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Carlos Santiago Parra Téllez

CC. 1000854609

1. Take a moment to look closely. What do you notice?

I see the number five in different sizes and different places. Also, I see many
stores and lights. The floor is corrugated.

2. What associations come to mind? What do you see that makes you say that?

The picture appears a movie poster about a night in Hollywood. Also, It is a very
strange and artistic city with con many special effects.The picture contains
geometry figures.

3. If you were going to describe this work to someone who had never seen it, what
adjectives would you use? Why?

Elegant, artistic and amazing, Because is a picture typical of a musical with quality

4. If we turned up the "volume" of this painting, how might it sound? How has the
artist created a sense of volume?

I believe the picture sounds like a jazz orchestra. Because the artist uses a
Broadway-style musical design.

5. What do you notice about the organization of the image? What impact does it
have? Why?

The picture has a geometry organization. I have a good impact about the picture
because I love the jazz.

6. This painting was inspired by the life and poetry of William Carlos Williams. While
many portraits describe how a person looks, this painting conveys a sense of
identity through other means. How would you describe William Carlos Williams's
personality based on what you see? What details support your interpretation?

I believe that William was a music and actor because the details in the picture
are Broadway and Hollywood style.

7. Explore the relationship between William Carlos Williams's poem "The Great
Figure" and Charles Demuth's painting I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold. What do these
two works have in common? What sets them apart?

Both works have in common that the number 5 is very expressive, and the colors.

Both works are different because in the photo it is not raining while in the poem
it is, and in the poem the fire truck is very clear.


1. Select a piece of writing by a person you admire and highlight one or two
sentences that capture his or her personality.
“Without music, life would be a mistake” by FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE

3. The image means that in Friedrich's mind, music

is very important. Also, in my mind music is
liberating and gives me life.

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