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Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Drugs in the
Developing Brain
Greg Stratmann, MD, PhD

Anesthesia kills neurons in the brain of infantile animals, including primates, and causes
permanent and progressive neurocognitive decline. The anesthesia community and regulatory
authorities alike are concerned that is also true in humans. In this review, I summarize what
we currently know about the risks of pediatric anesthesia to long-term cognitive function. If
anesthesia is discovered to cause cognitive decline in humans, we need to know how to
prevent and treat it. Prevention requires knowledge of the mechanisms of anesthesia-induced
cognitive decline. This review gives an overview of some of the mechanisms that have been
proposed for anesthesia-induced cognitive decline and discusses possible treatment options. If
anesthesia induces cognitive decline in humans, we need to know what type and duration of
anesthetic is safe, and which, if any, is not safe. This review discusses early results of
comparative animal studies of anesthetic neurotoxicity. Until we know if and how pediatric
anesthesia affects cognition in humans, a change in anesthetic practice would be premature,
not guided by evidence of better alternatives, and therefore potentially dangerous. The
SmartTots initiative jointly supported by the International Anesthesia Research Society and
the Food and Drug Administration aims to fund research designed to shed light on these
issues that are of high priority to the anesthesia community and the public alike and therefore
deserves the full support of these interest groups. (Anesth Analg 2011;113:1170 –9)

F or ⬎150 years of anesthetic practice, it was believed

that as a general anesthetic wears off, the brain would
return to the same state as before the anesthetic. We
are now beginning to understand that this basic premise of
authorities6 about whether these phenomena might apply
to humans. Subsequently, it became clear that the histologic
data were reproducible not only in rodents but also in
virtually every species tested,7 including primates,8 –10 fur-
anesthetic pharmacology is false. In 2003, Jevtovic- ther heightening the degree of concern about anesthesia in
Todorovic et al.1 presented their sentinel findings that a the immature human brain. A Food and Drug Administra-
combined anesthetic (midazolam, nitrous oxide, and isoflu- tion advisory committee meeting in 2007 concluded that no
rane) administered to 7-day-old rats for 6 hours kills change in clinical practice is justified based on available
neurons in the developing brain and causes long-term data,6 and a follow-up meeting in March 2011 upheld this
impairment of brain function. They showed that long-term recommendation.
potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus was impaired in It is uncertain if it will ever be feasible to test whether
anesthetized rats.1 LTP is a form of synaptic plasticity, often anesthesia kills neurons in the brain of children. However,
considered the electrophysiologic correlate of learning and this may not be entirely necessary. A focus on anesthesia-
memory, and the hippocampus is a brain structure impor- induced neurodegeneration seems appropriate only if some
tant for learning and memory. More importantly, these aspect of brain function in humans was changed perma-
authors demonstrated a progressive deficit in spatial rec- nently by anesthesia, and if a causal link between
ognition tasks administered both 4 weeks and 4.5 months neurodegeneration and long-term brain function could
after anesthesia.1 Immediately, concern mounted within be demonstrated in animals. Let us examine these 2
the anesthesia community2–5 and also within regulatory premises in more detail.

From the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of ANESTHESIA AND BRAIN FUNCTION IN HUMANS
California San Francisco, San Francisco, California.
Until recently, speculation as to whether developmental
Accepted for publication August 1, 2011.
anesthetic neurotoxicity might exist in humans occurred
This manuscript was handled by Peter J. Davis, MD.
mostly on the basis of studies that were not specifically
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
designed to address this question.2–5,7,11 Since 2009, 7
Portions of this article are adapted from the California Society of Anesthe-
siologists online Continued Medical Education Pediatric Anesthesia series, publications appeared that were designed to shed light on
Module 4: Neurotoxicity of Anesthetic Agents in the Developing Brain by Greg whether anesthesia in humans might impair brain function
Stratmann, MD, PhD. These sections are reproduced with permission of the long-term.12–18 Unfortunately, for a number of reasons
California Society of Anesthesiologists. Release date: June 14, 2011. Available
at:⫽11&module⫽ discussed below, the issue remains far from being resolved.
34&terms⫽show. Wilder et al.12 studied whether anesthesia administered
Reprints will not be available from the author. at younger than 4 years was associated with learning
Address correspondence to Greg Stratmann, MD, PhD, Department of disabilities between ages 5 and 19 years. A cohort of 5357
Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California San Francisco,
Box 0464, Room U286, 513 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94143.
children born in Olmsted County, Minnesota, between 1976
Address e-mail to and 1982 was assessed for the presence, type, and duration
Copyright © 2011 International Anesthesia Research Society of anesthesia administered before age 4 years. Anesthesia
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e318232066c administered for both surgical and diagnostic procedures

