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N : Good Morning Miss

A : Good morning nurse

N : How are you today?

A : Not very well I think

N :Im sorry to hear that. Let me introduce myself, my name is Nurse Galuh I responsible of you
in this morning shift at 8 AM until 2 PM .

A : Okay Nurse

N : I would like to collect your identity to fill this admission form. your our name mention here
Mrs. Amelia how can I address you?

A : You can call me Amel

N : Okay miss Amel, what is your full name?

A : Rizka Amelia Afrilianty

N : Where and when were you born miss?

A : Semarang, (…………………….) ngapunten, isi dewe ya buk hehe

N : How old are you?

A : I am 22 Y.O

N : Where do you live miss Amel?

A : (…………….)

N : What is your occupation?

A : I am a college student in Polkesyo

N : What is your civil state?

A : Iam Indonesia

N : Whats is your religion?

A : Iam, moslems

N : Whats is your education?

A : Iam in university now

N : can I have your phone number miss?

A : Sure, 081328295164

N : Who is your next of kin miss?

A : Mrs….. she is my mother

N : Okay miss Amel, Could you tell me what is your health problem today?

A : I have got stomachache

N : Can you describe the pain miss?

A : its feel throbbing and a lot of pain

N : I see, can you show me the location of your pain?

A : its on the lower side of my abdomen

N : How long its bother you?

A : its start from yesterday

N : have you experience this before?

A : Yes, nurse. I usually got a headache when I have a lot of activity

N : Do you have vertigo before?

A : No Nurse

N : Have you consume any medicine before you go to hospital ?

A : No Nurse

N : Okay miss, at this time I would like to check your vital sign, I would like to start with taking
your temperature, then checking your blood pressure, after that I would like to check your repiration
and your pulse.

C : Okay nurse

N : now, I would like to measure your body temperature. Would you mind to putting this
thermometer in your armpit miss?

A : okay Nurse

N : While I check your temperature I will check your blood pressure. I will put the cuff in your
arm. Could you roll up your sleeve please.

C : Yes Nurse. How about the result?

N : Your temperature is 38.5 degrees celcius, your blood pressure 120 over 80 milimeter
hydro. Your blood pressure is normal, but your temperature is high.

C : So what should I do when my temperature is high nurse?

N : You can drink a lot of water to rehydrate your body so it will help to reduce your body

C : but I don’t like to drink a lot of water because my mouth is bitter tasted

N : oh.. okay miss I understand, I think you can try to drink little by little or you can drink one
glass per our. I think it will help you to keep your body hydrated

C : okay nurse, if I follow your instruction what will I get after drinking a lot water.
N : it will help to reduce your body temperature, keep your body hydrated, improve the
function of your kidneys, so it will bring so much benefit for your body miss.

C : okay thank you for your information, I will follow your instruction

N : okay miss, after I check your temperature and your blood pressure, let me check your pulse
and your respiration rate . you just have to lay and relax. May I borrow your hand miss?

C : okay miss, what about the result, and could you tell what is the normal range of respiratory
rate and pulse?

N : Your Respiratory rate is 18 a minute and your Pulse is 70 a minute. The normal range of
respiratory rate is 16-20 a minute, and the normal range of pulse is 60-100 a minute

C : okay miss, thenk you for your information

N : Sure, your welcome. I think its enough for checking your condition, all of your result is
already recorded in your medical record. Please tell me if you have another health problem, so we
can disscuss with another health professional to give you the best intervention.

C : okay miss

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