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Planet Nine Could

Be a Mirage
Mysterious patterns in orbits of
small bodies in the outer solar
system could arise from the gravity
of a massive disk of icy debris rather
than an undiscovered giant world

Some four years ago, when Ann-

Marie Madigan first encountered
the idea that there might be an
undetected massive planet lurking
beyond Pluto’s orbit, she felt excited
but skeptical. The evidence for such
a world was then—and remains—cir- Artist’s illustration of a small icy object at the
outskirts of our solar system. In sufficient
cumstantial: strange patterns in the numbers, such objects could explain mysterious
orbits of small objects at the outskirts orbital patterns otherwise attributed to an
undiscovered world far from the sun.
of the known solar system. Propo-
nents of “Planet Nine” (Pluto no
longer counts in the solar system’s the time, she was studying how stars collaborators have developed a in a way that resembles the effect of


planetary tally) say such patterns can jostle one another into different totally different theory to explain the a large planet. Such a disk would be
could be produced by that world’s orbits as they whirl around super- strangeness in the outer solar composed of millions of small bodies,
hefty gravitational influence. But massive black holes. And she saw no system: the “collective gravity” of a most of them left over from the solar
Madigan, an astrophysicist now at reason why her work could not also diffuse, sprawling (and so far largely system’s formation long ago.
the University of Colorado Boulder, apply to tinier things orbiting our sun. hypothetical) disk of icy debris far be- “What we’re doing is taking the
wondered whether some other, more Today, from those modest begin- yond Pluto could alter the orbits of gravitational forces between all
prosaic explanation could suffice. At nings, Madigan and a few of her the far distant objects we readily see these small bodies into account,”

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