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, 21:185-195 (1981)

Reproductive Behavior in the Rhesus Monkey:

Social and Endocrine Variables1
Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322

SYNOPSIS. Social groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatto) living in outdoor environ-
ments exhibit a distinct seasonal mating pattern and female rhesus are observed to be
sexually receptive for discrete periods averaging about 9 days duration. In the laboratory
environment mating occurs throughout the year and, in the pair test, female rhesus are
observed to be sexually receptive through all phases of a menstrual cycle, with a peri-
ovulatory peak in copulatory behavior. The apparent conflict between results from field
and laboratory studies has been difficult to resolve because of methodological limitations

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inherent in each study environment. Studies conducted on social groups of rhesus mon-
keys housed in outdoor compounds, an environment in which the species typical seasonal
mating pattern is preserved and which allows for concomitant measurement of behavioral
and hormonal variables, provided information about the covariance between female sex-
ual behavior and ovarian cycles. Female copulations were observed only in association
with ovulatory cycles, and were limited to the follicular and peri-ovulatory phases of such
cycles, demonstrating that copulatory behavior in female rhesus monkeys is strongly in-
fluenced by cyclic hormonal variables. The studies also revealed that females tend to
conceive on the first ovulatory cycle of the season, that there was no synchrony of cycles
among the females, and that the best predictor of the timing of ovulation in a particular
female is reproductive outcome in the previous year.

complementary, bodies of data. Field re-
Investigations of the behavioral phe- search, conducted in the natural habitat
nomena associated with reproduction have and with semi-free-ranging captive popu-
constituted one of the oldest and most lations, utilizing primarily observational
fruitful areas in the animal behavior liter- methods, has produced descriptions of
ature. In recent years, our understanding sexual behavior and of the seasonal and
of these behavioral phenomena has been social variables which influence sexual ac-
advanced through a broadening of re- tivity. Laboratory studies, typically con-
search perspectives to include quantifica- ducted in a restricted social context (the
tion of circulating hormones and the study pair test) have produced a significant lit-
of neuroendocrine feedback mechanisms. erature describing cyclic hormonal events
As a result, it is currently recognized that and demonstrating the importance of en-
describing the sexual behavior in a partic- docrine variables in the control of sexual
ular species constitutes a mere beginning behavior.
of the process of elucidating the significant It has been difficult to achieve a synthe-
elements controlling reproduction. sis of the vast accumulation of data relating
Among the non-human primates, per- to reproduction in the rhesus because of
haps the most frequently studied species the differences in approach between the
has been the rhesus monkey (Macaca mu- field and laboratory studies, and because
latto). Reproductive behavior in this species some aspects of the basic reproductive pat-
has been examined extensively both in free tern seem to be altered in the laboratory
ranging social environments and in the environment. In this paper, I will sum-
laboratory setting. Methodological differ- marize the results of studies conducted in
ences between these two approaches have the last several years on rhesus monkeys
led to the accumulation of two distinct, if maintained in social groups in an outdoor
compound. In this environment, the pat-
tern of sexual behavior, which was similar
From the Symposium on Social Signals—Compar- to that observed in free-ranging rhesus,
ative and Endocrine Aspects presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, 27— was correlated with concentrations of ovar-
30 December 1979, at Tampa, Florida. ian hormones and other physiological vari-


ables. These data, placed in the context of field studies is that direct measurement of
other findings, have provided a better un- the endocrine variables which influence
derstanding of the coordination among seasonal mating activity has not been pos-
seasonal, social and endocrine variables sible. For example, because of the absence
which influence patterns of sexual activity of fertile matings outside the breeding sea-
and which are essential to reproductive son, it is presumed that rhesus females £
success. an outdoor environment do not exhibit
ovulatory cycles during the non-mating
Field data season. However, direct evidence on this
One of the most striking aspects of the question is lacking, as is an understanding