1170 November 2011 • Volume 113 • Number 5

Anesthesia and the Pediatric Brain

was included in the analysis. The school district in which high IQ score, resulting in a predicted aptitude score that
the study was performed routinely administered reading, might render an otherwise normal aptitude to be classified
writing, and math aptitude tests as well as intelligence as meeting the learning disability criterion.
tests. In this study, learning disability was defined as a The same group16 reported later that year that general
performance on standardized achievement tests below a anesthesia for cesarean delivery does not increase the
certain predicted score based on the child’s IQ. If any of 3 cumulative incidence of learning disabilities in the same12
different definitions used by the school district to identify birth cohort of children. This is consistent with their earlier
disabled learning applied, the primary outcome of this study12 because cesarean delivery required one single,
study, learning disability, was considered to be present and rather short anesthetic. Surprisingly, children born by
study follow-up ceased at this point. Eleven percent of cesarean delivery under regional anesthesia had a lower
children underwent at least 1 anesthetic before age 4 years, cumulative incidence of learning disability than those born
of whom 24% underwent ⬎1 anesthetic. Learning disabili- by vaginal delivery.16 The significance of this finding is
ties were more common in those children who had ⬎1 unclear and requires further study. However, this study
anesthetic, and cumulative anesthetic duration of ⬎2 hours suggests that a brief general anesthetic during late fetal life
was a risk factor for learning disability. Learning disability is not associated with later cognitive problems. The retro-
was not more common if only 1 anesthetic exposure spective nature of this study confers the same limitations to
occurred before age 4 years. Because children requiring ⬎1 interpretation of the data that apply to their previous
anesthetic were sicker than those requiring only a single study.12
anesthetic, the authors performed a subgroup analysis of Kalkman et al.13 approached the problem from a differ-
children requiring ⬎1 anesthetic with ASA physical status ent and interesting angle. They argued that anesthesia is
I and II and excluding those with ASA physical status III mostly administered to tolerate a surgical procedure.
and IV. Despite including only less sick children with Therefore, to draw conclusions about the effects of anes-
multiple anesthetic exposures, the association between thesia versus surgery on cognitive outcome, an unanesthe-
learning disabilities and anesthesia persisted. Methodo- tized control group undergoing surgery would be required
logic advantages of this study are that studying a birth or anesthesia would have to be administered to children
cohort does not bias surgical procedures and comorbidities who do not need it, neither one of which is ethically
in the same way recruitment of a cohort of patients from an feasible. The authors further assumed that there is a distinct
academic center might. Furthermore, controlling for IQ period of vulnerability to the effects of anesthesia on
seems like an elegant approach to controlling for one of the neurodevelopment, as suggested by animal studies using
strongest confounders of a child’s ability to learn. General histologic outcomes.8,20,22–24 Based on this assumption, the
methodologic drawbacks include retrospective analysis of authors hypothesized that children anesthetized during the
a retrospective cohort, which forces studying an outcome period of vulnerability (earlier in life) should have a worse
variable that is available rather than one that is chosen cognitive outcome than children anesthetized after the
prospectively. Learning disability is a very nonspecific period of vulnerability. They defined the period of vulner-
outcome and many underlying pathologies may impair a ability in humans as younger than 2 years of age.13 This
child’s ability to learn, for example, motivation, attention, design circumvents the issue of requiring an unobtainable
intelligence, sensory neural problems, or other, more- control group and allows children anesthetized later in life
specific functional abnormalities, all of which may have to serve as controls. The authors used scores from the Child
relevance to anesthetic developmental neurotoxicity. Other Behavioral Checklist to identify behavioral abnormalities
drawbacks include that the anesthetic almost uniformly and found that children anesthetized at younger than 2
administered to the study cohort was halothane/nitrous years of age tended to have a higher incidence of clinically
oxide, which is now an outdated anesthetic in most pedi- deviant behavior than children anesthetized at older than 2
atric anesthetic practices. Reporting the cumulative inci- years, undergoing the same (urological) procedures. The
dence of learning disabilities requires that follow-up is difference was even more pronounced between children
stopped when learning disability is detected. In other undergoing anesthesia at younger than 6 months of age
words, once a child meets the criterion for learning disabili- compared with older than 2 years. However, neither effect
ties, it is assumed that learning disabilities persist and was pronounced enough to reach statistical significance. A
never resolve. This makes it impossible to comment on the sample-size calculation revealed that ⬎6000 children
true prevalence of the outcome. It is possible that children would have to be studied to show the difference, given the
with learning disabilities at some point may have a change effect size comparing children younger than 2 years with
in performance that places them back in the normal range, those of more than 2 years at the time of anesthesia, and
an event that cannot be captured by the current study ⬎2200 patients if the sample-size calculation was based on
design. However, it might be possible that anesthesia- the effect size comparing children younger than 6 months
associated learning disabilities progress, as has been sug- and older than 2 years of age at the time of anesthesia.13
gested for anesthesia-induced neurocognitive dysfunction Although the authors chose an innovative and logical
in animals.1,19 –21 The current study design would not be approach to a difficult ethical dilemma, the validity of the
able to detect progression of cognitive disability. Likewise, observation is based on the assumption that the period of
this methodology would not capture the spuriousness of vulnerability in humans is limited to 2 years of age. This
the outcome. For example, a low aptitude score in any one assumption may or may not be correct. It has been perpetu-
of the tested domains, for whatever reason, would trigger ated over the years that the period of vulnerability coin-
the diagnosis of learning disability, as would a spuriously cides with the peak of synaptogenesis, which is also known

