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Luz Enoris
At this moment I am working as a professional manicurist, I have
Caicedo Salas my own spa, where he provided excellent customer service, I also
interact with my clients and there I have applied lessons learned
during my psychology career at UNAD to be able to provide a good
service, I strive to do a good hand and foot cleaning, Listen to my
clients when difficult situations arise, I always make an appropriate
use of the products, I try to provide a good use of the work
materials, I keep updated on the products that come out recently
to offer my clients what's new on the market, I constantly carry
out courses and workshops to update, I comply with the biosafety
requirements to maintain an adequate and clean space to serve
my clients.

Skill highlights
I have professional skills, I generate confidence in my clients, in
this type of space one must be sagacious, responsible, agility to
work, entrepreneurial, in terms of technological skills, handling of
telephones, receiving emails and sending, handling tools that allow
access to virtual courses and workshops.

Working experience
I worked in the Our Lady of Carmen parish in a productive project
with an ONG in Spain, it was a wonderful experience because we
contributed a lot to the community through social and agricultural
I served as a facilitator in a youth program called Ethnic
In 2015 I had the opportunity to work as a facilitator in a program
with victims called the school of forgiveness and reconciliation.
On the other hand, I worked with DPS on a project for families on
their land in the food security unit.
I am currently studying psychology, and how I can express this
career I think it has helped me a lot as a person, since through it
we can contribute a lot to society.
Address: 1 th Street Centro,
Riosucio, Chocó

Phone: 3207098820


Spanish – C2
English – B1

Music: I am passionate about listening to music of different genres ballads, especially those of Marco
Antonio Solis, I also listen to romantic vallenato, listening to music relaxes me and helps me to de-stress.

Travel: I like to travel even if I don't have the time, but every time I do it, I prefer to go to solitary places, I
love being with myself, clearing my mind by observing beautiful landscapes.

I am currently studying psychology, I am in the sixth semester, I belong to CEAD TURBO, for me this career
has been a great help for my personal life, because through it I have learned not to judge people but to
look at the different behaviors already know to similar some situations with maturity.

As first we fear:

 Make a technology in 2012 in the seine in management of natural resources

 Diploma in gender and social development
 Complementary course customer service
 Basic course handling word, excel, power point
 Comprehensive management of solid waste
 Social communication workshop
 Manicure and pedicure
 Primary treatment of solid waste
 Basic in organic farming
 Implementation of good environmental practices in the work area
 Classification and treatment of ordinary solid waste

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