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reproductive behavior of the rhesus mon- of the environmental and endocrine mech-
key is that the occurrence of fertile mat- anisms which control seasonal mating
ings (and consequently of births) is limited cycles in this species.
to a distinct annual season, despite the fact
that this species also is characterized by the Laboratory data
exhibition of true menstrual cycles. This The earliest studies of the rhesus in the
observation was made beginning with the laboratory provided information on the
first systematic study of rhesus in an out- menstrual cycle and the relationship be-
door environment (Carpenter, 1942) and tween physiological phenomena and ovu-
has subsequently been confirmed for rhe- lation, menstruation, and pregnancy (Cor-
sus living in their natural environment ner, 1923; Allen, 1927; Hartman, 1932).
(Southwick et al, 1961; Neville, 1968; These pioneering investigations and many
Lindburg, 1971), for captive groups main- which have followed, provided descriptive
tained on islands (Altmann, 1962; Cona- data and a basic understanding of the na-
way and Koford, 1964; Vandenbergh and ture, timing, and variability in the occur-
Vessey, 1968), and recently for groups rence of ovulatory cycles and related re-
maintained in outdoor compounds (Gor- productive phenomena. Although some
don et al., 1976; Bernstein and Gordon, differences have been observed from
1977; Wilson etal., 1978). In addition, ob- study to study, a general pattern has
servations on rhesus in the outdoor envi- emerged: In most laboratories ovulatory
ronment consistently show that sexual ac- cycles and menstruation are recorded
tivity of particular females is confined to throughout most of the year, but the sum-
one or more discrete periods within the mer months typically are characterized
mating season, whereas males generally either by an increased incidence of anovu-
are observed to be sexually active through- latory cycles or a period of amenorrhea
out the months of mating (Carpenter, (Hartman, 1932; van Wagenen, 1945;
1942; Conaway and Koford, 1964; Kauf- Rowell, 1963; Keverne and Michael, 1970;
mann, 1965; Lindburg, 1971; Loy, 1971). Riesen etal., 1971).
Although there is some variability in this Thus, the distinct pattern of seasonal
pattern between geographic locations, the mating observed in the free ranging and
following general picture has emerged: compound housed rhesus is altered when
The annual onset of mating activity occurs the animals are maintained in laboratories
in late summer or early fall and continues or other controlled environments. Surveys
for a period of 4-5 mo. Similarly, births of birth records from laboratory breeding
are distributed over several months begin- colonies reveal that births occur during
ning in late winter and extending into the every month of the year, with some colo-
early summer months. Individual females nies showing an even annual distribution
are sexually active for an average duration and others some seasonal variation in
of 5-11 days, and often are sexually active monthly conception rates (Eckstein and
on multiple occasions during a single sea- Kelly, 1966; Valerio et al, 1969). A de-
son, with some of these active periods oc- tailed analysis of the pattern of concep-
curring following conception. tions and births in both free ranging and
One limitation of the data derived from laboratory colonies (Vandenbergh, 1973)

demonstrated that the degree to which the crine variables is clouded by the fact that
seasonal pattern was muted in the labora- the rhesus monkey maintained in the lab-
tory colonies may be related both to the oratory environment differs from the rhe-
length of time a particular animal has been sus maintained in the outdoor environ-
in that environment as well as to specific ment in two significant respects: (i) the
features of the environment. Vanden- distribution of reproductive activity on a
bergh (1973) also identified the photope- seasonal basis, and (ii) the distribution of
riod as a possible environmental variable sexual activity across the menstrual cycle.
which controlled the timing of the annual Thus, a number of questions relating to
mating period. the control and coordination of mating ac-

