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because of a damage on the allignment in the picture number 1 this can cause fire, and electrical
shock that may cause accidents so better not use it any more.

2.The wires or the cables of the electric drill may be fixed with duct tape and its secures but if the
person holding it when plugged in had a wrong move he or she maybe shocked or ground so using this is
very dangerous.

3.The broken port or the one that is used to put on the socket will be dangerous when it is plugged in
younger people like 3 to 10 years old may cause some life consumption this may also cause fire.

4.When using a grinder you should be careful because this may cause permanent injuries like getting an
arm or a finger cut out but if you use it when it has broken parts

the blade may be thrown away by the grinder.

note: the items in the picture may explode when in use.

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