November 2011 • Volume 113 • Number 5 1171


as the brain growth spurt. The publication frequently cited for assessing the type, frequency, and duration of the
in support of this is a scholarly article by Dobbing and anesthetic in either the hernia repair or the control group. It
Sands,25 which does not mention synaptogenesis. Instead, was not possible to exclude that children in the control
it synthesizes knowledge from various brain weight studies cohort did not have an anesthetic for procedures other than
and proposes a hypothesis of how to relate vulnerability to hernia repairs. Perhaps the most interesting finding of this
environmental and nutritional challenges among different study is the delay with which the behavioral outcome
animal species. Appropriately, there are several notes of presented; in this case, 3 to 4 years after the surgery. This is
caution regarding the limitations for interpreting their reminiscent of animal studies, suggesting a progressive
hypothesis, for example, that the term “brain growth spurt” nature of the deficit.1,19 –21
is an oversimplification because different areas of the same Recently, the academic performance of a national cohort
brain develop at different paces.25 Indeed, the peak of of Danish 15- to 16-year-old adolescents (n ⫽ 2689) who
synaptogenesis in many structures of the rodent brain, had undergone inguinal hernia repair between 1986 and
including the cortex and the dentate gyrus of the hip- 1990 at the age of 1 year or younger was compared with a
pocampus, does not occur until postnatal days 11 to 16, and random sample of 14,575 age-matched controls.17 When
synaptogenesis seems to persist until at least postnatal important confounders such as gender, birth weight, and
day 32.24,26 –30 Even within a given cortical neuron, synap- parental age and education were controlled for, there was
togenesis is not a uniform phenomenon.28 The period of no evidence that the relatively brief (presumed by the
vulnerability to anesthesia-induced neuronal apoptosis oc- authors to be 30 – 60 minutes) general anesthetic had af-
curs before postnatal days 10 to 14,8,22,23 and is thus not fected academic achievement scores. All of the above
well aligned with the peak of synaptogenesis. Most impor- confounders more strongly affected academic achievement
tantly, the period of vulnerability to the long-term behav- than surgery plus anesthesia.17 This is despite the fact that
ioral effects of anesthetic drugs extends to at least postnatal children were younger than 12 months at the time of
days 14 to 17 in the rat.20 Rats reach sexual maturity at surgery, and thus may be considered more sensitive to the
postnatal day 50.31 It must be concluded that the period of effects of anesthesia than older children.13 The authors
vulnerability to the outcome of interest—the long-term appropriately concluded that these reassuring results can-
cognitive effects of anesthesia—well extend way past 2 not exclude deficits in more particular cognitive domains. It
years of age in humans. Consequently, the estimate by is understood that the effects of longer anesthetic durations
Kalkman et al. of the anesthetic effect on behavior might, if are likewise not detectable with this study design.
anything, be an underestimate. Another human trial was designed to test whether there
The advantages and disadvantages of various study is a causality between anesthesia administered at younger
designs had been discussed in an editorial by the third than 3 years and between 3 and 12 years and cognitive
contributors to the current human literature on long-term performance. The authors studied 1143 pairs of monozy-
cognitive effects of anesthesia.11 According to these au- gotic twins hypothesizing that if anesthesia and not the
thors, the power of studying a prospective cohort must be underlying disease caused cognitive disabilities, then the
balanced against the lead time for data to become available. exposed twin should have a higher incidence of under-
For example, if enrollment of a randomized, controlled trial achievement than the unexposed twin. Most pairs of twins
of regional versus general anesthesia for pediatric surgical in this study consisted of twins who were either both
procedures were completed today, data of remote neurobe- exposed or both not exposed to anesthesia. However, 71
havioral outcomes would not be available for years or twin pairs (15%) were discordant (one twin exposed, the
perhaps decades. Given the urgency with which data on other not exposed to anesthesia). Anesthesia was adminis-
developmental neurobehavioral end points after anesthesia tered mostly for surgical procedures. Exposed twins had
administration in humans are sought, a long lag time is similar achievement scores on a nationwide test at 12 years
arguably unacceptable. Thus, the authors11 concluded that of age to unexposed twins, and a similar incidence of
an ideal combination of lag time and design strength would cognitive problems, as assessed by a teacher questionnaire.
be prospective analysis of a retrospective cohort. The same The authors concluded that the comorbidity but not the
group14 later studied whether hernia repair at age 3 years combination of anesthesia and surgery is the cause of the
or younger is associated with subsequent behavioral cognitive problems. If these results can be duplicated, they
and/or developmental disorders. A set of 383 medicare would make a convincing argument that neither anesthesia
records listing procedure codes related to hernia repair was nor surgery is a problem for the cognitive development of
compared with a control set of 5050 age- and sex-matched children.
medicare records not listing these procedure codes. Children DiMaggio et al.18 subsequently came close to doing just
younger than age 3 years were included. The behavioral that by identifying 10,450 twins of unknown zygocity (i.e.,
outcome was defined as a diagnostic code for unspecified “siblings”), 306 of whom had been exposed to anesthesia
delay or behavioral disorder, mental retardation, autism, during a surgical procedure before age 3 years and 10,146
and language and speech disorder. If the behavioral out- of whom had not. Of the 138 discordant pairs in which only
come preceded the surgery, the record was excluded. After 1 of the 2 twins was exposed to anesthesia, neither sibling
controlling for age, sex, race, and the presence of confound- of 107 pairs had International Classification of Diseases, Ninth
ing diagnoses at birth, procedure codes indicating hernia Revision (ICD-9) diagnostic codes that would suggest a
repair were more than twice as likely to be associated with problem with brain development, and both siblings of 11
the behavioral outcome codes as when procedure codes for pairs had such ICD-9 codes subsequent to the procedure of
hernia repair were absent. The study design did not allow the exposed twin.