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More recently, investigators have docu- tivity in the rhesus monkey remain unre-
mented the characteristic pattern of ovar- solved. Among these questions are the fol-
ian hormone secretion which is associated lowing.
with the menstrual cycle, and have also (1) How does the pattern of discrete ep-
demonstrated the influence of the pitu- isodes of sexual receptivity in female rhe-
itary gonadotropins in regulating this cycle sus living outdoors relate to cyclic ovarian
(Hafez, 1974; Knobil, 1974). With respect hormone secretions?
to sexual behavior, laboratory studies uti- (2) What factor or factors control the
lizing the pair test paradigm consistently seasonal reproductive cycle?
demonstrate changes in the frequency of (3) Do environmental variables which
copulations and related sexual behavior as function to control seasonal mating pat-
a function of the phase of a female's men- terns act on males, females or both? What
strual cycle (Goy and Resko, 1972; Michael mechanisms serve to ensure coordination
et al, 1972; Czaja and Bielert, 1975), and of mating between the sexes?
these data clearly establish that female hor- (4) How do social variables act to influ-
monal variables exert an influence on non- ence sexual activity, mating patterns, and
human primate sexual interactions. How- reproductive success?
ever, studies conducted in the pair cage Data obtained from social groups of rhe-
environment also find that copulations oc- sus monkeys maintained in outdoor com-
cur during all phases of the menstrual pounds—an environment which is in some
cycle, albeit with lower frequency during respects a bridge between the field setting
some phases and a clear peak at mid-cycle and the laboratory setting—have provided
(Ball and Hartman, 1935; Michael et al., some additional information regarding the
1967; Johnson and Phoenix, 1978); this ap- coordination of reproductive phenomena
pears to differ from the pattern reported in this species.
in the field studies. Investigators have sug-
gested that the physical characteristics of
the testing environment and the social THE DATA
phenomena related to repeated short term Compound environment
(12 min to 1 hr) pairings may produce In association with a long term research
changes in the copulatory pattern (Rowell, project designed to investigate hormonal-
1972; Goldfoot, 1977). behavioral relationships in intact, socially
housed non-human primates, several
The issues groups of rhesus monkeys were housed in
Our present knowledge of the repro- outdoor compounds at the Field Station of
ductive physiology and endocrinology of the Yerkes Regional Primate Research
the rhesus monkey has been derived from Center in Lawrenceville, Georgia, begin-
an extensive set of experiments which have ning in September 1969. Detailed descrip-
produced an impressive understanding of tions of these facilities have been reported
the reproductive biology of this species. (Gordon and Bernstein, 1973; Bernstein
However, the precise nature of the rela- and Gordon, 1977) as have statements re-
tionship between reproductive behavior lating to husbandry and colony manage-
and underlying physiological and endo- ment practices, routine procedures, and

maintenance of demographic records these studies, adult male members of a

(Bernstein and Gordon, 1977; Wilson et particular social group were placed in in-
al, 1978). Groups were maintained chiefly dividual cages, and permitted access to the
in compounds 38 m on a side, although remainder of the social group only for a
compounds of 30 m or 15 m per side were period of several hours each day. During
also used. Each of these facilities has two the male access period continuous behavior,^
features which are instrumental to the observation was maintained and a com-
methods employed: (i) an observation plat- plete record of sexual activity thus was ob-
form which provides an unrestricted view tained.
of the entire compound, and (ii) an indoor

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area equipped with a capture partition Female sexual behavior: The fertile cycle
which provides for expeditious capture The initial experiment focused on fe-
and handling of acclimated subjects. male sexual behavior and concomitant
The research focus during the initial measures of ovarian hormones. Adult
years of the project was directed to phe- male access to the social group was restrict-
nomena other than female sexual behavior ed to 6 hr per day for a 6-wk period en-
or patterns of reproductive activity; how- compassing the typical peak of the mating
ever, it quickly became evident that social season. Blood samples were obtained twice
groups maintained in the compound en- weekly from each of 12 adult females in
vironment displayed a cycle of seasonal the group and progesterone levels were
mating similar to that observed in free determined by radioimmunoassay. These
ranging rhesus (Vandenbergh, 1973; Gor- data permitted estimation of the time of
don et al., 1976). Consequently, subse- ovulation by use of the established rela-
quent efforts have been directed toward a tionship between ovulation and a subse-
further elucidation of seasonal mating quent progesterone rise.
phenomena. Analysis of the data collected through-
out this study revealed that neither the sea-
Study methods sonal mating pattern nor the reproductive
Information relevant to the control and success rate were adversely affected by the
coordination of mating activity in com- restricted male access paradigm or the
pound housed social groups has been ob- twice weekly captures of the study group.
tained both via analysis of demographic Eleven females (92%) were impregnated
records and through the conduct of con- during the study and subsequently gave
trolled experiments. The general methods birth, a rate which is not significantly dif-
employed in the conduct of the systematic ferent from the conception and birth rates
studies, including behavioral observation typical in this colony. The median partu-
techniques, animal capture and blood sam- rition date for the 11 females was 4 May,
pling procedures, hormonal assays, and with a range from 19 March through 2
restricted access paradigms, have been de- June. These dates are similar to the par-
tailed previously (Bernstein et al., 1974; turition dates for the rhesus females in un-
Gordon etal., 1976; Cochran, 1979). disturbed groups in this colony (n = 26),
Briefly, the studies consisted of the rou- among whom the median date in the same
tine collection of both behavioral and en- year was 3 May with a range from 15
docrine data from adult male and/or fe- March through 2 July.
male monkeys maintained in social groups Behavior was observed throughout the
in outdoor compounds. The focus of the usual mating season (late September
behavioral observation was on sexual activ- through mid-December), with copulations
ity and related behaviors, while the endo- by most males recorded during all phases
crine assays measured the gonadal hor- of the study. During the restricted access
mones. Because of the limitations inherent phase, which extended from 12 October
in the use of behavioral time sampling through 21 November, a total of 255 com-
techniques, some of the experiments uti- plete copulatory series were recorded in
lized a restricted male access design. In the 216 hr of observation (1.18/hr). One

