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1) What is an erga omnes obligation? How is it different from erga omnes partes obligation?

- AN erga omnes obligations refers to specifically determined obligations that states have
towards the International community as a whole. While erga omnes means an obligation of the
state toward the whole International community, erga omnes partes on the other hand means that
each party has an Interest In compliance of the said obligations In any case.

2) What are some of situations/ areas of concern that are covered by erga omnes obligation
according to the ICJ?

- The outlawing of acts of aggression, outlawing of acts of genocide, protection from slavery and
racial discrimination.

3) Are jus cogens norms the same as erga omnes obligations?

- they are not particularly the same since jus cogens are norms which gives meaning or
character to each obligation, which Is the erga omnes.

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