Anesthesia and the Pediatric Brain

When only 1 twin of a pair discordant for anesthetic discuss evidence for each of 3 cellular phenomena to
exposure had an ICD-9 code suggesting a problem with qualify as a mediating mechanism of anesthesia-induced
brain function (n ⫽ 20), there was an even split of these cognitive decline: neurodegeneration, synaptogenesis, and
codes between exposed (n ⫽ 9) and unexposed twins (n ⫽ hippocampal neurogenesis.
11). This supports the findings by Bartels et al.15 that there
is no causal relationship between anesthetic exposure and NEURODEGENERATION
brain dysfunction as measured by the occurrence of ICD-9 It is now accepted, on the basis of overwhelming experi-
codes subsequent to the surgical procedure. A similar mental evidence,7 that anesthesia causes neurodegenera-
conclusion can be drawn from another finding from that tion in a variety of animal species, including primates.8,9
same study,18 namely that the hazard ratio of behavioral/ Few would dispute that the possibility of anesthesia caus-
developmental diagnosis was 1.6 when anesthesia occurred ing neurodegeneration in humans is real, although it will
before the first occurrence of the ICD-9 code, but 1.3 when be very difficult to prove this definitively. Furthermore,
the ICD-9 code appeared before the anesthetic exposure. whether or not anesthesia-induced neurodegeneration hap-
In this latter case, anesthesia could not possibly have caused pens in humans is not nearly as important as whether
the behavioral/developmental diagnosis. The fact there is anesthesia impairs cognition in humans. What is important,
nonetheless an association between anesthetic exposure however, is to define the role of anesthesia-induced neurode-
and behavioral/developmental diagnosis in this case high- generation in causing anesthesia-induced cognitive decline.
lights the existence of confounders, which is unavoidable Unless anesthesia-induced neurodegeneration mediated
given the study design. The authors also found an the anesthesia-induced cognitive outcome, it would
increasing likelihood of an ICD-9 code of a behavioral/ merely be an epiphenomenon with little significance to
developmental diagnosis with multiple anesthetics. cognitive function. When anesthesia was first shown to
Whether this represents an anesthetic dose response or a cause both neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in
greater burden of disease is unclear. rats,1 a causal link between the 2 outcomes must have
In summary, the human literature is controversial as to seemed so plausible that it was not as rigorously scruti-
whether anesthesia in infancy causes cognitive problems nized as other, less intuitive potential mechanisms. To
later in life. Furthermore, it is unclear what the period of address this question in more detail, we must consider
vulnerability to anesthetic neurotoxicity is. We do not the evidence for and against such a causal link.
know whether there is a safe anesthetic technique or It is difficult to comprehend how a one-time anesthetic
duration. The specific cognitive deficit caused by anesthe- exposure, which increases neuroapoptosis, can have a
sia, if any, that may underlie such outcomes as learning neurobehavioral consequence without the specific defect
disabilities, has not been identified. None of the studies, (apoptosis) or the defect’s sequelae (decreased cell number,
alone or in combination, form a basis for informing clinical decreased synaptic connectivity, altered cell migration, etc.)
practice. persisting from the time of exposure. In other words, if
months after anesthesia the brain of a formerly anesthe-
ANIMAL STUDIES tized person or animal was indistinguishable from a brain
As discussed above, it is not entirely clear whether long- that was not exposed to anesthesia, it would be hard to
term cognitive dysfunction, the most worrisome feature of argue that anesthesia caused the brain to be dysfunctional.
developmental anesthetic neurotoxicity, occurs in humans. Applied to neurodegeneration, this means that several
In the meantime, animal models of anesthesia are impor- months after anesthesia a causality between anesthesia-
tant in furthering our understanding of the phenomenology, induced neurodegeneration and anesthesia-induced cog-
pharmacology, and the mechanism of anesthesia-induced nitive dysfunction would be difficult to accept unless
neurocognitive dysfunction. To that end, a recent study21 in neurodegeneration had somehow altered the brain of
monkeys demonstrating a persistent and progressive decline anesthetized animals. If neurons destroyed by anesthesia
in cognitive domains after ketamine anesthesia is the latest in left a detectable gap in the brain or if the neuronal number
a series of alarming studies suggesting that anesthesia given was different from unanesthetized animals, a reasonable
to immature mammals impairs brain function later in life. argument could be made that neurodegeneration qualifies
Understanding the mechanism by which anesthesia as a potential mediating mechanism for the cognitive
impairs brain function months after anesthesia in infancy outcome. Rizzi et al.34 used pregnant guinea pigs to show
would allow us to develop rational preventive strategies, that a triple anesthetic cocktail consisting of 0.55% isoflu-
and is thus a very important, yet currently elusive, mile- rane, 75% nitrous oxide, and 1 mg/kg midazolam for 4
stone in this field. Implicit in the concept of a mechanism is hours, but not fentanyl 15 mg/kg/h, caused acute neuro-
the concept of causality. Although causality might be degeneration in the offspring. They also found that the
impossible to prove, it is usually accepted on the basis of neuronal density in the first postnatal week was reduced by
(good) enough evidence for and insufficient or bad evi- 30% to 50% in the offspring that had been exposed to
dence against such a link.32 If anesthesia caused cognitive anesthesia.34 The authors concluded that the observed
dysfunction, the mechanism by which anesthesia caused degree of anesthesia-induced neuronal deletion far ex-
cognitive dysfunction would be causally linked to both ceeded the approximately 1% neuronal deletion observed
anesthesia and cognitive dysfunction. The following dis- in their prior studies and therefore suggests that neurons
cussion suggests that the mechanism of anesthesia-induced are permanently lost.34 It could be argued, however, that
cognitive dysfunction or decline, as the case may be,1,19 –21,33 the observed anesthesia-induced neuronal deletion is well
is much less clear than previously thought. Specifically, I in line with the normal rate of developmental apoptosis,