or more copulations were recorded on 33

of the 36 test days (range 1-16 copula-
tions), with 8 copulations on a typical
(modal) day involving 4 males (range 1-5)
and 2 females (range 1-5).
^ T h e copulatory activity of particular fe-
males was spaced unevenly across the
study period, occurred in discrete blocks,
and snowed marked variability. Six fe-
males copulated exclusively during the 6-

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wk restricted access phase, and the data for
these subjects were used to examine vari-
ability and the influence of social factors
on female copulatory behavior. These six
females exhibited copulatory behavior on
an average of 12 days (range 6-19 days)
and a mean of 39.6 total copulations
(range 6-74). There was not a significant
relationship between position in the social 14 17 21 24 28 4 7 II 14 18 21
dominance hierarchy and either total cop-
ulations (rho = .657) or total days of sex- DATE
ual activity (rho = .542) among this subset
of six females. The range of copulations FIG. 1. Daily copulatory frequency and serum pro-
gesterone concentration for each of five female rhe-
by a particular female during a single 6 hr sus monkeys. Data were collected 6 days/wk for 6 wk
session varied from 1 to 11. during the mating season.
The variability of copulatory behavior
and the relationship between sexual activ-
ity and assayed progesterone values is
shown in Figure 1 which depicts behavior pattern although differing in the duration
and progesterone concentrations for five and frequency of recorded copulations.
subjects for whom sexual behavior was lim- The nature of the relationship between
ited to the restricted access phase and who female copulatory behavior and ovulation
also displayed confirmation of ovulation as indicated by progesterone values is
via rising progesterone levels during this more clearly illustrated when a composite
period. Each female abruptly terminated for the five females is examined (Fig. 2).
all copulatory behavior concomitantly with Since all the females were impregnated,
the sharp increase in progesterone. The the cycles were aligned on the rising pro-
most dramatic example of this shift is pre- gesterone day, with a day 4 days prior to
sented by RWf who culminated a 10 day the first recorded rise set as day 0. Figure
period of receptivity with 10 copulations 2 shows the total copulations for the five
on 17 November, then exhibited no cop- females for 10 day periods before and af-
ulations on 18 November or thereafter. ter this point (approximate ovulation). As
The progesterone data and recorded men- can be seen, sexual activity observed
struation clearly shows that ROf ovulated throughout the 10 days preceding day 0,
twice within the 6 wk, with a limited series increasing sharply in the last several days,
of copulations associated with each epi- declines abruptly; then no behavior is ex-
sode. RMf displayed an abrupt termina- hibited in the days following the proges-
tion of sexual activity as progesterone rose, terone rise. That is, in these ovulatory
but was observed to copulate again after cycles which resulted in fertile matings, fe-
an interval of 2 wk. Four additional cop- male copulatory behavior was restricted to
ulations were scattered over 9 days at a the follicular phase of the cycle, peaking
time when progesterone values dropped. at mid-cycle, and no copulatory behavior
Both RIf and RHg showed the same basic was exhibited once the corpus luteum be-

TABLE 1. Complete copulatory series between males (n =

6) and those females (n = 6) whose copulatory behavior
was displayed exclusively during the 216 hr when male ac-

cess to females was restricted to 6 hrlday.

