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1. What do you think the role of science and technology in our society ?

In my own perspective as to regards on relationship of science in technology ,Science for me is a bowl of

knowledge and processes that takes to be the foundation on how technology was build . Without science,
technology cannot innovate continuously and cannot be function properly. Science and Technology helps
out the society to gained some more knowledge that drives them to be more innovated and has an
economic growth. Through science and technology it can helps them to solve the real world problems in
our society.

In addition, science and technology has also relationship with the society , because society can be the
instrument or the person who guide that takes to function this technology. They are the one who creates
and innovate the technology. They will be the great thinkers that gathering some data on how to
continuously innovate it ,without technology our society drives down and be useless.

2. Why must STS be offered in an interdisciplinary approach?

The subject Science, Technology, Society is being offered to us because it helps them to open our minds to
what the real world happens now , it also open our eyes on how science and technology build and create
more innovations in our society and also on how science and technology affects our society now and near
the future. Science, Technology ,Society serves as an instrument to cope up some knowledge on how
Technology destroying our real world , ourselves and our lives. This subject, helps us to realize that
science and technology not just always have a good impact to our society ,but it can be viewed also the
bad side that can affects us.

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