November 2011 • Volume 113 • Number 5 1173


which is usually at least 50%.35,36 However, neurons dying long-term neurocognitive outcome.43 The latter possibility
during development are immature,37–39 but the postmitotic was suggested by another study,44 demonstrating that 2
age of neurons killed by anesthesia is not yet known. hours of isoflurane but not 1 hour of isoflurane at 1
Nonetheless, the authors34 observed a significant difference minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) causes neurode-
between neuronal deletion after the triple anesthetic versus generation. However, despite extensive neurodegenera-
the fentanyl infusion or no anesthetic. The absence of a tion, mainly in the thalamus and cortex, no long-term
behavioral assessment with concomitant assessment of neurocognitive sequelae were demonstrated by 2-hour
neuronal density does not allow us to conclusively deter- isoflurane. From a functional standpoint, 2-hour isoflurane
mine whether the neuronal density that was abnormal in seems to be a safe dose in rats. This conclusion is supported
the first postnatal week34 would also have been abnormal by the finding that in the same study,44 4 hours of isoflu-
at the time of neurocognitive testing. This study is also rane caused long-term learning and memory problems.
interesting in that guinea pigs, like humans and unlike rats, Hence, the absence of neurocognitive deficits after 2-hour
have a relatively mature brain at birth. Anesthetizing the isoflurane was not attributable to a general inability to
pregnant mother with drugs that cross the placenta is demonstrate neurocognitive dysfunction. Isoflurane at 1
elegant in that it allows for hemodynamic monitoring or MAC given to rats at the peak of vulnerability to develop-
even hemodynamic control of the mother and thus indi- mental anesthetic neurotoxicity (postnatal day 7) causes
rectly of the fetus, which is very difficult in neonatal or respiratory depression and hypercarbia. Hypercarbia alone
infantile rodents. Furthermore, temperature and nutritional for 4 hours caused a similar degree and distribution of cell
status can be more easily controlled than in newborn death in the brain as 4-hour isoflurane, but instead of
rodents. However, if anesthesia in utero is administered too impairing brain function long-term, rats exposed to 4-hour
close to delivery, maternal oxytocin might change neuronal hypercarbia at postnatal day 7 outperformed all other
vulnerability to anesthesia by temporarily shifting the groups, including the control group. Hypercarbia alone
chloride reversal and causing immature neurons to be caused robust improvement in long-term neurocognitive
inhibited by ␥-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is usually function despite causing extensive cell death in the devel-
characteristic of mature neurons.40 This peripartum model oping brain. Collectively, these findings suggest that the
of anesthesia is reminiscent of a human trial discussed degree to which an intervention causes acute neurodegen-
above16 in which no adverse cognitive sequelae could be eration does not always determine long-term cognitive
demonstrated by general anesthesia for delivery after ad- outcome.
justing for important confounders. The discrepant results An important prediction required by the concept that
do not allow us to conclude that neurodegeneration is not anesthetic neurodegeneration is responsible for later cognitive
important for cognitive outcome, partly because the anes- dysfunction is that interventions preventing anesthesia-
thetic durations differed dramatically between the 2 stud- induced neurodegeneration also prevent anesthesia-induced
ies. It is not known whether a triple anesthetic cocktail long-term neurocognitive sequelae. Examples of such inter-
administered for the duration required to perform a cesar- ventions include melatonin,45 lithium,46 dexmedetomidine,47
ean delivery (presumably an hour or less) causes neurode- inhibitors of the p75 neurotrophin receptor (TAT-conjugated
generation or permanent neuronal deletion in an animal Pep5 or Fc-p75NTR),48,49 hypothermia,50 and bumetanide,51 all
model. The most compelling evidence that acute neurode- of which have been shown to prevent anesthesia-induced
generation causes lasting neuronal deletion resulted from 2 neurodegeneration.
rat studies by the same group.41,42 Rats that were anesthe- The rationale for using melatonin to counteract the effect
tized on postnatal day 7 had neuronal deletion at postnatal of anesthesia is the demonstration that anesthesia causes
day 3041 and ultrastructural abnormalities suggestive of neuronal apoptosis via a mitochondria-dependent pathway
ongoing cell death on day 21.42 This is approaching the age among others, which is associated with biochemical
at which the same group previously demonstrated learning changes that melatonin had previously shown to counter-
and memory deficits in rats.1 These results would be act.45 Furthermore, melatonin has several other nonspecific,
strengthened if it could be demonstrated that the total protective effects in the brain.45 Melatonin was found, in a
number of neurons was decreased long-term. This requires dose-dependent manner, to reduce anesthesia-induced
assessment of the volume of the structure of interest, which neuronal apoptosis in rats.45 The authors suggested that its
did not occur in the above studies. The results would be bioavailability, lipophilicity, ability to cross the blood-brain
even stronger if animals with a proven learning and barrier, absence of toxicity, and sleep-inducing and analge-
memory deficit had neuronal deletion, and strongest if sic effects make it an ideal adjuvant for anesthesia.45
those animals with the worst brain function were those Surprisingly, it is not known whether melatonin reverses
with the greatest degree of neuronal deletion. Another the long-term behavioral effects of anesthesia.
group43 did not find a long-term effect of isoflurane during Another group46 showed that lithium protects against
infancy on neuronal density in 2 brain regions most se- anesthetic neurotoxicity in the developing brain. They
verely affected by acute cell death in mice. Because the argued that lithium is known to counteract extracellular
volume of these structures was not assessed, it is impos- signal–regulated protein kinase inhibition and neurodegen-
sible to know what the total number of neurons in these eration caused by alcohol. Alcohol acts via antagonism of
structures was. Interestingly, learning and memory were N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and by facilitating
not affected in this study, which would suggest either that GABAergic receptor transmission. Hence, they hypothesized
isoflurane does not affect long-term neurocognitive function that a combination of an NMDA antagonist anesthetic,
or that the degree of acute cell death does not determine ketamine, and a GABAergic drug, propofol, should cause