16 § Female

I " _J Male RHg RAh RMf RWf RIf ROf Total©

12 RHb 15 11 15 8 11 0 60
a " RKa 31 20 10 2 4 1 68
g RMc 3 11 6 7 5 2 34
8 RHc 5 3 6 6 1 1 22

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RFc 20 8 9 7 5 2 51
3 REc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SEX Total 74 53 46 30 26 6 235

1 i—i
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 «2 *4 «6 »8 • «
tory cycle of the season (Table 2). Al-
though only 6 of the subjects were im-
FIG. 2. Daily copulatory frequency and mean serum pregnated during the 6-wk period when
progesterone concentration for five female rhesus
monkeys during a 20-day period marked by ovulation blood samples were collected, the total pat-
and conception. Cycles were aligned on the rising tern of behavioral and endocrine data for
progesterone curve. each of the 11 females is consistent with
the estimated date of conception obtained
by backdating 168 days from the date of
gan to secrete significant progesterone parturition. Inspection of the data sum-
concentrations. marized in Table 2 demonstrates that of
Each of the females copulated with mul- the 11 females impregnated, 10 (91%) con-
tiple males as is shown in Table 1, a matrix ceived in association with the first period
of copulatory behavior observed during of sexual receptivity of the mating season
the restricted access phase involving the six and that this period of sexual activity was
females whose copulatory behavior was linked to the initial ovulatory cycle of the
limited entirely to that time. Two other season. The exception (ROf) exhibited two
features of the distribution of copulations periods of sexual behavior, two clear pro-
provide evidence of the influence which gesterone rises and was impregnated on
the hormonal status of a female had on the second ovulatory cycle. These data also
determining copulatory behavior in this show that the initial ovulatory cycle of the
social context. There was a marked ten- season among this group was distributed
dency for females to mate with multiple across an 11-wk period extending from
males on days when they were receptive, early October through mid-December.
and all of the females copulated with mul- Further analysis revealed that the order in
tiple males during the 3 days of periovu- which females ovulated was not related to
latory sexual activity. Secondly, there was their position in the social dominance hi-
marked tendency for males to mate with erarchy (P > .05; rho = -.030). Refer-
the same females on a given day. Thus, ence to Table 2 which lists the reproduc-
although there was some apparent com- tive outcome for each female for the
petition among the males, their sexual preceeding birth season, does suggest one
behavior on a particular day was directed factor which is predictive of the timing of
toward the female or females who were ovulation. Each of the first four females to
sexually receptive. ovulate and conceive had failed to repro-
Examination of the behavioral data, duce the previous year. Among the others,
along with the values obtained from the all had surviving infants except RAh who
progesterone assays and the subsequent was nulliparous at the outset. Further-
parturition dates, provides for each female more, the six females with surviving in-
an estimate of the date of the first ovula- fants gave birth in the study year within an

TABLE 2. Inclusive period of observed copulations, dates of first measured progesterone rise and subsequent parturition,
estimated' date of conception, and reproductive history in the previous year for 12 sexually mature rhesus females.

Estimated Reproductive
Female Observed copulations Progesterone rise conception Parturition status prior year

1. ROc 29 Sept.-7 Oct. Prior to 14 Oct. 3 Oct. 19 Mar. Infant died

•2. RMf 15 Oct.-24 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 14 Apr. Infant died
3. RHg 21 Oct.-9 Nov. 11 Nov. 8 Nov. 24 Apr. Stillborn
4. ROf 15 Oct.-19 Oct. 21 Oct.
9 Nov.-12 Nov. 14 Nov. 11 Nov. 27 Apr. No pregnancy
5. RIf 6 Nov.—16 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 Nov." 12 May" Infant survived
6. RWf 2 Nov.-17 Nov. 18 Nov. 18 Nov. 4 May Infant survived
7. RAh 2 Nov.-21 Nov. After 21 Nov.c 15 Nov. 1 May No pregnancy
8. RNf 19 Nov.-26 Nov. After 21 Nov.c 24 Nov. 10 May Infant survived
9. RHf 20 Nov.-4 Dec. After 21 Nov.c 4 Dec. 20 May Infant survived

