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Taking the bar exam, as often analogized by Atty. Riguera, is like having a dragon as a formidable foe.

is inevitably necessary to be dexterous in order to vanquish the vicious adversary. Hence, the most
important step I made in preparing for the bar was electing the review center that would work side by
side with me and help me magnify my legal knowledge. Among the many review centers available, my
heartfelt prayer led me to Jurist Bar Review Center. As I was listening to the lectures, I was amazed as to
how topics that used to be so perplexing became unambiguous. The coaching I received has helped me
recognize my flaws and overcome them. Fear came to visit me from time to time but I could easily shrug
it off as I felt the unity of the entire Jurist family working hand in hand to help us become well-equipped
to take the bar exam. No words could explain in detail the gratitude I feel for all the things Jurist Bar
Review Center has provided me, which eventually led me into hurdling the 2018 Bar exam. Kudos to
Atty. Riguera and the entire Jurist Family! My success in the bar would not have been possible without
your help.

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