Anesthesia and the Pediatric Brain

similar effects as alcohol on the developing brain, and that therefore be no surprise that hypothermia failed to repro-
these effects should be preventable by coadministration of duce the isoflurane-induced neurodegeneration. Sevoflu-
lithium. This hypothesis was largely confirmed and the rane has been shown to cause neuronal excitation in the
authors concluded that lithium may be an effective adju- immature brain, which was actually postulated to be the
vant to anesthesia, provided that it can be demonstrated mechanism underlying sevoflurane-induced neurodegen-
that the inhibition of naturally occurring apoptosis, which eration.51 It is not known whether hypothermia protects
is also caused by lithium, has no ill effects.46 This may be an against anesthesia-induced neurocognitive dysfunction.
important caveat, because naturally occurring neuroapop- Substantial insight into what does mediate anesthesia-
tosis is critically important for brain development,36 and induced developmental neuroapoptosis is provided by 2
when this process is inhibited, learning and memory are elegant studies.48,49 In the first study, Head et al.48 showed
impaired.52 It is not known whether lithium can prevent that inhibitors of the p75 neurotrophin receptor prevent
anesthesia-induced neurocognitive decline. isoflurane-induced cleaved caspase 3 expression in vitro
Developmental anesthetic neurotoxicity has largely been and loss of dendritic spines and synapses in vivo. Brain-
attributed to the combination of GABAergic and NMDA derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is excreted as pro-
antagonist actions of anesthetic drugs. Dexmedetomidine BDNF and cleaved by proteases, such as plasmin, to BDNF,
is neither a GABAergic nor NMDA antagonist and has which interacts with the TrkB receptor to signal survival. If
therefore been hypothesized to be free of developmental pro-BDNF remains uncleaved, it interacts with the p75
anesthetic toxicity.47 Furthermore, it has a number of neurotrophin receptor and acts as a cell death signal.
antiapoptotic effects, and thus Sanders et al.47 hypothesized Plasmin is cleaved from plasminogen by tissue plasmino-
that it might protect against anesthesia-induced neuronal gen activator, which is released from the presynaptic
apoptosis. Dexmedetomidine reduced neuronal apoptosis terminal when neurons are firing. The authors48 inter-
caused by a subanesthetic dose of isoflurane for 6 hours in preted their findings as confirmation that neuronal silenc-
a dose-dependent manner, which was reversed by blocking ing caused a shift in the balance of BDNF signaling to
the ␣-2 adrenoceptor, indicating that the protective effect is preferentially occur via pro-BDNF as opposed to mature
mediated by this receptor. Furthermore, dexmedetomidine BDNF. The authors48 went to great lengths to elegantly
prevented an isoflurane-induced impairment in trace fear exclude alternative interpretation of their findings. How-
conditioning at 40 days of age. This is the only study to date ever, they did not show that isoflurane actually decreases
of an intervention that nonspecifically protected from neuronal firing in immature neurons. As stated above,
anesthesia-induced cell death that also protected from isoflurane is not expected to decrease neuronal firing in
anesthesia-induced neurocognitive dysfunction. The be- immature neurons. In fact, the opposite is true in that
havioral outcome was virtually devoid of interindividual isoflurane or any other GABAergic anesthetic should cause
variability, which is unusual for behavioral experiments neuronal excitation.56 A possible explanation for these
when using rats from different litters.53 Even the rate of discrepancies comes from the observation that in a cell
neuroapoptosis is usually subject to substantial litter vari- culture model, such as the one used by Head et al.,48
ability.54,55 Either way, these results require confirmation in glucose is commonly used as an energy substrate, whereas
both animal and human studies before considering a the predominant energy substrate of the developing brain
change in practice. An important mechanistic finding of is ketone bodies.58,59 Glucose causes a shift in the chloride
this study47 is that the neurodegeneration caused by iso- reversal potential of neurons in culture that makes them act
flurane was not prevented by a GABAA-receptor antago- like mature neurons.58,59 Mature neurons are indeed si-
nist, indicating that this receptor does not mediate the lenced by isoflurane. The authors48 also found that isoflu-
neurodegeneration caused by GABAergic drugs.47 rane decreases the number of immature dendritic spines in
Creeley and Olney50 advanced an interesting hypothesis vitro and the number of synapses in 5- to 7-day-old mice.
on the basis of a 2-part assumption: anesthesia decreases This reduction in synaptic density was attenuated by the
neuronal activity in the developing brain with subsequent p75 neurotrophin receptor blocker TAT-Pep5.48 Impor-
withdrawal of trophic support and neurodegeneration. tantly, these authors48 demonstrated that their intervention
They argued that another intervention known to decrease is nontoxic and does not cause an unwanted suppression of
neuronal activity, hypothermia, should therefore cause naturally occurring neuronal apoptosis. This is an advan-
neurodegeneration, and found the exact opposite. Hypo- tage over nonspecific modalities that ameliorate anesthesia-
thermia (30°C) protected against isoflurane-induced and induced neurodegeneration, such as lithium, melatonin,
ketamine-induced neurodegeneration.50 This indicates dexmedetomidine, or hypothermia.
either that neuronal inactivity does not cause neurodegen- In a second study, the same group49 showed that the
eration or that anesthesia does not cause neuronal inactiv- effect of isoflurane-induced p75 neurotrophin receptor
ity. This latter possibility is actually a given for GABAergic signaling on synaptogenesis and neurodegeneration is me-
drugs, which cause neuronal excitation in immature neu- diated via activation of RhoA, a kinase causing actin
rons, rather than neuronal inhibition, as is true in mature depolymerization. This causes growth-cone collapse, loss
neurons. The mechanism of neuronal excitation in imma- of immature dendritic spines, and, presumably, the loss of
ture neurons is immaturity of a chloride transporter before synapses observed in their previous study.48 The authors
the second postnatal week in rats56 and the first 3 to 12 also observed expression of cleaved caspase 3, a marker for
months in humans.57 Because isoflurane is a predominantly apoptotic cell death. When signaling via the p75 neurotro-
GABAergic anesthetic, it should cause neuronal excitation phin receptor was inhibited or when the cytoskeleton was
in immature brains or immature parts of the brain. It may stabilized, isoflurane-induced loss of dendritic spines and