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10. RJb 10 Dec-14 Dec. After 21 Nov.c 9 Dec. 25 May Infant survived
11. RBb 15 Dec-19 Dec. After 21 Nov.c 17 Dec. 2 June Infant survived
12. RYc 11 Nov.-16 Nov. None N.A. None Infant survived
Date of conception estimated by backdating 168 days from date of parturition.
RIf gave birth on 12 May to a moribund infant which evidently was beyond term since she did not copulate
after 16 Nov.
Progesterone rise inferred from subsequent confirmed conception.

average of 15 days of their parturition date of the female subjects exhibited repeated
the previous year. menstrual cycles during the study which
extended from September through April,
Female sexual behavior: Repeated cycles but that only some of the menstrual cycles
The foregoing data revealed that the were associated with presumptive evidence
discrete periods of copulatory behavior ob- of ovulation (mid-cycle estrogen surge fol-
served in rhesus housed outdoors in social lowed by increased progesterone concen-
groups were correlated with hormonal trations). Copulatory behavior by females
events associated with ovulation, and was limited to ovulatory cycles. Addition-
seemed to suggest that the influence of ally, the following patterns were evident:
ovarian hormones may be greater than (i) in most subjects we detected at least one
had been demonstrated in the laboratory anovulatory cycle before the seasonal re-
environment. However, since the majority sumption of ovulation and associated sex-
of cycles examined had resulted in fertile ual activity, (ii) the first ovulatory cycle of
matings, an analysis of the effects of re- the season again occurred at varying times
peated cycles of ovarian hormones was not across a several month span, (iii) most fe-
possible. Therefore, a second study was males exhibited multiple ovulatory cycles,
conducted in which all the adult males but by April all sexual activity had termi-
were vasectomized to prevent fertile mat- nated, and no further evidence of ovula-
ings. The restricted male access paradigm tion was observed, and (iv) the predomi-
was again employed (4 hr/day) and the du- nant pattern for each female subject within
ration of the study was extended to cover a particular cycle was that copulations were
the entire annual mating season. A com- limited to the follicular phase, peaking at
plete record of copulatory behavior was mid-cycle with no copulations recorded
maintained and each female was examined during the major portion of the luteal
daily via vaginal swab to record menstrua- phase. Representative data from 11 cycles
tion. Blood samples were obtained from (7 subjects) are depicted in Figure 3, which
each female (n = 11) periodically through- graphically illustrates the typical pattern of
out the study, and radioimmunoassay was the distribution of copulations across the
employed to determine 17/8-estradiol and menstrual cycle. This general pattern was
progesterone concentrations. evident in 37 of 39 cycles which were
marked by copulatory activity and pre-
Analysis of the data revealed that each

tern and explanations sought in the al-

tered physical or social environment. Sim-
ilarly, the postulation that the rhesus
monkey female provides an appropriate
model for the study of human sexual be-
havior (Michael and Zumpe, 1970) mu^|
be re-evaluated.
The finding here that rhesus female
copulatory behavior varies as a function of
the ovarian cycle does not provide evi-

