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“José Vasconcelos”.

Actividad 1.
Prefixes and Suffixes.

Ingles VI.

Mr. Daniel García Rocha.

ALM: Carlos Eduardo Beltrán Piña.
Grupo: 606
Suffix -acy
Meaning: State or quality
Example: Democracy, accuracy, lunacy

Suffix -al
Suffix meaning: The action or process of
Example: Remedial, denial, trial, criminal
Suffix -ance, -ence
Meaning: State or quality of
Example: Nuisance, ambience, tolerance

Suffix -dom
Meaning: Place or state of being
Example: Freedom, stardom, boredom
Suffix -er, -or
Suffix meaning: Person or object that does a specified action
Example: Reader, creator, interpreter, inventor, collaborator, teacher

Suffix -ism
Meaning: Doctrine, belief
Example: Judaism, scepticism, escapism
Suffix -ist
Meaning: Person or object that does a specified action
Example: Geologist, protagonist, sexist, scientist, theorist, communist

Suffix -ity, -ty
Meaning: Quality of
Example: Extremity, validity, enormity
Suffix -ment
Meaning: Condition
Example: Enchantment, argument

Suffix -ness
Meaning: State of being
 Example: Heaviness, highness, sickness

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