November 2011 • Volume 113 • Number 5 1175


expression of cleaved caspase 3 was attenuated. This sug- prevented both the sevoflurane-induced seizures and
gests that anesthesia causes actin depolymerization via sevoflurane-induced neurodegeneration.51 Interestingly,
RhoA activation, which in turn causes loss of dendritic bumetanide did not prevent the functional consequences of
spines and apoptotic cell death. It is unknown whether sevoflurane, namely, a reduction in hippocampal LTP, the
p75NTR antagonism or cytoskeletal stabilization can pre- electrophysiologic correlate to learning and memory.51
vent anesthesia-induced neurocognitive dysfunction. Anesthesia-induced neurodegeneration had previously
In another elegant study, Briner et al.30 confirmed that been associated with reduced hippocampal LTP.1 The fact
propofol, either as a single shot of 40 mg/kg or given that prevention of anesthesia-induced neurodegeneration
repeatedly over 6 hours at half that dose, decreased synap- did not prevent the functional sequelae of anesthesia51
tic spine density in 5-day-old rodents and increased spine again draws into question the assumption that one causes
density in 15- to 25-day-old rodents. Amazingly, both the the other.
6-hour duration as well as the single shot of propofol If anesthesia-induced neurodegeneration does not cause
caused persistent changes into adulthood, indicating that a anesthesia-induced neurocognitive decline, then what
single, brief anesthetic to an anesthetic depth that would does? It is possible that the age-dependent anesthetic
not permit a surgical procedure, is sufficient to perma- effects on synaptogenesis24,30,48,49,60 can have functional
nently alter cortical synaptic spine densities. This work relevance independent of whether or not they cause neu-
confirms results of decreased synaptogenesis at approxi- ronal apoptosis. One prerequisite to this claim—persistence
mately postnatal day 5,48,49 and their own previous re- of these effects until the time of neurocognitive testing—
sults24,60 of rapid increase in synaptogenesis after postnatal has been met.30 Now it must be demonstrated that an
day 15 in the cortex and the hippocampus. Consistent with intervention that prevents the anesthetic effects on synap-
previous results,22 no neurodegeneration occurred in the togenesis also prevents the anesthetic effect on cognitive
cortex of 16-day-old rats,24 confirming that the period of function.
vulnerability to anesthetic apoptotic cell death is limited to Another possible mechanism is an anesthetic effect on
postnatal day 10. Importantly, it was recently shown that postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis.19,20 Postnatal neuro-
the period of vulnerability to anesthesia-induced neurocog- genesis occurs in only 2 brain areas, one of which is the
nitive decline extends to at least postnatal day 17 in rats,20 hippocampus.61– 63 Inhibition of dentate neurogenesis is
a time at which neurons are no longer sensitive to the sufficient to impair learning and memory in a manner
apoptotic effects of anesthesia.20,22,24 If these results20 can similar to anesthesia.64,65 Of particular interest is the time
be confirmed, the causal link between anesthesia-induced course of the deficits. Neurogenesis is exquisitely sensitive
neurodegeneration and anesthesia-induced neurocognitive to brain irradiation66 –71; children who underwent brain
decline would be further weakened. Also, it would need to irradiation developed progressive cognitive decline over a
be explained how an anesthesia-induced decrease30,48,49 or number of years.72 The deficit caused by anesthesia is
increase in synaptogenesis24,30,60 could both be responsible hippocampus dependent and seems to progress.1,19 –21 Iso-
for the same outcome (anesthesia-induced neurocognitive flurane has been shown to impair neurogenesis,19,20 as does
decline). phenobarbital.73 These effects persist until the time of
One interesting feature of the age-dependent switch in neurocognitive testing.20,73 If an anesthetic effect on neuro-
anesthetic effect on synaptogenesis24,30,48,49,60 is that it genesis mediated anesthesia-induced neurocognitive de-
nearly parallels the age-dependent switch in the chloride cline, interventions that restore neurogenesis should rescue
reversal potential and thus the excitatory to inhibitory the behavioral phenotype. Such interventions include en-