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dence that any specific hormone or hor-
mones produce this effect. Both estrogens
(Michael and Keverne, 1968) and andro-
gens (Herbert, 1970), which also show a
peri-ovulatory peak (Hess and Resko,
FIG. 3. Daily mean copulatory frequency and mean 1973), have been shown to influence sex-
17/3-estradiol and mean progesterone concentrations ual activity. Since the present data are
from 11 ovulatory cycles exhibited by seven female merely correlative, our understanding of
rhesus monkeys. Cycles were aligned using a reverse the particular hormonal variables which
menstrual plot. influence rhesus sexual behavior has not
been advanced. It should be noted, how-
ever, the copulatory behavior in particular
sumed ovulatory. In the remaining 2 females terminated abruptly at a time
cycles, both recorded in the same female when concentrations of 17/3-estradiol and
(who also exhibited three cycles of the pre- testosterone are declining and progester-
dominant pattern) copulatory behavior one levels are increasing. It may be that
was recorded throughout the cycle. Pre- the confluence of several hormonal changes
liminary endocrine analysis suggests a pos- produces the dramatic behavioral effect.
sible hormonal correlate of this variant Previously published analyses of the
pattern (abnormally high luteal estrogen birth records from breeding populations
concentration) but this remains to be con- of rhesus monkeys demonstrated that fe-
firmed. males with surviving offspring from the
previous year conceive significantly later in
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS the subsequent mating season than do fe-
The results of these experiments clearly males who were not impregnated or who
demonstrate that copulatory behavior in suffered a pregnancy failure (Drickamer,
female rhesus monkeys group living in 1974; Wilson etal, 1978). The observation
outdoor environments occurs in associa- here that females tend to conceive during
tion with ovulatory cycles and tends to be the first ovulatory cycle of the mating sea-
limited to the follicular and peri-ovulatory son, and that the timing of the resumption
phases of such cycles. That is, sexual be- of ovulation is related to reproductive out-
havior in this species is under the precise come in the prior year, supports the pos-
control of hormonal variables related to tulation that this effect is mediated by the
the ovarian cycle. In this regard, the be- antigonadal influence of prolactin which is
havior of the rhesus monkey is similar to increased by suckling. Further evidence is
the pattern observed in the vast majority derived from the observation that suckling
of mammalian species (Leshner, 1978) and in rhesus is associated with increased pro-
does not provide an example of primate lactin levels and low concentrations of the
emancipation from hormonal control of pituitary gonadotropins (Weiss et al.,
sexual behavior. The finding that rhesus 1976). Thus the presence of a surviving
copulate throughout the menstrual cycle infant would produce a delay in the return
in the laboratory pair test should be viewed to fertile ovarian cycles.
as a variant from the species natural pat- The observation that rhesus females

housed with vasectomized males, and thus evidence is limited to correlational data
not impregnated, ceased exhibiting ovu- and a direct causal link between a partic-
latory cycles in the spring is consistent with ular hormone or hormones and patterns
Eaton's (1972) findings on the Japanese of sexual behavior has not been demon-
macaque (M. fuscata), and is supportive of strated.
gthe suggestion that day length may be the (4) The altered seasonal pattern ob-
crucial environmental determinant of the served in laboratory environments is most
seasonal mating pattern. The pattern of likely produced by the altered physical en-
ovarian hormone and gonadotropin secre- vironment. The pattern of copulations
tion during the non-mating season has not throughout the menstrual cycle is probably
been measured in the rhesus, but data a result of social phenomena attendent to
from M. fuscata, also a seasonal primate, repeated, short duration pairings—but
shows an absence of cyclic variation in does demonstrate the behavioral plasticity

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ovarian hormones during non-mating pe- of the rhesus monkey.
riods (Oshima etal, 1977). Although avail- Although some of the questions relating
able data from primate species do not to the coordination of reproductive behav-
indicate a mechanism by which day length ior in the rhesus monkey have been clari-
may influence ovulatory activity, work with fied, these findings only provide a foun-
the seasonally breeding ewe (Ovis species) dation on which future work and
suggests that a seasonal change in the feed- broadened understanding may be based.
back effect of 17/3-estradiol on LH secre-
tion may account for the annual pattern ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Karsch etal., 1977).
The research reported here has been
The observations made here, placed in supported by NIMH Grant MH-20483
the context of related findings, lead to sev- and by NIH Grant RR-00165. I would like
eral tentative conclusions. to thank Delwood C. Collins and Robert
(1) The seasonal mating pattern exhib- M. Rose for the assays and to gratefully
ited by rhesus monkeys living in outdoor acknowledge the assistance of Dennis Chi-
environments is controlled by a variable or kazawa, Carol Cochran, Melissa Knauer,
variables which act on the female members Gary Mallow, Joel Volpi, and Louise
of the species to limit the occurrence of Wright.
ovulatory cycles to a certain portion of the
(2) The environmental variable which REFERENCES
most likely plays a functional role in the Allen, E. 1927. The menstrual cycle of the monkey,
control of the seasonal mating pattern in Macacus rhesus: Observations on normal animals,
the rhesus monkey is the photoperiod. the effects of removal of the ovaries and the ef-
fects of injections of ovarian and placental ex-
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