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1. Why did you go?

It was for charity.

2. When did you go?

I went in August in 2013.

3. Where did you go?

I went to the Europe.

4. Who did you go with?

I went with a group of ten people.

5. How did you fell during the ride?

I felt tired.

6. How much money did you raise?

I raised about 2000 euros.

7. How long were you there for?

I was there for about ten days

8. What was the weather like?

It was warm and sunny.

9. Wich of the three bike rides would you prefer to do? Why?


10. Why did you go?

It was for charity

11. When did you go?

I went in November two years ago.

12. Where did you go?

I went to Vietnam

13. Who did you go with?

I went with five friends.

14. How did you fell during the ride?

I felt really tired.

15. How much money did you raise?

I raised over $ 5000 .
16. How long were you there for?
I was there for about three weeks.

17. What was the weather like?

It was hot and sometimes it rained.

18. Wich of the three bike rides would you prefer to do? Why?
I prefer the third bike ride because

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