switch in GABA phenotype.56,57 However, mechanistically vironmental enrichment, voluntary exercise, caloric restric-
linking the developmental switch in GABA phenotype with tion, or antidepressant drugs.74 – 80 We have shown that
the switch from an anesthesia-induced decrease to increase environmental enrichment reverses the behavioral effects
in dendritic spines, although possibly accounting for the ill of anesthesia, even when instituted with a 3-week delay
effects of GABAergic drugs in the immature brain, would after anesthetic exposure (unpublished observation). The
not readily account for cellular or behavioral phenomena treatment efficacy of environmental enrichment may or
caused by NMDA antagonists; for example, the progressive may not be attributable to its effects on neurogenesis.
cognitive decline in monkeys treated with ketamine during
early postnatal development.21 WHICH ANESTHETIC IS THE SAFEST?
It has been assumed that anesthesia-induced neuronal This question is slowly beginning to be addressed in
silencing is responsible for anesthesia-induced effects on comparative toxicity studies in animals. Human studies
synaptogenesis and apoptosis, which is difficult to consoli- have not addressed this issue at all and given the contro-
date with the switch in the GABAergic phenotype from versy as to whether or not functional sequelae of anesthesia
excitatory to inhibitory at exactly the time at which vulner- in infancy even exist in humans, the argument might be
ability to anesthesia-induced neuronal apoptosis ceases. made that comparative studies are not quite yet indicated.
This assumption was formally challenged in a recent In animal models, whereby anesthetic developmental neu-
study51 demonstrating that sevoflurane causes global brain rotoxicity has been clearly demonstrated, these studies can
excitation in rats, which is entirely compatible with a be performed relatively easily, with the caveat that anes-
motionless animal. These nonconvulsive seizures were thetic equipotency is vitally important for interpretation of
associated with neuronal cell death. Bumetanide, which results of comparative studies. If an anesthetic results in
inhibits the immature chloride transporter responsible for both greater anesthetic depth and greater anesthetic toxic-
the excitatory action of GABA during early development, ity than another anesthetic, then interpretation of the data


Anesthesia and the Pediatric Brain

becomes difficult. For example, when it was determined the significance of this phenomenon for human pediatric
that a 3-drug anesthetic combination causes a greater anesthesia is not emerging. A change in clinical anesthetic
degree of neurodegeneration than 2 or 1 anesthetic drug, practice is unwarranted, based on the currently available
the 3 drugs were simply added to one another, which human literature and should probably not be based on
would have resulted in a greater anesthetic depth than the animal studies. Most importantly, a change in clinical
2-anesthetic combination or the single anesthetic.1 Specifi- practice requires a superior alternative to current practice,
cally, the single GABAergic volatile drug isoflurane caused and no evidence guides us as to what this might be. More
mild cell death at 0.75% atm, which was aggravated by an research is urgently needed to determine whether anesthe-
otherwise nontoxic dose of midazolam (9 g/kg), and made sia impairs brain function in humans, what the specific
even worse by an otherwise nontoxic dose of nitrous oxide deficit is, and how it can be prevented and/or treated. This
(75% atm).1 This has been interpreted as greater toxicity will require both human trials and good translational
when GABAergic and NMDA antagonist drugs are com- animal models and mechanistic studies. The SmartTots
bined, but it is unclear whether this does not also reflect an initiative, a joint effort of the International Anesthesia
effect of anesthetic depth. In anesthetic practice as well as in Research Society and the Food and Drug Administration,
research, MAC is used to express anesthetic potency and through funding such research, may go a long way toward
anesthetic depth.81 Unlike in adult rodents, MAC in imma- meeting this important goal.
ture rodents is not a stable anesthetic concentration but
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November 2011 • Volume 113 • Number 5 1179

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