticeable.

As a conclusion, technology is slowly changing every aspect of our society, from

healthcare to manufacturing and sports. From better equipment to improved training
technology and software that gives little to no error when it comes to helping referees
decide whether a mistake has been made or not, it is safe to assume that the impact of
technology in sports has nothing but beneficial results.

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